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IMPORTANT All members PLEASE READ!!!!! 8-3-2006


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Last week, I received a message from someone whom I respect, who is also an old member of this group. We spoke at length, and with all of that floating around in my mind, I wanted to ask a moment of everyone who reads this to throw me your public opinion of the situation.

After our group re-came about in the form of a yahoo group we had a small, albeit dedicated group of people. Back then I didn’t know much, so I stayed pretty quiet. Plus I hate yahoo groups. Anyhow, when we moved to the new board I was real excited, I was one of the first dozen or so people to sign up, and we all got about the business of posting about everything sandtrooper. And so it went, and still goes. I know most of you are newer to the group than I, so the days of when we might have had one post, or even no posts in a day sound foreign to us now. (We average 30 BTW) I value the input of everyone who will provide it, old members, new members, whatever.

Onto the point;

This person, whose opinion I value, suggested we have lost our sense of community & brotherhood. I strongly disagree, but wanted to gauge what everyone else thinks. They also suggested that many old members feel forced out by “newbies & posers”. Why people attempt to attach a stigma to new members (who are 100% welcome here) I’ll never know. I’m not sure who the posers are, maybe us accuracy-obsessed guys? The assessment held us in an overall negative light, and more or less pegged us as in trouble and so on. What say you? I think we are as strong as ever, I have made a lot of friends here, and I enjoy talking to all of you, and hanging out with those of you I have the privilege of living geographically close to. I am afraid however, that my uber-positive experience is clouding my view. Is it? I want to be wrong about that. Now it is up to you, reply here. Do you feel like we have a strong community, a brotherhood? Are we better than ever, or no better than when the MEPD died off on an inactive EZboard in 2001? Also, if you would care to elaborate on the reasoning behind your position, please do so.

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I've only been on this board for a little over a year and have only received my Deployed status very recently. But during my time here I have always felt welcomed and I can feel a sense of brotherhood between members. I've learned so much about Sandtroopers and costuming in general since being here. I totally agree with your feelings Seth and I don't see any of this negative vibe that you described. I think older members may think they are being pushed out when new ideas and new members contribute to the group. Some people fear change and fear a change in leadership. I think we should encourage change if it is for the better, not for the sake of change.

I can't comment if we are better than the EZBoard days or even the Yahoo Groups days, but I think this group is in pretty good shape and I'm proud to be a part of it.

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All I can tell you is what my experience has been. I've been a Star Wars fan and costumer since I saw ANH in the theatre in 1977. While I've often wanted to take the leap and join the 501st, I've only recently been able to do so, for the very real economic reasons that anyone in this hobby already knows about.

In May of this year, I joined this forum because I was interested in pursuing 501st membership as a TD. I found this community very open and sharing, despite the fact that I wasn't yet 501st, and I didn't know anyone here first hand. Yes, I'm a noob here, but not completely inexperienced. I found that not only was I able to take from the community here, I was also able to give back, albeit in small ways.

I've appreciated the fact that I wasn't shunned for being a noob when I arrived. I've been very happy that these boards aren't filled with the flame wars that have killed the appeal of other boards for me. I appreciate being taken seriously despite a small number of posts. I'm honestly dedicated to the idea of this group, and will be very happy when I've finished the work that I need to do in order to get deployed.

If something else constitutes the idea of "community", I'd certainly like to know what it is. I haven't been here long, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer, but I'd really like to know what the old-timers you refer to think is missing. All I know is that exclusionary tactics do just that...exclude...nothing more.

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I've only been on this board for a little over a year and have only received my Deployed status very recently. But during my time here I have always felt welcomed and I can feel a sense of brotherhood between members. I've learned so much about Sandtroopers and costuming in general since being here. I totally agree with your feelings Seth and I don't see any of this negative vibe that you described. I think older members may think they are being pushed out when new ideas and new members contribute to the group. Some people fear change and fear a change in leadership. I think we should encourage change if it is for the better, not for the sake of change.

