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Everything posted by TD-443

  1. Ive got a special place for your number lol
  2. Naw... they never said tk-0421... so I just fart that 0 out
  3. On 1/8/10 my buddy Dach did this piece on my leg. Its the start of what will eventually be a sleeve. The letters are TD and obviously you can see 443. First and foremost I am a sandtrooper so there was no question which letters were going before my numbers. It reminds me that the MEPD is the greatest detachment and filled with the most awesome people from around the world! I put it on the back of my leg because the MEPD had my back and I will always have anyone in the MEPD's as well!
  4. Rolf is a amazing artist. I am the proud owner of one of his pieces!!
  5. Hey Troopers! Please vote for my Death Troopers Trailer! They have changed the site and started the voting all over so I need new/fresh votes! Here's the site: http://www.suvudu.com/2009/10/lets-do-this...you-decide.html There is no login or sign-up required! Just have to click on "nonchalantnod" at the bottom! THANKS SO MUCH!
  6. wow $49 bucks! Thats a bargain! Cant wait to hear feedback on how they feel and how the sizing is compared to caboots.
  7. I really want to see version 2 as well!
  8. This was shot a little over a week ago. There are 2 versions of this trailer. The one the film company decided to choose for the "Make a Trailer Contest" has only me in it. The other version has 3 of my fellow SCG homies in at and will I will post it as soon as I get a copy. There is NO CGI in this. Everything you see is either miniatures or full on sets and filmed in HD. The 5by5 crew did an awesome job and kept it old school! So for your viewing pleasure: What do you think?
  9. I wish the sandtroopers in the movie would of worn some kind of padded shoulder straps. I hear you on the heat thing for sure.
  10. Your gun is awesome bro! We need to see that ab plate. Your pack is really huge. Personally I really think its needs to be scaled down. If it were scaled down I wouldnt see any reason why you shouldnt be deployed.
  11. RICO, I think your pack is salvageable, here's what I would do: 1. Remove the hoses. 2. Remove the index card holder on the side 3. Remove the cassette holder 4. Remove radio and build a more accurate one. 5. Paint can in middle and put the small "jello" bowl on top of it 6. Build or buy the syphone part Also 1. Remove e-11 holster 2. get side pouches 3. replace fx, a modified mrce is a good alternative If you need more help or questions on where to get items send me a pm
  12. lol resin sandtrooper clogs for the win
  13. Should I do it here too?
  14. Lol not at my station! We ran 25 calls in 24 hours last thursday!
  15. Looking at the SCG calendar I think October 17 and 18 might be a good weekend...
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