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Everything posted by TD2802

  1. Cool find. Translation of the Japanese at the top says 'Anthony Forrest' .
  2. My thoughts exactly. Pretty soon, we'll be making a run of prods and tornisters to make it happen.
  3. Found this on one of the fanboy boards: http://www.wwtdd.com/photo.phtml?post_key=...photo_key=26411
  4. Wow, you got the modeller's touch Mike. Time to break out the paints and brushes again.
  5. Its already on the itinerary during my next visit to Japan. Goro's work merits honorary MEPD deployed status imo!
  6. Have a cold one and enjoy the aging process!
  7. Happy 4th and remember freedom isn't free:
  8. We're going lakeside camping on Whidbey Island and debating whether to take the ferry or going the long way by car. Only about 90 min from home so I don't know if that qualifies as a staycation or not.
  9. Thanks for sharing - that's what it should be all about.
  10. Wow, now that's art imitating art.
  11. Now that's a cool project to do for your kid!
  12. Rolf you da man! Or should I say Sandman?
  13. Thanks all! Stay tuned because Mr. X himself plans on providing details on availability in the very near future.
  14. With Tony's kind permission, here's the latest in TE2 fashion. Some of you may be familiar with the design
  15. I did some more checking and there seems to be an equal number of sources supporting it and not. My take is that the assertion arose possibly from people remembering their old physics classes about what happens when gas (or any liquid) heats and cools -its density either expands or contracts. It doesn't account for storage tank placement or how its measured by volume coming out of the nozzle. Lucky I take the bus so I spend less than $600 a year on gas.
  16. Just read this in a science mag: When you buy gasoline, you might want to make your purchase at night - it will be cheaper. Gasoline becomes more dense in cooler temperatures, and gas pumps measure gas by volume.
  17. Now you gotta prop one knee up to make it classic.
  18. I have a set and though not exactly screen accurate (there's better ones out there), they look fine hanging from the left side of my belt till you upgrade to something else. Mine were said to be Swiss however but look exactly like what you've got.
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