I can't comment if we are better than the EZBoard days or even the Yahoo Groups days, but I think this group is in pretty good shape and I'm proud to be a part of it.

Copy that all the way.

Ill only been here for 4 month.

But ill never, and i mean NEVER meet such great positive vibes and knowless on any other forum ever!!!.

So to all ya in control whit/around MEPD site, FANTASTIC work brotherhood. And yes ill think is a brootherhood straight up.

Ill born in 1973, and been a BIG fan since 1980 ESB/cinema experience.

Ill been a 501st member since 2001.

But ill have beeing whit out a computer for years, got one last week.

So thats why ill ditent post at mepd earlier.

Peace out from here to the brotherhood, and againg super fantastic work bro´s. Keep the good work up.

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While I've only been here a little over six months or so, I can't say that I've ever gotten a negative vibe from this forum. From day one, I've felt welcome. People have always been willing to help me out and offer advice when I ask for it. I think that we can all joke with each other, give advice, and provide help and information. If that's not community, then what is? I can't see how anyone could say that we are elitist or posers or any other such name because I don't think that anyone on this board is overbearing or negative or acts like a know-it-all. I think that when someone steps out of bounds, the rest of us tell it like it is and won't stand for it. If that makes me elitist, thin fine, I guess I am, but I won't tolerate some one being rude to one of my friends. And that's how I think of you guys, as my friends. I log on here every day when I get home from work and check to see what's going on. It's kind of become my routine and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I'm done now. No more rambling.

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I think the MEPD is the most welcoming and diverse 501st group there is. I love the accuracy obsession - it makes us all better. The way I see it the bigger things get the more the old crew who were there when it was small will miss those small and personal experiences. The MEPD has grown and continues to grow. Every couple weeks someone joins with new information or new techniques which is incredible.

I know I feel a brotherhood whenever I ask for help or even read about others gettiong help and always when I meet up with fellow MEPD guys at an event.

(why do I feel the MFP might have a role in this disruption...)

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(why do I feel the MFP might have a role in this disruption...)

Negatory Trooper. Many people here, myself included, are proud members of the MFP (I just got full-membership, yeehaa! ). I wrote this in response to the comments of one individual. Hopefully what I failed to convey to him (or he failed to accept) in private will be evident here.

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First off, what is the MFP?

Secondly, I love this place. The people who participate over here are some top notch guys, and this is more of a fraternity (the good kind) than just a typical community. We pretty much all get along, we help each other out when help is needed, and I have learned so much from here. Granted I'm not officially MEPD status quite yet, but after joining the team to be the site's Webmaster and Forum Admin I really feel that I belong here. We're all trying to be the best **** sandtroopers out there, and I think it's great that we're all trying to be the best.

Whoever has doubt in us... TS. We're here and we're not going anywhere. We're going to continue growing, as more and more great people keep joining up here. And lastly, I look forward to updating the Deployed page because that means another one of us have graduated to "the next level."

MEPD rocks!

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Well, this certainly came out of no where and I find it to be completely unfounded.

Before I comment, I'd like to honestly know who this person is, so that my comments would be well informed.

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I cannot add anything further to what's already been said before. Since I've joined MEPD I've experienced nothing but a sense of cooperation and inclusiveness which is sadly lacking in a lot of other boards. As a matter of fact i'd probably still be a TK if it weren't for the encouragement I received to take the plunge to the dirtside from fellow sandies. The Yahoo/EZ boards are before my time so I can't really comment for comparison however the fact they're no longer around is an indication of something not working right at the time.

This board also has given me the opportunity to touch base with people nationwide and around the world who share a common desire to be the best TDs around. That being said, it has been a real revelation and wonder to see all the different approaches and solutions in trying to achieve that goal. Some of us aren't as skilled, or have the right tools and $$/time to do the job but I've yet to see anyone snubbed because of it. If anything, I've seen support and someone eveready to offer a tip, a how-to or a link to the right direction. So, yes it is rather puzzling we should be seen as aloof when my personal experience suggests otherwise. Its just one person's POV and speaking for myself, I'm past the age of being intimidated by newbies or posers.

