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Everything posted by ARAKYEL

  1. I have simply hobby vacum table 40x38, to the heating material I use electric oven. To hold the material I use two twisted together frames. To the suction I use simple vacuum cleaner. A sample of what I can do on this table below:
  2. I glad to read that Rolf. You are a living example that life is difficult and often variable, but with hope and inner strength we can overcome adversity. I'm glad your happiness and let still going Bro !
  3. I found only this: http://tk386.com/eweb/ http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/snowtrooper/snowt_refpicts.html http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/snowtrooper/snowt_theweapons.html
  4. You have devoted much time and effort to be accepted to SWAT Phil, but it was worth it. You created my favorite character sandtrooper. Congrats bro!
  5. For a moment I got nystagmus .... then three seconds later, I found gold ones in the upper left corner and the blue-white ones at the left bottom.
  6. Thank you all for your help!.
  7. Thank you Rolf. Only one question remains, how you think the filter fibers are placed vertically or horizontally?
  8. Thx pandatrooper this shape also reminded me of a square filter But what was that or anyone has any references, or better quality pictures of it?
  9. In the CRL guidelines, this part looks completely different than in the picture from movie. I am sure that it isn't a filter on the picture below .
  10. congratulates the great event. that was fantastic. At the movies of the parade I recognized a few people from The Polish Garrison, I regret that the Polish sandtroopers could not be there. I hope that in next year we will meet all together.
  11. Very nice shoots and I see you had a big fun, thx for sharing.
  12. Happy birthday and many years of happiness and health brother!
  13. I agreed whit iconoclastra 88. In my opinion this backpack looks better before wheahterning, try use some umbra brown , a little bit grey and black acrylic paint and wipe with a sponge, after this technique you don't need a hair spray, or I will do it to you at an event in Gdansk.
  14. I see that yours Lewis have a little damaged barrel. I don't believe that the person who sold you the gun gave you the instructions: DLT-21 Manual Congratulates
  15. wow..This is called a real art
  16. I have not seen yet so beautiful mask resembles the prototype AA, whoever did this to me is f... masterpiece!
  17. sorry Mate but I love your Dodge whit hemi inside and I hate your eFX helmet whit symmetrical sides.
  18. Congrats Stefan excellent work, welcome on the board.
  19. I love this X-Wing pilot helmet is really lovely.
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