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Everything posted by Fraulein

  1. Try this link http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TD_sandtrooper Basic Sandtrooper is all in black text. Police Officer requirements are the blue text. (these are in addition to the basic ones) SWAT requirements are in the dark red.
  2. Nothing much. My head and hair is far to big for anything else. I have some padding for my forehead from a Team Wendy Epic air replacement liner set. And Petzl replacement foam for a vertex helmet. Even though it is for the head band part, I adhered it to the inside of the helmet.
  3. Oh man - that so much. The one idea I did have was just too cool, but due to the number of people in the detachment and the cost of setting up the artwork and production of the items and the required minimum, it just wasn't happening. But I do keep it in mind in case I ever hit the lotto.
  4. I have been working on two merch ideas. The logistics of getting everything sorted and approved has been a daunting task for me, probably because I have never ever done anything like this before. So maybe the problem partially lies in the amount of time and money that someone has to put in before something goes into production might be some of the delay. I'm cool with there being no merch coming out constantly. It makes it more exclusive when something does come out.
  5. Pretty neat, but I had thought the CRLs required the pouches to be canvas, leather or leather-like. Leather like meaning a material like "pleather" or imitation leather, not craft foam. So I would think these would not be approvable. @henselmonster - asking for clarity in case someone does make these pouches and goes for approval to find out that they are not.
  6. I did a "watercolor" method. I dampened the area I was working on with water. Then did little dabs of the clay I use (would work the same with paint) gently tapped the brush/Qtip/swab/sponge onto the fabric. Not making too much contact with the belt fabric, but letting the water in the fabric wick from the brush with the clay/paint. This way the weathering would be "in" the belt and not just on top of the surface looking like I had an accident with pudding in the lunch room.
  7. Great job. Bet it was great having a huge event/troop in the bottom of the state that you could easily get too, for a change. Glad everyone could meet up.
  8. This is mine. Law enforcement, racing, things that represent my state, and SW and other fandom stuff. Some of the stickers are starting to peel off, because the trailer gets hot when we are out at El Mirage.
  9. Do you mean thigh? Airborne Trooper suggested contacting your local garrison. If you are in the Kbec area - this is who your garrison would be http://501stqc.ca/en_contact.html Explain that you have a set of armor and require assistance with assembly. Looking through your posts - I would really recommend you contact the garrison for assistance on completion of the build. I inboxed them on Facebook, letting them know there is someone in their area that needs assistance. I think it would be beneficial for you to have someone in person to assist with the build. Also make an attempt to contact the maker of your armor as well. Getting armor from a different maker, it might not match the original.
  10. As I understood it, to be SWAT (same level as centurion) it was required to have the screen accurate strapping and "under pinnings".
  11. This was from a public safety day a few years ago. I was arresting him on an outstanding warrant, and for failure to appear. The Tusken is aka TD-6851
  12. Similar method here. There is a lot of different colors of clay around here. Everywhere I go I look out for beautiful colors to add. When I get a new clay I add it to my armor. So if you look at photos of my submission to today, I get dirtier. I think it looks realistic as it gets dirtier. I used a natural sea sponge, a toothpick, horse hair, an old piece of terry cloth.
  13. Heavy duty Velcro. But if you plan on going for level 2 Police Officer or SWAT in the future, hooks will be required.
  14. That is unfortunate then. I would have thought a "trooper tracker" that is recorded officially by the garrison should qualify. I understand the need for photos. But I do object to the requirement of photos. I'm not all about the patches, just feel that it might be unfair to those who have trooped an event, it has been officially recorded, but due to there not being a photo, they would be disqualified from it counting as a troop. I have trooped over 25 troops since I became a member - but have very few images of myself trooping. Unless you count accidental butt photos. There have also been the troops at a hospital where you are explicitly not allowed to take photos due to privacy reasons. How are you to know that someone hasn't gamed the system by providing maybe a different image from the same troop for a troop they might not have an image for?
  15. Doopy Doos used to have a guide that was a download. This was back in 2012 though. There are a few tutorials over on whitearmor though. https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/22792-how-to-hasbro-doopy-doos-e-11-mod/ Has the quality of the pieces improved? I purchased one years ago, but never put it together because the amount of bubbles was just too aggravating to repair.
  16. Ill reserve judgment as well, until I see the price plan. Ok - so it is free if you don't need hotlinking. And then it is $2.25 a month if you need hotlinking.
  17. Question about the roughnecks program. What if there are no images to show the troop - but there is a "trooper tracker" entry?
  18. Youll have to get your kids into the GA. Our GA kids attend the local cons and ride around in their jawa outfits.
  19. The one on the 501st merch is missing the molle strip. That is what makes it look odd. I think at this point - maybe it'd be cheaper to do a smaller patch run, and everyone slap it on the weathered boonie hat they already have
  20. I like the black boonie (mostly because I already own one or two) and it coordinates on the black and orange of the pauldron.
  21. I use slip, I made from clay from around the state where I live. I guess it would be similar to baseball mud. I used different textures and different layers. I used natural sponges. Some have large holes and some small. I also used the inside of a sock for the looped thread texture. I mostly swirled and dabbed in one motion. Sometimes smooshed it down and then swirled when it was semi dry in spots. BUT - I found it is best to try to do all of the armor in one day. I found that when I did the arms on one day and then finished another part maybe the next weekend, the result was noticeable. So I cleaned it all and just did it all in one day. I used a super fine paintbrush for the corners or details like on the "donut twinkie" box on the back, or the "tears" or "grin". Where dirt and grime would naturally gather if it was left out and never cleaned off.
  22. I Now I just carry random hard drive parts that came from an old computer. The spindle and actuator arms seem to entertain kids.
  23. I made mine. It has two pieces at the back. There is the collar and then a tab that is separate. The ends of the collar have Velcro, and the tab piece is the softer side of Velcro. This way it is adjustable. When I do wear it, I usually wear it loose, as I don't want to overheat.
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