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TD-4510 last won the day on April 13 2024

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About TD-4510

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    San Diego

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    Southern California

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  1. Instagram and Facebook groups have almost killed forums. They wont find the droids they are looking for there though!!! MEPD is where its AT!!!!
  2. Its not about the legion. I am not limiting the viewing to legion members at all. Mostly I am just trying to keep it under the radar a little...
  3. Just a quick note to let you all know that trooperbay is now password protected. The password to get into the site is - scruffynerfherder At this time, I only want people in our community to have access to the site. Please feel free to share the password with other members and new recruits that may need stuff. My reasoning for doing this is simply to limit the google bots and...."general public" from seeing all the sites content. I made trooperbay for US and not the random person doing a search on google. By protecting the site, I hope to keep trooperbay going, and continue servicing our group. If you forget the password you can just go to the site and message me directly by clicking on "chat with us" at the bottom right hand side of the screen. I usually respond right away and will give you the password. Thank you for understanding and thank you for the last 16 years of patronage. -Mike TK/TD-4510
  4. Hey everybody... I had to make a new trooperbay facebook page as I have somehow deleted myself as admin from my first trooperbay page...lol. Apparently this is not easy to undo... Anyway.. if you would like and follow my new page I would be grateful!! My new page is https://www.facebook.com/Trooperbayshop/ Thanks !!!
  5. This is new to me. Maybe I have been gone too long but the french cleaning pouches have been OK for PO I thought. I know for SWAT its different, but for deployed officer its always been OK for as long as I can remember. The French pouches are an affordable option that is pretty close to what was used although not exact. Stolla Wien are almost non existent. I was deployed years ago and I think I was using a french pouch at the time.
  6. I have 9 left in stock right now and going fast.
  7. Yep I had to redesign my radio faceplate and used my last box to make a mold so I can continue to offer the radio kit. I have looked all over and the box is ....gone. I will probably make a vac formed box for the other box on the back pack. The reason my boxes were $12.99 is because I was going to radioshack and buying them up all over San Diego.
  8. Tread lightly.... trooperbay.com is BACK. We are still in beta mode and we ARE processing orders on the new site. If you experience any problems please email trooper@trooperbay.com or call or text 858-437-3093
  9. Trooperbay.com is temporarily offline. I am upgrading the site and will need to do some work on it before I can make it active again. IF YOU NEED SOMETHING: You can visit my ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com/Trooperbay-Costuming-Supplies -Most everything I have is on the ebay store too. OR you can call me at 858-437-3093 or text me at the same number. I hope to have everything back online in the next week or so. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause anyone.
  10. I tried vacuum forming these a few years ago with terrible luck. Crashmanns idea would work but it would have to have decent skirting and mold work. Having it butted up end to end with decent skirting would work. You would have to cut them out and glue them together though. Another idea would be to make an injection mold. That's how they are really made originally.
  11. Here is a link to the entire build of the move along sand trooper I did. http://trooperbay.co...mtrooper-armor/
  12. Are you looking to screen print? DTG? or what? I am now doing screen printing too
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