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Everything posted by skutch

  1. King Jawa is a legend, so I hope you do the tweaks and finish it up. We need good troops like you in here. This is a tough detachment to get into and you've done all the hardest stuff so far.
  2. White commando, your pack looks awesome. What I do, is just put the track on repeat instead of making a longer loop that takes up more space on my player. Just an idea.
  3. TD3321 is in our garrison, but he doesn't have a TD anymore. Use TD2243 instead.
  4. I would totally order one of these dials if somebody makes a bunch. The little details like this are what set the MEPD apart.
  5. I got mine all hooked up using a little Radio Shack speaker spray painted black and it works like a charm. I'm actually going to finally use this at ComicConNY in two weeks. I can't wait. I wish I had a radio with an actual speaker in it. That's the future goal. I'd be more than willing to buy one if someone does a run of radios with a compartment inside.
  6. I love trooping with my backpack but it is more of a commitment. Living in NYC and not having a car, the backpack is a pain to take along with a tote, helmet bag and BFG. I pretty much save the backpack for special occasions when I know there is plenty of room, like Comic-con or an outdoor event. Put it this way, 99% of the public won't even notice that I'm missing the backpack. I mostly wear it for myself and to set myself apart from the TK's even more.
  7. WHOA!!! I got mine last night and watched it immediately. SO AMAZING! THanks Luke!! You rule. SPOILERS AHEAD SPOILERS AHEAD. HIGHLIGHT TO READ. I definitely agree that this is leagues better than the Special Editions. It's funny looking back at the things that weren't changed for the special editions, but easily should have been. I loved the way this version fixed all the jump cuts. Everything is just so smoothed out now. The space battles are way more intense now. More ROTJ-like. I was glad to see the Jabba scene removed. I wish the Biggs scene had been removed too. I personally don't think the scene works without the deleted scene at the beginning of the film (which didn't work either). Everything done to Mos Eisley was dead on perfect. I like the way it was tamed back down a bit from what the Special Edition added. It was just too much. Unfortunately, my favorite shot from the film was removed. The shot of Tarkin right before the Death Star explodes. Some of the editing at Ben's house was a little shocking. I was surprised to see the shots removed after Ben and Luke watch the Leia hologram. I think the pause afterward was perfect and now the scene loses it's impact. Anyway, that is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. This edit is amazing and nothing less.
  8. I purposely chose orange because it makes me stick out from regular TK's I might be trooping with. I want a purple one though really bad.
  9. Man, I really need to get a copy of this fan edit. Please pm me with what I need to do to see this. I can't sleep at nights..... please help. td2243@gmail.com
  10. I heard that Sandies were just more awesomer and so I went for it!
  11. sure, why not. Just don't let the regular TK's get a hold of it.
  12. Thanks for posting. I couldn't remember who sent the files I started with. You were instrumental in getting this whole thing started. I looked through all my old emails and couldn't find our old messages. Maybe we'll do another version when my life slows down. I'm glad people are using it.
  13. That looks terrible. The guy is also selling a bunch of bootleg Style B advance posters without the GAU logo. He claims some were printed without the logo. He is correct, but those are called fake.
  14. I didn't vote for him either, but I truly hope he can do a great job. I'm sure he is a great man, I just don't agree on his issue stances. That being said, I think having him in office alone could do wonders for race relations in the U.S. I would love to see that.
  15. skutch


    Sort of. It is more about taking that persons actual product and recasting it. If you like a way someone does something try to reproduce it without making an actual cast of their object, that probably wouldn't be considered recasting. I mean, all armor makers are copying George's idea as best they can, but making a mold from another trooper's actual work is what is frowned upon.
  16. Awesome. The featured is a cool thing for sure.
  17. Everything works for me.
  18. Run 100 laps in your armor. That should do it.
  19. Holy smokes!!! I just wet myself. Where did you get the radio box? Did you make another you would sell? That sounds so much better than my setup.
  20. Shouldn't the circles on the ab plate be covered/removed, even if the black dots aren't there? Great work on the armor!!
  21. Hey guys, would you mind if I did a little 15 second clip for the next 501st Podcast? I could make a short little soundscape for the MEPD. Something like "The MEPD wishes congratulations and wishes the 501st Podcast another great year." Added sound effects etc. They are asking for little submissions and I'd love to do one. http://501stforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20287 I wanted to get permission before doing anything.
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