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I know i havn't been here too long, but i just want to say that i think this board and the people who run it are great. In a few short months i've learned so much and have wanted to strive for movie accuracy so much more...mainly due to fellow OLG member,Mike(1536)

But in all seriousness, i've felt nothing but warm welcomes from everyone on these boards, and the positive comments on my new armor were great as well. I know some people might think of me as a noob,don't worry i do too, but it's people like Seth,Mike, and many others who make you feel like you've been doing this for years.

thanks again guys!

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Ditto, Ditto, Ditto to just about everyone!

Ah wow. This has come out of left field(where that expression came from, I don't know). I have gotten more answers and have met more friends through the MEPD than just about anywhere else in the 501st. Those that have said what was said are probably just jealous of what has become of their little group. And as for brotherhood, I feel, IMHO that this is a collection of one of the nicest group of people anywhere. There is no such thing as a "stupid" question here. Anywhere else you would get flamed and called a noob. It is always a "hi" or "welcome" to anyone that has introduced them selves as new. It makes me sad that this has come about. Seth keep the positive attitude and keep up the great work. You outlook is DEFINATELY not clouded. MEPD up!!!!!!!

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I think this is one of the most inviting and informative detachments there is. Some of them are very exclusive, and won't even let people not in the 501st see the requirements to join (cough, tusken raider, cough). People in and out of the 501st live in harmony together...

Until, that is....

The Detachment leader comes down off his throne to rule the threads

sorry, I feel moments like this can only be defeated with sillyness

edit: for spelling and other sillyness

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Geesh, as mentioned before, I believe much has already been well said.

I have been a member since Dec 05. I came to the site to improve what I thought was a great sandtrooper (yikes was I wrong). I have yet to find any other site that has such a wealth of knowledge and individuals wishing to share and help others in this hobby whether they be Hard core 501st members or just those feeling it out for the first time. I have seen mainly positive and lighthearted posts. There have been 1 or 2 flames that were quickly extinguished. I am not a huge poster(strange visual of oversize 501st card)I check the board several times a day in fear that I may miss something (Stupid Got dirt Tshirt) and in hopes of getting a new tid bit of info whether it may be a new piece someone has made or the discovery of something we have all missed. I believe if the board was as bad as thought to be I for one would not waste my time as would many others. Yes, the MEPD has changed since the old days but only for the good from what I can see. Lets go look at the deployed page shall we.

Doh, OK maybe it all hadn't been said. Seth, you and others are doing a great job, don't change one dirty thing!! ('cept maybe... you know)

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I have been here since january, so I am a newbie, and I just can said, that this detachment is like home, I have other costumes, a Darth Vader, a Boba Fett, a Scout (the new one) and so I am member of those detachments... but no matter in wich one I am working on, MEPD is my Home, and you are my bros

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PLEASE understand.. Seth may put this little light hearted ohh my I dont understand spin on this.


I RE READ your posts


Ive been TRYING to bridge a gap between I guess what is "your generation and mine".... So that the old dogs can get in here too.. I have been shunned. But I am a Full blooded ITALIAN, Former MARINE, Ex cop grumpy old guy who DOES NOT have the PC (politically correct) skills that Seth has. I do NOT speak smooth. I speak my mind. If you were an ugly shirt I WILL tell you its ugly. But I will also ALWAYS have your back and respect you. Understand that as you try to understand my speaking style. (yes I am MUCH calmer now!!! ) I will admit, Seth, on the MFP board made the one remark he has made in EVERY SINGLE PM where he and I have had any OPEN butting of heads that I lost my cool and did NOT show him the respect he deserved as the D/L. That was taking the "little shot" at the MEPD as a unit. He knows that I feel like this is my baby, after I almost lost my marriage, my health, EVERYTHING trying to get it to come back to life... Remember, death of a thousand papercuts.. That is what the small, insignifigant remark about the MEPD and it not being as important anymore was to me, cept it was a cut to my VERY HEART!

