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Everything posted by longboard8

  1. Why did they have to go and put Dolly.Parton on there? It would be totally frameable otherwise.
  2. I like those. Sci fi makes the world a happier place.
  3. Interesting guy. Rest in peace. I wouldn't mind if some of our British friends would describe to us their thoughts about this guy as well as the economic doldrums of the 1970s, which was an era that brought about a good deal of change, or at least drama and interesting events in the UK.
  4. Do I need to teach you the art of post padding?
  5. Nice! My armor is shipping, then it'll be on like Donkey Kong.
  6. Sounds good. I have technically only found the clone trooper gun, but I'll keep looking. thanks.
  7. This looks like the best way to get my kids some blasters. Advise me differently if you disagree.
  8. So I have a nice E11 now, but both my kids want one for Halloween to go with their costumes (Leia and stormtrooper). While i'm willing to spend money on this, like maybe 100 per, I don't want to go broke doing it. Any thoughts for a less than police standard E11 appreciated. And no I haven't surfed Ebay. I find that place frustrating.
  9. I'm starting to avoid Ebay. Got burned one too many times.
  10. Sounds like RS needs to go in the bad vendor category until proven otherwise.
  11. Sent money to Jay Parsons looks like.
  12. Credit card on my pay pal had fraud on it so I'll donate when I can sit down andfix it.
  13. I used to live in Norfolk! and Chesapeake. Worked at EvMS. Make a Wish is good stuff.
  14. I'm i'm for that Trooper. Not this month, but i'm in.
  15. It really was funny listening to the fans in People vs Lucas, how they'd seen Phantom Menace 13 times. When I saw it,I came out and thought, "what just happened?" Then I told my girlfriend, now wife, "i'm not going back."
  16. Yes. I'm completely willing to own both copies, but the memories are indelible, despite perhaps only having seen the original Star Wars a few times (we lived out in the country without a VCR). So I noticed the changes quickly. Even the Gweedo scene, without having ever gotten on a Star Wars website, I noticed to be not quite right. There was just too much shooting and I thought I was crazy. And the Mos Eisley scenes, well, what can I say?
  17. Nice vid link above. Enjoyed it
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