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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. TD-21669 reporting for duty! Thank you Smally, l am very happy to be part of the Brotherhood and looking forward to many years of service! Thanks everyone for your inspiration in helping me reach my goal!
  2. I remember this when I was doing my research, awesome Sandy, can't wait to see the update!
  3. Love your sandy trooper, see you in the sandbox soon!
  4. Congratulations Jeff, killer job, pleasure to serve with you!!!
  5. Congratulations brother! Dewback Ridge in the in the barracks!
  6. Very nice job, l really like the pack, oh and the Sandy on the wall is killer!
  7. Need a fixer uper T21 for good price!
  8. I'm also looking to upgrade to a T21, what l would really like is a fixer uper to bring back to life, so if anyone has one for under a million dollars, let me give it a good home!
  9. There are a couple of us that would love to have a certificate, but we need to be reviewed first, with kindest regards of course!
  10. Thank you, l am confident in my ability to make the ranks at MEPD!
  11. Thank you, it was a real blast of a build, hope to join you all in the sand box soon!
  12. Respectfully requesting 501st/Sandtrooper section access Cliff Gray TD-21669 Dewback Ridge Garrison http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=18828 Thank you
  13. Name: Cliff Gray TD ID#: 21669 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=18828 MEPD Forum Name: Rocket Garrison: Dewback Ridge pics:
  14. Star Wars fans have lost another bright star. Character actor, Richard Bonehill, storm trooper, rebel soldier, Ree-Yees, Nein Numb and many others past away this month. Rest in peace, Richard and May The Force Be With You Always.
  15. Congratulations gentlemen on your achievement's, it sounds like a good time to get into such a great organization. I'm happy to be here during this time of growth and celebration.
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