So I APOLOGIZE beforehand for any upsetting remarks. AS I state afterwards, I will gladly PM with anyone, answer or speak to anyone in the open, or even on the phone MY DIME!

AGAIN Apologies if I offend anyone of YOU by this, that was not the meaning of it in truth.. In fact, it is meant as a way to bring us TOGETHER by means of EDUCATION! Which is something we NO LONGER HAVE!! We no LONGER have any idea of OUR OWN HISTORY!! Does ANYONE in here KNOW who was the "first one through the door? in the MEPD? This isOUR history guys!! Its OUR DETACHMENT HISTORY and we are loosing it because we have allowed ourselves to become wrapped up in the other stuff without allowing ourselves to have someone in a LEADERSHIP position to REMIND US! THATS HIS JOB! Becuase when you forget the history, then your a "regular Detachment", and guys we have ohhhh so much more!

Now, I let you get on to my VERY ANGRY posting of a couple of HOURS ago when my ITALIAN side was showing through.

Who is te person that is in question you ask?

I will tell you EXACTLY who it is.


AND i will tell you EXACTLY WHY in a moment. Not only that. I will inform you about somestuff that alot of you DONT know. I am currently posting on another board.

I want you ALL to know that the MPF has NOTHING to do with this. PERIOD. NO ONE there has anything to do with this.

IF you want to know who has ANYTHING to do with this, Im sure you will get your answers as the OLD LINE VETERANS have a chance to start popping off, and answering up.. Those that will come back... Come back to a place where WE once called HOME that is.... A place I SCREWED UP! I SCREWED IT UP FOLKS! ME ! I DID IT! NO ONE ELSE!

Know how?

Cause I screwed the pooch.. I had things rolling along in here really well. We had MORE barracks postings than ANYTHING! We posted IN THE BARRACKS, creating the thoughts and ideas and FUN of the group builds, and HOW we could use them to make the COMMUNITY of the sandtrooper grow. Sometimes, it was WHO as a SANDTROOPER NEEDED the item, and we would build the item and poof it would be mailed to that person.. TELL ME..... HOW MUCH LOVE OF COMMUNITY DO YOU HAVE NOW?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON SANDTROOPERS! STEP ON THAT DEWBACK! Your a bunch of AMAZING Prop building troopers like NONE ELSE! but yet YOUR CURRENT DETACHMENT LEADER decided he wanted to slam me in front of OUR FAMILY (LIKE IT OR NOT, MFP Troopers are Sandies and therefore brothers of the Sand!) BUT YET I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF HIM MAKING SURE THAT HE GOT PACKS MOVING TO NEEDY TROOPERS!

But ohh that OLDbastard of a FORMER D/L, yanno the one who ONLY built the MEPD from its RUINS so he DESERVES NO respect from the CURRENT D/L is RIGHT NOW building packs with his garrison mates to supply needy troopers in his sandie area. THATS WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I SAY LOVE OF COMMUNITY!

I said I screwed the pooch. I meant it.. I had this Detachment as THE cream of the Crop. EVERYONE was wanting to be US! Seth CANNOT argue that point. I spent HOURS upon HOURS getting things set up for C3 for my Sandtroopers to have the best of the best when it came to EVERYTHING there.! The best gigs, duties, schwag, you NAME IT! I did this MONTHS ahead of time, through the (THEN) LXO who was ALSO a Sandie AND a member of the MEPD!!!! WE WERE SET!

I THEN DISSAPOINTED EVERYONE !!! I THEN FAILED!!! It then became MY FAULT for the downfall and the fall from grace.

