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Everything posted by td7603

  1. sorry. im not here a lot. been in many battles, several i think... where did you get one. I heard Ward was gonna make a V2 but never did and stopped selling them altogether. lets see. heres all the pics i have. the only mods ive done are some lights and wires. and some paint differences. EDIT: this is not me as the taller TD. thats by recruitbuddy 7604!
  2. oooh, ok. makes sence. i thought it meant something else. as i have many "further" mods to my TD that arent on the CRL requirements, as i've met the current requirements. just made further modifications. thanks for clearing that up.
  3. not quite sure what you mean by all that? tollerated by the legion? doesnt the MEPD set the standards for TD's?
  4. looks good man. I for one, will eb cuttign out all those parts on my newer helmet. but yours still looks fantastic! green lenses must drive you crazy!
  5. well im not talkign screen accurate. i'm certinaly past that point. just looks cool is all. def,. is a "basic" deal of some time
  6. figured it was time to update my thread. heres some new pics. with soem new weathing and helmet.
  7. here are some followups with steve and I that he didint post. i have since replaced that FX helmet with an ANH helmet.
  8. i ahve also used real sand in the past. mud as well. if it came off, id just add more later. ive kinda gone more "paint now, than sand" "sandy and itchy"
  9. ive been building a second set of TD armor. and forgot about something i saw a while back. can anyone identify what is on Vadermakers left shoulder bell?
  10. you have any more questions abtou MODS, go ahead and ask.. i've prolly made it to armor at some point. but weathering best be left to the itallians, austrians and Kevin.
  11. i helped make my buddies FX armor fit him. hes 6'2 heres my armor next to his being worn by his wife. hope these pic help
  12. I'm 5'7" i trimmed a TON off my armor.... here are some pix here you can see the rear thigh section a bit to provide mobility for the knee calf area here you can see the abplate and upper armor cuts http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/jzarecki/Costuming/CC04/untitled.bmp here you can see in more detail the rear calf parts and rear thighs
  13. HWT i got cause at the time, i was a bit too clean to be a TD, but i havd all the things required. BFG, pack, etc. i guess i just needed to stand outside longer.. hehe
  14. **** yes. ive done a TON of mods to it, and im not nearly done. someone else in my garrison modded there pack into a wetbar, with the poster tube being a cup dispencer, and a drink dispencer in the bottom
  15. camera angle i guess. thats me running, and ive had the same pack for 4 years or so
  16. here is mine. this guy ward used ot make them. and yes its good enough for "enlistment" top two pics are me... this is not me, but its my space pack
  17. thanks to the 7603 emergency weathering/deweathering party for helping me the day before after i had that unfortunate accident that invlved my dewback and a thermal detonator. the finished product is very impressive. BTW...i'll be in Mesa AZ for a week from the 8th to the 13th..
  18. hey, so i test wore my armor after my mods. onyl thing that is a bit difficult is the momentary switch for my fans... oh well, ill manage.
  19. a few years back i sold two sets for over 2K. but the bidding drove it that high. one was to a mom in texas who got it for her 16yo son for halloween, and even paid the 300 next day shipping as well. most other sets ive sold went for about 800 to 1200 on ebay. **** i paid 1600 for the one i currently use. still have one i got for 450 and an ANH set from hong kong for about a grand
  20. well, true to so-cal, that is the color and style of dirt found in my backyard and out an abotu town... well not town, but the woodsy areas near town. well not near town, but 25 miles away from town. you get the point.
  21. so here are some better pictures i took with a real camera...
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