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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. Great ideas boss! The steam in particular will be killer
  2. Have you thought of looking in to the SE-14R as an option? It's smaller and lighter and more akin to carrying a side arm.
  3. I wonder about that. If this is the case why are RC's fitted with white external lights? Also, it seems there is a technology degrade between the NT & OT, just like lots of technology was lost for years after the fall of the Roman Empire. It wouldn't be out of question to presume that some of the hi tech stuff was lost or became too expensive post transition.
  4. You know, you can enlist and the government will *pay* you to do this. ;-)
  5. yes, while the departure was bumpy we've all been on the downside of advantage at one point in our lives. And, one cannot forget the contributions you made while DL and a long time member here. I hope that your birthday is a happy one and that you find life being kind to you again.
  6. I've used both canvas and elastic and I prefer elastic. It allows a little bit of flex and this helps prevent stress between the two parts.
  7. On the plus, you should feel complimented that you were popular enough to steal.
  8. I think it's great for the Nova. Excellent build regardless of pack type - aces for sure
  9. FWIW, FX is not being made anymore. "Mr. FX" has upgraded the molds and now uses the AM brand to differentiate them. Any FX suits you see that are new are either recast or from someone's garage that they never completed. AM addresses several of the inaccuracies of the old FX, notably larger bucks to help close the side gaps, correct ab plate buttons, and split butt plate. The FX helmet is still being made, but it being a bit large for most people along with being the least accurate in appearance has led it to be deprecated, especially as more accurate helmets have really come down in price.
  10. It'd Pancho Trooper! Yay the League of Extraordinary Troopers
  11. What a totally cool project! Thanks for sharing Rolf
  12. My first pack was modeled after #5 and I still like that look the best. My current pack is pack #3, which while great seems to be what most people do. Perhaps that's why I like #5 - I want to be different In the end it's what you like.
  13. Putting a pauldron on a TK is like putting a pauldron on a Biker Scout, or even an AT-AT driver. Why not put some belt pouches on Vader? They're just not part of the costume. There is the HWT anyway - if someone want's to be different for a TK there are lots of great paths: 1) Go Expert Infantry with your costume. 2) Go to a more accurate armor than FX, e.g. TM or TE2 3) Go Heavy Weapons trooper and hump that pack and BFG too 4) Go sandtrooper Again, to me the point of the TK's is the uniformity. Items #1 & #2 above are great if you want a true TK but want to be a bit different from your buddies. #3 is great if you're someone who loves accessories but wants to keep your clean TK. #4 of course is for working troopers
  14. Personally I don't believe clean TK's should have pauldrons AT ALL. They are not seen as such in any of the canonical films and part of the whole point of being a clean TK is to be identical.
  15. Wow - great finds Jérôme & Terry! These are great reference images for sure
  16. This is a great question. I guess the whole "MP 40" style should be revisited as it leads to this kind of confusion. For the side pouches it never seemed to make a difference for deployment - I and others got deployed with the french pouch (great for holding cell phones, etc.). I think for the shoulder pouch though it really should be a 3 or 3+1 magazine style - it's really the most visible of the set. I guess the question is should deployed allow for any screen seen trooper, or try to capture the canonical essence of a sandtrooper? Even in the 2005 standards while a pack & BFG were required didn't mean we all troop that way. Also, there are some troopers sans pauldron in the shots, does that mean that it shouldn't be a required element, or was it just they ran out of parts?
  17. Good call Juan. Aside from Mollo's story in that book I've not really seen anything. Thank the stars they captured those interviews back in the day, I wonder how much of those details they'd remember 30+ years later.
  18. Also, are you looking for a pack that will be 501st approvable, or something that will need to be good enough for MEPD Police Officer status? Are you looking for parts, or a fully built pack?
  19. Wow! You really capture that beat up look
  20. The prices don't seem that bad actually. I bet you could either apply for the necessary permit to actually be able to import real weapons or find someone who will broker it for you in the US. Reminds me - I really need to get my CWP. :-p
  21. I like that it's not overdone. Note that weathering that looks good from 5' tends to disappear at times in photos or from more than 10' away. It looks like one side is a little more done than the other? Woodland Scenics are great and will rub off on their own. If there are certain details like blast marks that you want to retain you'll need to clear coat over them or use acrylics which are more durable. Personally having to touch up my kit 2x a year or so doesn't bother me - it's pretty fast and allows me to change things up a bit.
  22. Awesome to see you guys have better gear these days. Do please be careful out there and come home in the same condition you left.
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