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DirtyBoy last won the day on October 12 2020

DirtyBoy had the most liked content!


About DirtyBoy

  • Birthday 04/14/1971

Contact Methods

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  • Shipping Info
    Rick Bates
    272 Colman St
    New London CT 06320

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Star Wars
  • Deployed
  • SWAT
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  • 501st ID
  • Garrison

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63,278 profile views

DirtyBoy's Achievements

11 star

11 star (12/14)



  1. Still providing  TD packs? 

  2. Hi DirtyBoy


    do you still sell Backpacks? If you do how much does they cost and are these Backpacks kits or ready to troop or do you sell both?

  3. Hi DirtyBoy, the bottle sent yet? Please provide me with the tracking number and all. 

  4. Hi my friend, I need an Exhaust Port and a Rader Dish kits to upgrade my backpack. Would you please qoute the price including shipping to Shanghai, China? Thank you!

  5. Thank you both so much for the kind words and support. I've always done this for you guys and the troops we've led. [emoji173] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Brothers and sisters of the MEPD. I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you for the support you have given to me and my command staff over the years. It has truly been an honor to stand beside you as we take on the galaxy and continued our search for those rascally droids. We have made so many great finds over the years and brought the costume to the best it's ever been. With my day to day operations taking control of my life, I thought it was best to turn over the keys and have the squad continue it's journey under new leadership. I'm very excited that Justus will be officially in the drivers seat as of March 1st. I know the group will embrace his leadership as you have done with mine in the past. I can't wait to see what the next chapter in our story will be. See you all in the battlefields my friends. Over and out Rick "Dirty Boy" Bates Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I am proud to be able to pass the keys to the castle over to you Justus. We've seen this Detachment grow over the years and I am confident it will continue to be the best in the galaxy. Also, I love the fact that the command staff isn't really changing much aside from a few promotions and adding on a few new troops. Awesome start to what I'm sure will be a great year for growth and friendship. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hi,

    do you sell these backpack-Parts too? With shipping to Germany?

    Thanks Thomas




  9. Hello troops, We will be temporarily shutting the page down for a few days while we update. You can still use the Facebook page in the meantime and updates will be posted there. The goal is to be fully operational with a new format. This will eliminate a few of the issues you all have been dealing with. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. I use it and baseball mud. Looks fantastic
  11. no matter what i do.....it doesn't show errors.
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