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Everything posted by Smally

  1. It appears that the on screen pack has 3 ribs whereas this fan built #2 pack has 5 ribs... I'd go with 3 if no-one can clarify Boydy.
  2. Hey David, get well soon brother, hope you're doing okay. Don't give up on the build mate, it'll give you something else to focus on. With regards to the mortar tube, there is a simple system of cutting slots into the tube and having bolts in the frame. The tube then slots onto the bolts and locks into position. Hopefully Rick or QM will have some pictures of what I mean and will post them up. You could use cable ties, just be sure they aren't on show. All the best dude.
  3. Great review of some great armour. Although I'm not really a fan of the ROTJ stormtrooper, there's something inside me that wants a helmet for display. As always, great attention to detail And very nicely assembled armour, Well done!
  4. Hi Billy, To make it easier for the staff to review, please post up your pictures direct onto the forum. If you select the picture you want from Photobucket copy the 'IMG' link and paste onto the MEPD thread, that way you picture will appear in your thread. Good luck trooper. Thanks, Brad.
  5. http://www.doopydoos.com/stormtrooper-e-11-complete-anh-e-11-blaster-kit-offer-2685-p.asp However at the time of posting they're out of stock.
  6. Hi Enrique, Good choice of armour. Looks like you're going to be busy for the next few weeks. Keep us updated and remember, if you're going for SWAT, research, research, research!
  7. AR armour is made from HIPS, trust me, this will crack and weaken within a couple of years, it's just the way the plastic is I'm afraid. I've had a set of AR, good stuff but WILL weaken.
  8. Just don't hold your breath waiting for a reply.
  9. No this won't be a problem for PO status, you should be all good. May I just suggest getting a doopys blaster kit to replace you Hasbro at some point, Gary. You've done such a good job on you armour build that you deserve a more accurate E-11. Go on, treat yourself
  10. That guy needs to go away and leave our community alone. He is focused on one thing and one thing only £££. The fact of the matter is, he's a liar and a cheat, He's trying to suggest that he sculpted the Stormtrooper helmet when everyone knows it was the late Liz Moore. Shame on AA for this alone. Not only do I dislike this guy but his helmets are sh*t. They're cheap, look awful, assembled by university students, and cost a fortune. Do one AA, we're not interested.
  11. Hey dude, What make is your armour Lee? I've had mine a couple of years now and have only had to make one very small patch up in the back piece - which is really good considering it has the weight and pressure of the back pack. I've worn many different makes of armour since I joined the 501st in 2001 and the only other armour that came close for sturdiness was TE2... Although the VT/MTK helmets were very sturdy too.
  12. It's not just the cover of the plastic that vendors have to take into consideration. They have many other overheads with things like vac formers, heaters, keeping the moulds up, personal time, etc etc. You then also have to realise that if you want the best of something, it will always cost that bit more. In the likes of TM, we need to remember that Paul created his stuff by hand over the (14+) years of working on it and yet no one has been able to come close with a fan made sculpt. The closest available armour is RS yet that is pulled from a nearly complete movie used suit. Yeah its expensive, but what hobby isn't these days. If you want affordable armour and are not fused by the whole accuracy debate then there's plenty to chose from. If you want the 'cherry on top' then it comes at a higher price - this is pretty much the same with anything nowadays. I'll finish off by also saying, TM is just as reliable with his aftercare - this I've witnessed personally. TM every day of the week.
  13. I can't recall seeing any black mic tip inners. As for the frown, both ways are correct.
  14. This ^^ However if you're not applying for swat then you'll be fine without it.
  15. Check the for sale threads. Quite often you'll see members informing of upcoming sales. You can put your name down on the list.
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