You see, i was a Sheriffs Deputy for 10 years. On 9-11-02 (yes TWO) a male party high on Meth tried to kill my partner. If you cant tell, I have a tendency to be VERY protective of those I find I have a feeling of community/love/brotherhood with. (My MARINE upbringin) Usually I was a Gang Cop, that night I was helping in the Jail due to MASSIVE overcrowding. This party started to go "off", my partner tried to bring him under control, he tried to kill my partner, I stopped him. During which I suffered severe back injuries (I now have 6 blown out disks, he was a martial arts black belt, so was I, it was a LOONG fight) I gained "control of him". My partner comes to my house to drop off a Christmas basket every year. Enough said about the exact how I got there in my quiet voice.

BUT..... I ended up between a Wheelchair, canes, and havingANOTHER brother TD having to come over too MY house and help me. I COULDNT read a computer screen for more than a (1) minute due to my meds without falling asleep!


I worked for MONTHS before EVER going PUBLIC along with BraksBuddy (who has my ULTIMATE respect as the all time PREMIER knowledge base of ALL things PERIOD, and will ALWAYS be considered MY "SANDTROOPERS BIBLE") We spent HOURS of our OWN time, working on figuring out WHAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE! Ohh but its EASY for you to throw out! ISNT IT SETH! Tell the BROTHERS Seth! Tell them HOW MANY TIMES I BEGGED for the chance to come in and go BACK and find the old things we had so that we had something from the past, OUR HISTORY that we could present. "Whatever you want to do"... COME ON MR. D/L of what 7 Months, show this OLDLINE WARHORSE FORMER D/L is just stuck in the past, and that PRIDE and HONOR Dont mean nothing.

Tell YOUR SANDTROOPERS SETH how you sent me a PM saying that you wanted a thread with past D/Ls and staff to work with new staff to pass on stuff, BECAUSE we had to fight for the things that are SO EASY now, and then you TWISTED IT and basically made sure that wasnt happenin.. Cause after all, those PAULDRON issues were bad anyway! Did you tell these guys about the fact that you had volunteered to help Bama out? Cause if you had, you would have had the SIGNED SOP's that I had.. The ones that HAD THE LEGIONS SIGNATURE SAYING WE WERE THE ONLY ONES, ALONG WITH THE SPEC OPS AND ARMORED CAV WHO COULD WEAR PAULDRONS! Why would I know that? CAUSE I FOUGHT FOR IT!

DID you? Or did you let them run you over. Throw a few fake punches to make it look good? I think we both know. Kinda the same thing on the RANK STRUCTURE huh... Cause you made it ADAMANTLY CLEAR that you HATED the rank structure. You consider it MEANINGLESS. SO instead of giving troopers something to work for BESIDES deployment, ya just make sure YOU got s YOUR ORANGE DONCHA! Ohh but when i ask you about the OLD S.O.P. on returning D/L's (whihc stated the returning D/L would be treated with respect and designation given their prior rank) Ya shoulda laughed for the reaction Seth.. Were you EVER Military Seth? A cop? ANYTHING? Cause if you were, you sure did forget.! We set the MEPD up to BE MORE MILITARIST than ANY OTHER DETACHMENT FOR A REASON!!! Cause Sandtroopers ARE THAT WAY IN THE MOVIE!

I hear a LOT of blame thrown on Bama not givin you ANYthing... Or Josh for loosing it off the web... Know what, I think thats all just YOU deciding that it was too "MARINEGREEN" for you and you decided you didnt want to play that way so you were taking your ball and going home like a petulant child.

Ive seen a LOT of SANDTROOPERS come in here and give their ALL, building props, setting up charity events, and so on. I was blessed Seth. I was able to sit back on some of it, and let them rock and roll. They did not ONLY a great job, but an HONORABLE one.. I was able to watch in AMAZEMENT as some of the greatest men, full grown men now send me pictures of sandtroopers at MEPD SPONSORED hospital events (not GARRISON! )where MY sandtroopers were crying cause of dying children BEAMING a smile at them cause that childs HERO, a SANDTROOPER was in front of him.

