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Pouch Review Thread - Post Your Pouch Pics Here!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok just want to be sure, I'm coming from doing WWII reenacting and already have MP40 pouches. So they would be good to go for only on the pauldron? Just have to dye them black and put some kind if stuffing(or in my case the magazines in it to fill it out)? Just want to get this right the first time!



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  • 2 weeks later...

That one on ebay does looks nice and could make a cool TD pouch maybe even for Police Officer status, but unfortunately it would not be accepted for SWAT. Main reason is, those pouches does not actually appear in leather in ANH. That kind of pouch but made in canvas is the one that the Looks Sir Droids and the Move Along Troopers wear on the shoulder.

That particular kind and material was once very popular since it was the one portrayed by Art Andres in the Look Sir Droids site, but we now know it was not used on ANH. Therefore, it is inaccurate. Sorry to say that.

Anyway, it does looks great and is no problem with the 501st basic CRL.

Sorry bro, don't mean to discourage you.

I still need to dig a little deeper in these forums, I know ...but so far I haven't found the answer. .. o.k.... is everyone ready? I'm going to ask a total "newb" question here...

Is there some evidence that can be shared in this thread which shows the shoulder pouch is supposed to be canvas? So far in looking at all the screen captures etc. it looks like leather to me. It appears to be very rigid and not "floppy" like canvas.

This looks like it might be the right one to me:

Posted Image

Posted Image

O.k... I'm ready for the spitballs to start flying :teehee::P


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I still need to dig a little deeper in these forums, I know ...but so far I haven't found the answer. .. o.k.... is everyone ready? I'm going to ask a total "newb" question here...

Is there some evidence that can be shared in this thread which shows the shoulder pouch is supposed to be canvas? So far in looking at all the screen captures etc. it looks like leather to me. It appears to be very rigid and not "floppy" like canvas.

O.k... I'm ready for the spitballs to start flying :teehee::P

Not a dumb question at all actually.

Yes, we assume and presume it is canvas, and a lot has been investigated trying to find the origin of all pouches. So far we have identified almost all of them. Still being a mystery the so called "road block pouch" and a couple other random pouches seen in a very few shots like the "curved" pouch similar to the stolla wien.

Now, is this canvas or leather?

I would say, based on all the real life pouches that we have seen for real or on refernce picts on the net, we can only asume it is canvas since the shape and most of its features resemble those made of that material. The leather ones being quiet different.

Flaps are different, studs are different, stitches are sometimes different, straps and tool pouch, both are different. Also, the behavior of the material seems to be different from leather.

See this references...

Check the screen used one. It does look thick enough to be leather... but then it seems very flexible and the shape is not as stiff or squared as if it had something inside. Asuming this are real WWII used pouches, and leather, they would have already taken the shape of the clip due to usage, age and weather. I own 4 real WWII pouches made of leather and they are very stiff.

Canvas on the other hand, could be flexible, if not 100%, at least more than used and weathered leather.

Posted Image

Now check this real used canvas pouches, they do match in shape, make, and all parts. Even sticthing and hardware are very similar.

And they are thick. Could even look as leather thick.

Posted Image

Posted Image

So, yes, we cant say or show 100% that the pouch was made of canvas, but this is, as some people like to say, and educated guess. I would say, an educated assumption.

Anyway, if you have any other info, or are willing to go deeper into this, I say... lets do it! We always want and like to go deeper and dig more and more info on our fav costume and accessories!


Hope that helps bro.

And to make it clear, I am talking about the MP38/40 pouch used on the shoulder by the Move Along Trooper and the Look Sir Droids trooper. Meaning, the pouch used on the Move Along Trooper pack. Cause shoulder pouches are attached to the pack, not to the armor.

And that is the only canvas shoulder pouch on the movie. All others are leather pouched made by the production art department, based on the Stolla Wien Pouch. Or that is what we assume. ;)

A lot can be discussed about that, but that is another topic I guess.


And... just to let you know. I think those pouches are really cool, specially if they are real. You can use them for your TD and get 501st clearence no doubt. Just that if you want to go SWAT you will need to have something more similar to what we see on screen cause that is the main goal of the program.

And, I would like to say that this kind of questions and discussions is what has made the Sandtrooper and the MEPD such a relevant character and community. That is the spirit!!! That, and being a brotherhood!



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Ok just want to be sure, I'm coming from doing WWII reenacting and already have MP40 pouches. So they would be good to go for only on the pauldron? Just have to dye them black and put some kind if stuffing(or in my case the magazines in it to fill it out)? Just want to get this right the first time!



Hey Mike.

