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  1. Yesterday
  2. Let's say that as you can see from the photos we are in good shape! But I love sharing thoughts and advice! thanks for the reply!
  3. Hello Jonathan! Welcome to the dirtiest detachment! We have some excellent WIPS that can help you along the way and some dedicated armorers in case you run into issues. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, let us know if we can be of assistance!
  4. Ciao a tutti, sono Jonathan e vengo dall'Italia! Sono qui per presentarmi e per raccontare come è nata la mia avventura! ** comprato un'armatura da un amico che era stata dimenticata in una scatola per anni quasi per gioco! Adoro i Sandtroopers per i loro dettagli e il loro invecchiamento! Tutto questo mi ha portato a prendere un'armatura (un sogno che si è avverato) pur sapendo di non avere un fisico adeguato! Mi impegno al massimo da anni con alcuni cari amici e spero con tutto il cuore di essere approvato in 501!
  5. Last week
  6. @TD46614, @Zeta 91, @Darin Ennis TD40258, @fransua, @crisos, @Jens31873 all done. Welcome.
  7. HI Troopers TD31873 German Garrisson WSQ JensDZ31873 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=37270&costumeID=2
  8. Hello everyone ! Haha, I'm reviving this thread just quickly for anyone who's wondering where to find these BTS clips from the Special Edition, it is from the bonus Anatomy of a Dewback. It is available on Youtube here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLq4wtuWUEo Please enjoy
  9. Please provide me access Jose Luis Gonzalez Prieto / Crisos TD-14565 / Spanish Garrison https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=39971
  10. TD 13699, Fransua, asking for sandtrooper access. https://forum.mepd.net/index.php?/profile/7884-fransua/
  11. Welcome Zeta Lots of build threads n info here to read plus the CRLs will help Bit more to it than sniper knee plate and hand plates haha All I would suggest is read read n read some more Also you'll get a lot of info from looking through some of the " request deployment " threads Feel free to msg if you need anything more and enjoy your build Hope this helps Vince
  12. Darin Ennis 40258 Sandtrooper requesting access. https://www.501st.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=22967
  13. Darin Ennis TD-40258 Bluegrass Garrison Derby City Squad requesting access
  14. Hey gang, looking to try and get started on my Sandtrooper journey this year but my knowledge of TK armor is pretty limited. I've heard sandtrooper armor is a bit different, but from what I've seen it seems to just be knees and hand plates unless I've missed something? Is there a specific maker I should look to for armor? Is B grade stuff worth looking into? Sorry for what must be rookie questions!
  15. Earlier
  16. Updated you in msgs Great work so far sebastian:)
  17. Christmas Parade - (dic-13-2024) - Durango City
  18. 113 - Christmas Parade - (dic-13-2024) - Durango City
  19. Antrim Hospital Visit - 14/12/2024
  20. Hi , Mitch First of all welcome and thank you for your interest in joining the MEPD´s finest and becoming a deployed officer. Application Review: Part 1 Name: Mitch Hansen 501st Legion ID: TD-29599 MEPD Forum Name: TD-29599 Garrison: Titan Helmet a. Green lenses: CHECK b. Paint color of traps / tears: CHECK c. Correct number of teeth: CHECK d. Mic tips: (see comments) e. Vocoder color: (see comments) f. Tube stripes: CHECK g. Rank bar on ears: CHECK h. Brow: CHECK i. Side screws (ears): CHECK j. Weathering: (see comments) k. no mesh behind teeth: CHECK RESULT ON HELMET: I like this bucket! Nice paint and weathering, I would ask you weather the vocoder and mic tips besides that looks good PENDING pics of further weathering on mentioned areas. Armor details a. elastic straps shoulders: CHECK b. neck seal: CHECK c. black undersuit:CHECK d. shoulder bells: CHECK e. biceps: CHECK f. forearms: CHECK g. pauldron: (see comments) h. chest / back plate: CHECK i. kidney / butt plate: CHECK j. ab plate / side rivets / cod: (see comments) k. strapping system: CHECK l. thighs: (see comments) m. shins / calves: CHECK n. sniper plate: CHECK o. boots: CHECK p. gloves: CHECK q. hand plates / guards: CHECK r. ammo belt (waist): CHECK s. ammo belt (right knee): CHECK t. canvas belt: (see comments) u. pouches: (see comments) v. weathering: CHECK RESULTS ON ARMOR PENDING Few easy fixes here just fitting issues. For your next pics for part 2 review just.. 1. Straighten up your pauldron not so far forward easy 2.make sure were your back to ab shim is lined up with your ab , in your pics it's way higher at the top. 3.if you can pull those thighs up higher for your pics would be great rather large gap in some pics . 4.your canvas belt just a little too clean dirty him up a bit to match your armor more. And finally 5. That pouch on your belt is the wrong kind it's a shoulder pouch just swap it with a straight one for you final pics. Backpack a. details: nice job on the details here but can you lightly dust over the red straps with some black spray paint please sir Bit TOO red should be barely able to see b. weathering: Whole pack could use some dirt recruit dirty that bad boy up for us RESULT ON BACKPACK Pending pics of red color dulled down on straps and weathering on pack . The shoulder straps will need to be tightened also to lift pack higher especially on the left side. Sitting too low especially on left brother. Weapon: a. details: CHECK b. weathering: (see comments) RESULT ON WEAPON Both weapons look great for details but both look brand new , once they're both weathered n we get some pics they'll be good to go trooper Pending weatherization pics. DEPLOYMENT STATUS. Pending a few small upgrades and resubmitted pics with changes Try get someone to adjust everything for you during pics it sucks having to kit up and retake pics because an armor piece has slipped or not lined up right Has to look perfect for submission pics See you in round 2 easy fixes and really a beautifully put together kit You've got this Vince M.E.P.D.
  21. Morning sir Shall be with you directly Stay tuned Edit: Just had a quick look at your pics and a few simple issues here nothing that cant be rectified We'll get back to you on this asap Vince M.E.P.D.
  22. Hey Steven! Welcome! You have chosen wisely!
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