Why have I lost respect for you, you posted to me that one of your oen has a post count of zero, OLD SARGE OBERON. You said "As far as Oberon leaving, the Old Sarge has never posted on these boards. Post count “0”. We are Garrison mates; he has never been one for message boards." He used to post to me, He sent me one picture. ONE picture ONE TIME. I have never forgotten it. It was the first picture I EVER received as the D/L like that.

You ask WHY I fight for Community. You ask WHAT the MEPD has lost....

I ask as almost a parent looking onto a child he loves but that had grown up and moved out but he wants to help.

I put to you.................................


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Ohh and if anyone is interested I will gladly answer ANY questions. PM or in the open, your choice. I will answer your phone calls I will cut and paste any of my conversations also. I have NOTHING to hide. I have kept all my PMs, I will bring over the conversations from teh MPF if they allow it, which they should. (Again, I want to RE-ITERATE, THEY had nothing to do with this!)

In fact, and whats funny about THAT is that I had just joined it a few weeks ago and Seth a week and a half, mabye 2-3 before I had. The ONLY reason that this WHOLE thing blew up, and I will apologize for MY part in bringing STRIFE to our brothers now, was this statements by Seth in the MFP "Welcome Joe, the MFP is pretty rockin'. Our groups (MFP & MEPD) are formidable groups, even if you think little of the latter."

Now most will find that as a "nothing statement". I take that as adirect shot in my heart. That small, off the cuff remark brought out a beast in me that I litteraly thought dormant! The MEPD is like my child, then to see him turn and rip me apart in the MEPD behind my back, yet in and OPEN FORUM with no warning it was coming AT ALL!

Seth DID write me and sayhe was going to ask about the builders groups. At no time did he mention he was going to attach the label of "attacking posers" to me in the thread.

Now, i love the MEPD if you havent been able to tell. And I will stay, or I will leave.

I WILL do whatever is BEST for the MEPD..What I WONT do is ever think little of "IT". Know this, Hate me, Love me, whatever.. All I EVER ask is this from you, my Sandtrooper family. respect me for my love of this place, for my love of this armor ,the work that goes INTO building it and the props surrounding it, and the response it gets from "all the little children"

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So in short, you're upset because all the people that used to post here years ago are all gone. Well, that's life and life is full of change.

That has to be it, because all the other stuff you're talking about... community, brotherhood, etc... It's here, you're just not seeing it.

As a member of MEPD since early 2004, I was the third Sandtrooper in the Old Line Garrison. Because of my influence, time and energy, I've helped our ranks grow to eight. Two of those trooper's armor I assembled on my time, as well as no less than six helmets. I spent the last three months working with OLG's finest and Seth Busino to FINALLY get accurate and uniform back pack parts that the MEPD has been screaming for for years.

I troop with my Sandtrooper brothers no less than once a month and have done so since April 2004, racking up approx. thirty events. THIRTY! With no less than 2/3 of those charity events for Cystic Fibrosis, Cancer, Special Olympics, Walter Reed, Catholic Charities, etc.

Seth Busino also routinely drives down from PA in to MD to help me and other OLG Sandtroopers make and pull parts for other members of the MEPD.

Luke Harris 1009, routinely drives all the way from Richmond VA to troop with us... he is a prime example of a dedicated Sandtrooper brother, devoted to the MEPD.

Rob Slater, another OLG vet is always offering to help others... giving up both his time and money.

In closing, I'm not here to argue. I just want to counter your comments with the way I see things. And furthermore, I ALWAYS listen to my elders, and especially the vets of the 501st. You've trooped longer than I and for that I salute you.

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ok, this comment...


Is just silly. If you want a costuming group to be and act militarist, please go join a Militia. In the movie, Sandtroopers were skinny, scrawny British actors wearing plastic who had their voices over-dubbed. The 501st and the MEPD are a detachment of a world-wide costuming organization.

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ok, this comment...


