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Everything posted by nick.black

  1. Aww these look fantastic buddy well done indeed.
  2. Hey nice work buddy. Have you thought about a letter/number punch set for the numbers. It'd impress easily into balsa
  3. Scott this is looking excellent buddy. I'm watching this with great interest as this is the same level of detail I am trying to look at for my current build. What is your intention with the backpack frame, are you going to simply cut off the top frame and plug the blank ends to shorten the top buddy. Nick
  4. Ok so I thought I should document the other thing I am currently working on, which is my Bapty E-11. From a doopydoos resin kit here are some of the small updates I have made so far. Tiny screws added to where the resin ones were originally. New real screws added on the front And I also added the real screws to the cylinders as well Front And back Only a small sample but it's a start so far anyway. I'll keep you updated as I go along Nick
  5. Just waiting for them mate, I'll be sorting those out soon, and I promise to show some details of some of the other parts very soon.
  6. Hi guys, I've been meaning to add some details to compliment my t-21 build on here so here is a look at my kit, as I progress. Not yet finished on the helmet but I've put it together to resemble the low brow, black pauldron trooper as seen in these scenes. So here's my helmet Please bear in mind that it's still not finished yet. More to come soon Nick
  7. Ok so a few small updates here. Managed to get most of the body details sorted now, I just need to run a bit more filler and then concentrate on some of the details like the scope etc. But overall I'm really happy with it. It weighs a ton, but I like that real feel in a blaster. I bet it'll probably weigh just as much as a real one once I'm finished.
  8. If I get access to a laptop later in the year then yes I will certainly update the templates.
  9. Ok so I'm on the way back into armour. Step 1 so far has been my attempt to make a T-21 that is as screen accurate as it can possibly be. Certainly to be better than my previous T-21. I've been using Pandatroopers templates as a rough guide to start with as they are excellent, however I have had to modify many of the features to gain more accuracy. As I work through I will show you where things have been modified. But to start here are a few shots of how it stands at the moment. The body is my second attempt, as is the receiver, as I found little things wrong as I was working through and so wanted to redo them. Here's the main body. I have cut out the breach and I will make the slideable covers that allow the cocking handle to be interchangeable one side or the other. Here again showing what I have used to simulate the bolt inside. Will look much better when painted up. Instead of cutting my fins too short and having them meet a flat plate at the barrel shroud I have made my fins extend into the cooling barrel, makes it look loads better. Correct shaping on the top of the barrel shroud that will eventually extend down onto the feed plate. Inside the barrel I wanted to recreate the fins that extend all the way along. Although I haven't gone all the way through I have simulated the finned barrel here. It looks a bit rough but will be great when inside and painted. The effect as you can see when it is inside is pretty great. For the feed plate I wanted it to look as accurate as possible. So I covered the MDF with 1mm styrene and then got that engraved with the proper Lewis stencilling. The result is stunning. So that's it for now. I'll come back and show you how it all looks in coming weeks when I get it all done. Look sharp for an armour WIP soon too and an attempt at an uber accurate Bapty and pack. Regards to all Nick
  10. It's there but it's been rotated around to face 90 degrees outwards. You can just see it right at the bottom of the pipe. This one doesn't have a black back on it.
  11. That's the pouch that the black Pauldron trooper has on in the alley check scene Ruggero I'm sure of it
  12. Some pics of Brad Smalls Bapty that I took at a recent event Nick
  13. Echo my comments on Facebook here Ricky, well done mate it is very well deserved for such a great bloke.
  14. Wow Ricky well done mate this really is a great piece of work bud. Wish I'd seen this helmet at the weekend.
  15. Ricky, Having seen this in person at the weekend I can vouch for how much effort and skill has gone into this armour. You should be commended for your dedication my friend. Well done. Hopefully that favour you did for Brad will not go unrecognised when he reviews this... Oops should I have said that? Best of luck dude. Nick
  16. I used a 1.5l fridge jug like you can see here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sealfresh-Fridge-Jug-1-5l-Plastic/dp/B001CN1MUG and cleaned it up. It was spot on.
  17. Ok it seems that no one has been able to answer this yet so I will do so. The answer is no, as it is accepted that that part is part of most, if not all of the packs that were made. The requirement for MEPD requirement is that your pack should be reasonably accurate. Is there a specific reason why you want to know. The item does not have to made out of a faucet cover, a fridge jug does just as good a job. Hope this helps Nick
  18. Trainwreck, notice you said that people have trouble sourcing faucet covers. A 1.5l fridge jug does a great job with a bit of modding. Nick
  19. Just noticed that Doopydoos have the E-11 full resin kit "out of stock" on their site. Anyone know what that's about? I would email them but they are notoriously bad at replying. Nick
  20. Jeff, To be true to a character like this, as a military type, you should never put the muzzle of your weapon on the ground (for obvious reasons). I always found it easy to place the end of the butt stock on the ground and hold the barrel in one hand if it got too heavy. Also always have an e-11 in your kit to swap to later in the day.
  21. The cannisters should work out around 6" long. Wet wipes or screen wipes bottles (I think its generally the 150 qty size) are the best to use. Nick
  22. THis is awesome Josh and I will be using this as a template to do the same in the new year. Well done so far, great job. Looking forward to seeing it completed. Nick
  23. That's all well and good but some of those ranks are not correct as per screen accuracy. We know that Piett is promoted from Captain to Admiral and when a Captain he wore 3 red above 3 blue. When an admiral he wore 6 red above 6 blue. Captain Needa is also 3 red above 3 blue. Nick
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