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Everything posted by Ciscotiger

  1. You'll want to check out and research The Dented Helmet. This costume will be as expensive, if he wants it 501st approved.
  2. Happy Birthday Dirty Boy! May the Force be with you and pizza and beer!
  3. Get well soon, brother! Pneumonia is no joke, had the flu a week and a half ago, but can't get rid of the coughing.
  4. Another option is eBay- Tupperware pudding cup. A set of four goes for around $20 with shipping.
  5. Looking great Pandatrooper! Glad you came over to the dirty side of the empire.
  6. Dude!?! I feel your pain, my pack fell on the ground the other week and broke my radio. At least it was repairable. I would go with the PVC pipe too which isn't too much more weight, but the Crashmann tube was super light.
  7. The armor looks great, Jason! You definitely earned a "deployed" status on a job well done. Congrats when the time comes.
  8. Thx for the heads up, will do.
  9. Welcome to the best Sandtrooper site in the world!
  10. It's all good. It's my profile shot that's holding thing up. Here's a better pic.
  11. LOL Thx guys!!! It's always a good thing to set records, though I would have prefer not to have set this one. Very proud member of the MEPD. (edited, spoke too soon, I'm still on the deployment wait list)
  12. Hello Zac, I saw that I am now listed as a Sandtrooper in my 501st profile. Do I need to do anything else for deployment?
  13. Voted! It's this forum and FISD that helps a lot in making informed decisions on what armor and accessories are good. At the time I joined, members were still recommending FX as the most popular armor in the Legion. So much has changed in standards in the last couple of years which really contributed for more canon costumes now.
  14. Congratulations Juan! Very happy for you and will love to see the little one in Sandie armor in the future!
  15. Oh yea, still waiting. <_< I've been down this road a few times already, so when it happens is anyone's guess. It's funny that when I applied for Bounty Hunter(BH) status, it was the other way around. I was 501st BH, "officially" before my garrison's acknowledgment, now it's visa-versa.
  16. Cool, MEPD 10th anniversary! I'm in for a T-shirt and patch run!
  17. Thx Brothers! I'm patient, a TD isn't born overnight. I think the command staff is still having CV withdraws. @Ben- For sure bro! WonderCon is always a fun troop, especially now that we have 3 active Sandies in the garrison. It'll be great if we can form a squad by then.
  18. Good morning guys, Thx for putting in the word to the 501st Command, got my approval this morning! I am now officially TD-3390.
  19. Thx brothers, needs Lord Vader's approval now! He said he sent the pics to the 501st awhile back. I waited about three months for my TK to be approved, so this is nothing new.
  20. Currently, at the Orlando Airport, waiting for my flight back to San Jose, CA. Here are a few pics of TDs while I was at CV: I ran into some TDs at CV, but I was always in a rush to panels and didn't have time to talk. TDs outside the 501st Room TD on patrol outside at Official Pix Floor Dancing TD at the Masquerade #1- Chapin Theater
  21. The only way you can sit "comfortably" is to cut a lot of plastic out the back of your thigh armor. Otherwise, get use to standing... or like Nol said, learn to lean.
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