MP40 pouches could work, but I would like to see a picture before saying yes or no.

Main reason is that the so called "MP40" pouches we see, are not real army pouches, but replicas made by the art department specially for ANH. I guess they should be fine for both 501st clearence and probably Police Officer badge, but would like to see them if possible before assuming.



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That is a good, hi-res screencap. That's what I was looking for... and thanks for the info. Very helpful indeed!

The "have you seen sandtroopers" comment isn't necessarily helpful to the general membership. I say this nicely of course :).. just a friendly observation. Part of posting this question is for the members, not just my own skepticism and since this thread seems to be created as a "sticky" topic to help the new members find the answers I thought this would be a good place for the information to stay stuck. I could respond by saying "have you seen the picture I posted above?" ;)

I still think it looks like leather. The back piece which comes up and over the top, forming the flaps, really looks like leather. It's thick, rigid, and nothing like the flaps in the pics of the canvas pouches. Now, the "tool pouch" looks pretty soft. Could they have used a leather 3 pocket pouch and added a canvas tool pouch? Just a thought.

I also read somewhere on here where a WWII collector mentioned that the other leather pouches (different discussion as you mentioned) may not have been created by the art department and may have actually been manufactured that way either at the end of the war or post war, with the rivets on the back, but the topic died after that comment (if memory serves). It just seems like a lot of speculation.... kind of reminds me of the days when lightsabers "had" VW wiper blades on them instead of the t-track which was later proven. It's easy to create a theory the fans will solidify as fact.

Sorry.. not to get so far off topic. I'm just curious is all. Photo evidence is very helpful and is a valuable documenting tool for members to reference. I see this thread helping a lot! :)

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Totally agree in the ease of creating a fact out of a myth.

That is why I always try to make it clear that this all are always assumptions until someone finds and can hold in their hands the real prop or part.

Some people will settle fir that, some will not. And that is great cause it keeps the hobby alive.

I will have to look for that thread you menyioned. Unless it was posted this last 5 months or more than 5 years ago, a have read almost every single post on the board and can't remember it. Again, it is only from my memory and can easily get mixed, confused or skipped.

Thx for posting and lets keep discussing this.



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  • 11 months later...

Hey Cornell...

That pouch looks like a good starting point to create cool accurate MP40 leather pouches...

One thing that I am concern would be the size. I can not really see what size it is cause there is nothing to compare with. Also, because of the angle the picture was taken, it looks like it is to wide and less tall than what we normally use. But, it is tricky to say that from just one picture.

For a start, if you insert wood or foam pieces to emulate clips and give it shape, it will look much better.

Then, if you want to make them look more accurate, you will need to trim in a curve shape the end of the flaps, as in the reference I am posting. (Those pouches being of the Imperial Outfiters run from a few years ago).


Hope you can post more pictures, maybe with the inserts, before modifying it.



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Check this out:



24cm are roughly translated into 9 1/5 inches.

13 cm are about 5.1 inches

So... not that bad. Just a little short.

I think if you are going for Police Officer, those are good enough... they will work no prob for basic 501st clearance for sure.

Hope that helps...


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Thank you so much! I honestly have to say you guys in this forum are the most friendly, helpful and unselfish people ive ever chatted with! Great Forum! Thanks!

Back to topic: Police Officer? Sounds good for right now, its gonna be my very first set! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Hey all, old thread new question. Regarding dying canvas pouches, I have these dark green pouches I dyed black with standard industrial clothing dye. The material dyes relatively well but the nylon stitching does not. Basically I had to sharpie the stitching nut now it's starting to fade(lighten) in the sun light. I'm using these packs for my HWT and would like to retain (as long as possible) the new black look. Are there any another dyes or stains that you may have had good luck with? Something that's stronger and will completely dye these things, even the leather strapping without me having to drop them in a bucket of black paint.

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Hey bro. I had a similar situation with my pouches... Thing is, it was impossible to make them stay black. So i decided to let them stay white. I just put lots of dirt on the pouch including of course the white thread, and they look fine. Old and aged and weathered. The white does not looks odd. Once they look dirty, they will look ok and the weird white color will just fade out.

Hope it helps.


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Hey bro. I had a similar situation with my pouches... Thing is, it was impossible to make them stay black. So i decided to let them stay white. I just put lots of dirt on the pouch including of course the white thread, and they look fine. Old and aged and weathered. The white does not looks odd. Once they look dirty, they will look ok and the weird white color will just fade out. Hope it helps. Saludos.

Thanks, I read somewhere, I think on whitearmor some guys over here are spray canning their pouches, is this true. If so what kind of results are you getting?

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