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Everything posted by TD-5766

  1. Thanks for the detailed pictures RocKo. I think I'm going to get one too. It will replace my FX helmet for my TK. After the mods it should look pretty good.
  2. Welcome back and grats on the new addition.
  3. Archive video will be online soon.
  4. Hi all! I'm working with the archive team on the Legion side and was wondering if it would be ok to copy the pictures we have both in the Gallery pictures and member pictures from events and such? Some of these will also be used for our fan tables once I finish the CD's. It will consist of a slide show with music and video's the Garrisons have done over the years from just about all the countries. Let me know if that's ok? Thanks
  5. I love both my TE and FX armor. I've enjoyed the FX helmet when I wear my TK just for the room, you can fit your family in there. But I can understand that it's not accurate at all. The armor (suit) itself is durable and I really like the way it fits. Do we have any new news on the FX Helmet re-sculpt? Is this still going to happen?
  6. Thanks Mike. Yea, I had thought about getting iPod just for that. It's much smaller too and can hold far more music and sound effects. Thanks for the input.
  7. I was toying around with the idea of having "SW" music palying from my pack. Here is what I came up with. The little speakers actually put out a lot of sound. They ran about $12 at Target and hook up right to the earphone jack on the portable CD player. I will attach the cd player with velcro on the inside of the pack and then cut an area out for the speakers then just cover the hole with mesh and paint black to hide. What do you think?
  8. Like Mike, mine is PVC cut to shape as well.
  9. I like the greasy dirty look. Also, sometimes they need to make it even darker to show up on film. Sota like when they wet down the streets in film and tv to have it show up better. Wasn't "Troops" filmed like in 87-88 with Marco armor? Can't remember.
  10. Aye, you guys did have a great turn out. Looks like it was a blast. Good going troops.
  11. 6'00" 200lbs All muscle of course (cough). I think all my weight is under my second chin. Hopefully getting down to 180 by DragonCon.
  12. Wolves and Angels, what a classic clash.
  13. Aye, the Space Marine according to GW fluff is like 7 or 8 feet tall. I can only imagine a Terminator not to mention a Drednaught. Guess we'll have to start a 40K Armor club next. LOL
  14. Wow! That is a huge project. I've seen the guys with the Power Armor and would like to do a set of Space Wolves armor. Let me know how that goes? I would love to see the pictures.
  15. Looks great but next time don't follow to close to that Dewbacks ****. j/k
  16. Yea, I was looking at the mic area and I will tone those down too. I can also lightly go over the drip looking parts too. Before and after. But as you all know, "It's always a work in progress." Pictures never really do it justice. Lighting etc.
  17. Hi all! I was never really pleased with the weathering of my Helmet. I needed to tone it down a bit but give it small details. Believe it or not I used one of my wifes toss away nail files to get rid of the large splotches on the helmet. The file is much finer than sandpaper and causes no damage to your bucket what so ever. (Heck, it's for your wife's nails hehe ) Here is a before picture. For the detail, I'm a big 40k player, I used citadel inks and dilluted it with water to give some detail to the nooks and crannies of the helmet. I lightly dabbed the ink with a paper towel if there seemed to be to much. Here are the after pictures. I hope it looks all right? Thanks for looking.
  18. Aye, it's pretty much your preference. The brow was pretty much slapped on in most cases. So lots of variations. I also recommend the site RoCko linked too.
  19. Great pictures!! Looks like ya'll had an awesome time.
  20. Looking good. Get some of those nooks and crannies with some dark dirty colors for some contrast and you are good to go.
  21. I was just down there this past weekend and didn't realize this was going on until I saw the commercial. I wish I could have made it and met some of you guys.
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