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Everything posted by TomG

  1. As seen here: http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=4428 I created TK to TD conversion set for FX style armor and used it. Here is rebuilded ab armor. Next one will be new photos of almost complete legs. Sorry for delay, but I´m a bit busy with something different, but still TK/TD related. Few from you saw something from it. Right Rolf?
  2. Here is first one. Photo and cat of some from my friend.
  3. I just did this one from photo I did this year I think.
  4. Not bad. May be you need buy better camera. Hey Rolf, don´t you like my molds and pulls for TK to TD replacement set?
  5. May be you should make new topic for this baby
  6. Hey wait a minute - item location: Czech Republic You are getting our WWII reserves
  7. Yeah no one, only yourself and then banks, that give you opportunity, because there are easy money for them, if you pay. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5235132603609670233 Btw really interesting video.
  8. Ha baywatch trooper If I can see cleary, you have damaged front belt and it is fastened with tape?
  9. Oh yeah Rock and Roll Baby We are sandtroopers.
  10. Welcome here. It really looks like camouflage
  11. There is simple answer, why is someone using your email. You are probably registered on FISD, CTN, BSN or ACN forums. And these forums share users database. Then you can´t register again, because you are registred. Try login with used email and password. It should ask you for screen name and firstname to confirm you.
  12. Yeah it was sad day, but for me is this day happy. My son was born last year. Exactly 11.9. and he has birthday today. We call him our little terrorist. Something ends and something begins. As it always was.
  13. Ok. It was only idea, how to put thumb up for guys like Rolf
  14. But it is not about, what says propmaker, but what say customers/troops. There can be sometimes voting about this and propmaker can have in his topic info, that he was decorated with this patch for one year. Patch that contains quality of product, price and availability. For us it is info what is the best and for propmakers advertisiment.
  15. When I look at Rolf´s pauldron I have idea. May be dumb, but anyway I will tell you. We know that MEPD deployed armor needs besides armor itself more things to complete it and there are various propmakers. But only one of them is the best. How about choose this the best one solution for every part and tell, this part is MEPD Quality Certified as award to selected propmaker, that he makes great stuff. Like Rolf with pauldrons or EVO with grapling hooks. What do you think?
  16. We call him Cathead or Pinda.
  17. Congratulations Rolf and your wife. When you have a baby. You will see how much free time you had
  18. For me sometimes yes and sometimes no. Isn´t better to fix this link than this forward and useless mess in dns?
  19. Check this link on MPED website: Here is now old link: http://www.sandtrooper.net/forum/
  20. Price isn´t small, but it is corresponding to quality and acurracy of this stuff. Daetrin, may be you can make some sicker for it (MPED certified) )
  21. Here is attached sniper knee plate from my conversion kit to left calf armor. Auxiliary part is riveted and sniper plate glued to this auxiliary part. May be you will notice plastic belt, that is glued in front of calf armor. It is covering rivets, that hold whole part together. This belt has cut off on top to help hold this knee plate.
  22. When you need change topic title, just ask someone from Admin staff. They try to help you.
  23. Here is photo of finished ab part. If you cut carefully it can look like that. I know, it is not perfect, but when you don´t have chance have new ab armor part.
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