Is just silly. If you want a costuming group to be and act militarist, please go join a Militia. In the movie, Sandtroopers were skinny, scrawny British actors wearing plastic who had their voices over-dubbed. The 501st and the MEPD are a detachment of a world-wide costuming organization.

Really. wow..didnt know that. musta missed it on the day I was out getting my dull ended scissors. DONT EVER tell me to go join a militia. IVE served my time.

Now THAT one I wont even reply to

As for your 30 troops OOORAH

Way to go.. Im impressed? YES! Is that the COMMUNITY Im talking about? YES! Are you LEADING the way and SHOWING others that Nope.

The othersLike Rob Slater you mentioned. Awesome. My bucket is off to him.

Is there a reason you are feeling guilty?

As for HOW I set this place up, I dont think you have a pot to **** in making statements as far as what or how we set things up.

To calm your turning and burning stomach, the biggest call for a "more militaristic MEPD" becuase that was the way it was perceived on the movie came MOSTLY from the ORIGINAL GROUP OF STARTING SANDTROOPERS that I spoke to, and asked them what THEY wanted as far as that went.

I like the way you put your letter, YOUR full of energy and ya wanna fight! My Garrison had a couple of disjointed TDs who did nothing BUT conventions. We had 2 TDs in Denver, 1 in NM. 1 here in Pueblo. They DID NOT troop charity.

Wanna do the Im cool, see how I can brag game.. Guess what I can too

Cause NOW we sit at approximately 35-38 . Ok

But I DO like you.. You got the temperment of the old line . THATS the old grunt Im used to. Me and you can argue ANYDANG time! C4, Pasadena, Where EVER... Mike, Im buyin the beer brother.

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That's cool, thanks Joe. I'll drink a beer with you anytime!

One last thing and this is not a personal attack towards you...

Joe - as a former Marine and Police officer, those are highly commendable life achievements, on a scale of which I may never achieve. For that, you have my utmost respect and admiration and I thank you for YOUR service to our country. I'm the kind of guy who gets all misty when I see WWII vets at memorial events. They are this nation's heros.

However, to belittle the current administration of the MEPD (and a costuming club) for not having walked in similar footsteps and taken part in trully life changing events is in my opinion, wrong.

Best regards,


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However, to belittle the current administration of the MEPD (and a costuming club) for not having walked in similar footsteps and taken part in trully life changing events is in my opinion, wrong.


Im not belittling the current leadership FOR that. Im saying that I VOLUNTEERED many many MANY times to BRIDGE the gap between the old and new types of trooper. To bring the history of what the old troopers brought and fought for back.

I wonder HOW MANY of you even realize that at one point there was a fight with the Legion to be required to be dirty? I know that quite a few do.. But quite a few also DONT.

I volunteered to try to bridge that gap Mike. Is it not wrong to ignore that type of offer to better your unit. Ive never seen a unit that doesnt LAST LONGER if it doesnt retain its history. That offer was given repeatedly. I repeatedly explained to Seth I had NOT returned to take over. I believe he began to fear I was, and reacted out of that, as overnight, the PMs went from "Lets work together for the betterment of the MEPD" to "Ohhh my get out, I think you want my job!" Even though I REPEATEDLY told him that I was ONLY THERE to support him!

I dont work well that way. Would you Mike?

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Those sound like valiant efforts and they are appreciated and openly welcomed. I've known Seth personally for a few years now and i don't think he was afraid you were trying to usurp his command.

And I can tell you that he pushed for the dirt requirement this year once again, and we won. 501st requires all TD's to be dirty. No clean TKs here!

On a side note, I remember looking at troopers like Seeker and Dean O a few years ago, and marveling at their TD suits of armor. I never thought in a million years I'd achieve that level, it was just too daunting of a task. But, after a lot of hard-work and dedication I did it. With that said, I know what it takes to be apart of the MEPD and I always keep that in mind when I see new guys working so hard to get their suits complete. It's that level of determination that will ALWAYS make us an elite detachment of the 501st. I can't imagine that ever changing, regardless of who's here leading the way.

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