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bubuc44 last won the day on April 9 2024

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About bubuc44

  • Birthday 07/07/1990

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    Alex mcintoch
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  • 501st ID
  • Garrison
    French Garrison

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  1. Amazing work ! You did great 👍
  2. Hi Guys long time before my response sorry please find some pictures made in trooping, I'll redo pictures detailed soon but just to show the difference vs the start of this topic hope you'll like it
  3. Hi TD-24079 Requesting MEPD access. Approved costume: Sandtrooper. link to my costume profile: https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=35065 thanks
  4. Hi Guys I hope you are fine and well ? quick update : waiting for the mp40 pouch to come (the good one in can vas for lvl2 police officer), I did the changes on the legs, reviewed the back pack (with the precious support and advises of Thomas/bigwan (I will have a trooping this weekend and will come back asap maybe on Sunday) Also I've been deployed !! TD24079 report for duty and requesting access (if there is one to request) to the merchant/store part thanks best
  5. Ey Thomas ok thanks both ! I have a great list of things to review, and Thomas thanks again for your feedback's and support during all my build ! comments below - fix the right shoulder bell -> fixed will re do pictures - Abdomen higher -> fixed too will re do pictures as on the 2nd try - Belt higher and fix it -> definitely ! will fix it today - Tighter at the bottom of the thighs -> on it will try to fix it today too - shorten the Mortar Tube -> ok does it need to be flush with the top part of the backpack frame ? - for a better look, change the shoulder Pouch against a canvas pouch and the left Pouch of the Hip against an accurate one. -> ordered on its way !
  6. Hi Hausi ! thanks a lot for the comments i will adjust all of this and will post more pictures shortly this was the second try but definitely still have some adjustement will try the police officer once everything is done properly warmest
  7. Good Morning Everyone, I am Alex (TK24079) - BUBUC44 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=35065 I have just finished my sandy build (backpack and armor) and I am happy to share it with you introducing myself deployment request has been sent to my GML, requesting deployment here too I am From the French Garrison let me know what you think looking forward to join the MEPD thanks Guys
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