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Everything posted by RETNUHHA

  1. "I call BS #1 Its illegal to destroy anything that is shipped to a person that does not violate import laws. #2 Disney or anyone else for that matter, does not influence the postal service in any way. #3 If you send something to someone as a declared "gift" you are not violating copyright laws because you DIDNT SELL IT. - AND if you send it as merchandise then the person receiving it will get nailed with import fee's. So most people declare items as GIFTS to avoid the fee's anyway.. This is a vicious rumor. I ship "stuff" all over the world every day that has to be declared. I have not had ANYTHING like this happen. If it did I would more likely assume that the person was trying to steal from me than Disney "cracking down". Occasionally someone will say they did not receive the package. When that happens its either running late, totally missing, or stuck in customs for whatever reason....or the person is lying to me to get a refund or another item. (it happens). You guys dont really think that Disney has that great of a pull do you? Its not like armorers are sending drugs or something. Its a costume! Like halloween!! Seriously this is silly.... I demand to see one ounce of proof." i totally agree with you mike, this does not add up at all, something really fishy about it.
  2. OH.. man cant wait to see how this turns out
  3. Thanks for sharing Ben, looks like a good turn out. nice dewback prod
  4. Good luck mike, if you need any assistance feel free to pm me.
  5. Darren, nice job on the scratch build of the radio man, nice work. looking forward to see it all complete.
  6. now thats love, have a great troop brotha!! hope his recital goes well. see ya soon.


    Thanks for the kind words fellas.. pm replied
  8. Very cool, cant wait to put one on my truck


    i have these as well http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=8998&hl=%2Bradio+%2Bdecals, just throwing it out there.
  10. Just make sure you keep in touch brotha!! will still be around.
  11. I Set mine up with the aker speaker in the center of the chest with the reciever and icomm on the back in the box secured down with velcro. i run the wire under the shoulder trap so you cant see it. the tansmitter and mic in my helmet, i use vox tho only draw back is sometimes when im breathing to hard it sets off the mic. lol the aker speaker is positioned so the volume control is facing outwards so if need be i can slip my hand under the chest plate to adjust the volume. hope this helps
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