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bigwam last won the day on July 9

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About bigwam

  • Birthday 05/03/1971

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  • Interests
    Star Wars, Trooping with the 501st, collecting WWI Militara
    contact: tomdek@web.de
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    Bavaria, Germany

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    German Garrison

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  1. Hello and welcome, always good to have new sandtroopers on board. Starting with the helmet is a good place to start. What happened on the right side? Did you put some filler in? You can't see it in the first picture. Regrads bigwam
  2. bigwam

    TD 66117

    done - welcome
  3. Hi, Take a look here, (almost) all configurations can be seen here (pinned above): https://forum.mepd.net/index.php?/forum/3-sandtrooper-armor/
  4. Yes, the CRL is confusing. I think you're right. But if the GMO thinks for itself, it will find out
  5. Good morning, my coverstripes on my thighs are approx. 22 mm wide.
  6. I would make the width of the cover strips smaller. I can check how wide mine are this evening.
  7. Hello Dale, I'm also a "big boy" at 105 kg. I know the problem with the thighs. What you definitely have to pay attention to when expanding your thighs is that the proportions still have to be right. You can do a lot with the coverstrips, but even that has its limits. You may need to add pieces to the legs to maintain the shape. If that doesn't work - Ross from RWA offers parts for us "big boys". My armor is from Troopermaster. I used wider cover strips at the front and back (2 cm) and didn't completely join the two leg parts behind the stripes. To answer your question: There will be a problem with your thighs for Lebel 2. The proportions are no longer correct. The stripes are too wide and the thighs are too wide in the lower area. The stripes also go down too far on the left thigh, so you just have to reconstruct the missing part. Everything should seem harmonious. Here are pictures of my thighs (although my thighs are "relatively" normal - for me the problem is my stomach.) I also had to "reconstruct" parts of the thigh because there was too big a gap in the knee area. Here are pictures of my thighs from the front and back. And here are the areas in your case that could lead to problems at level 2: Regards Thomas
  8. Hello Eddie, Normally the pouch is attached to the strap of the backpack. No packpack - no pouch. If I ever want to attach one - let's be honest, it just looks cool, I'll do it like this: I attached a piece of Velcro to the back panel and put a strap over the shoulder. I attached the pouch to this webbing. Can be easily attached and removed at any time. Regards Thomas
  9. Hello Eddie , Exactly, first the shoes are painted white and the weathering is done just like with the armor. Same colors and same type of weathering. Regards Thomas
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