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Incoming new TD WIP (Placeholder)


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Like the title says, soon to be another TD. Recently acquired TD-25674's kit, which should be here in a week. There will be some readjustments/tweaking required  (5'10" 215lbs vs my 5'11" 193lbs) but it shouldn't be anything too involved (famous last words, I know). I know I'll need to go through the whole approval process with my local garrison, and that's no big deal. He was approved at basic level with Old Line Garrison, but I'd definitely like to take it up a notch to proper MEPD deployment status. I've dug into the history of the build (we're both on several other 501st adjacent forums) and it looks to be a relatively new build, and in really good shape. As far as working with/modifying a prebuilt TD, aside from wear & tear or damaged bits, are there any ANH TD specific areas to be aware of?

Pic is from his listing. Yellowish hue is a combo of the light & weathering, already asked about that.


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Hard to say based on just one picture. I immediately notice that the cover strips of the biceps taper quite diagonally at the front. They usually protrude about 1 - 2 mm and the corners are only slightly beveled. And: swap gloves for rubber gloves.

On the chest plate I would make the coverstripe a little smaller and insert the screws that simulate an original strapping.

I like the weathering.
I'm looking forward to more pictures. So he makes a good impression.

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Once it all arrives, I will be doing a full layout & fresh pics so potential trouble areas can be more easily seen & identified.  The overall plan, like I said before, is to get the fit dialed in & basic approval with my local garrison.  My Patrol Trooper is essentially a 99% full rebuild - one of the few Armor Factory kits out there, and the material it's made from is beyond brittle & fragile - so having a troopable kit asap is my top priority with the TD at the moment. Deployment upgrades can come after that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, sadly, after doing a test fit, it appears that all of the leg pieces are too short. Not only that, but once I have the ab & kidney sections properly aligned to one another, the chest plate is above the abs, and not overlapping. I've been working with a couple of local Centurion level TKs to help get the fit dialed, and even spoken with WTF Walt, and after knocking our collective heads together I've come to the conclusion that it will be more cost effective, and easier, to just start a build with an entirely new kit. I'll be keeping this one as a reference for how things go together, etc, then move it along to someone who it will fit better than me. 

Back to square one...

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When starting a new TK/TD build, forgetting individual versions of kits for a moment, is there a preferred "keystone" piece to start the sizing with; i.e. ab & kidney sections properly sized first, then everything else keys from that? My thought was to start there, as the core, and continue outward - chest/back, legs, arms, etc. Would this make sense, or is there a better way? I will have the new kit just before the end of the year, so I'm making my notes now, with the  goal of being finished and approved (at least basic) before April. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

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