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Everything posted by Zon

  1. For those that missed it or want to see it again. Raiders of the Lost "Jedi" Temple of Doom Hoopla
  2. Really depends on the mood I'm in. Workout time is all hard rock with a little classic rock sprinkled in there (Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Tool, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Boston, and Alice in Chains). Just sitting around is usually modern country (Rascal Flatts, Brooks and Dunn, Kenny Chesney, and Zac Brown Band). You'll find pretty much everything on my ipod though. Everything from Beethoven to Scorpions, from Michael Jackson to Louis Armstrong, and from Jay-Z to CCR. I guess the only thing I'm not really a fan of lately is pop.
  3. For those who missed it and those that might want to watch it again... P.S. I'm the one in the orange bandana and long sleeve grey shirt in scene two. Enjoy!
  4. Nice production quality! Definitely makes me want to see the rest of it.
  5. Remember that feeling you had when you were a kid at Christmas? The Fedex guy and Lewis just reminded me... Thanks Lewis!
  6. Chicago Bears baby!!!!!! (Oh, ignore the fact that I live in Florida...) ...Go Bears.
  7. I'm sure there will be cameras in the crowd and the footage will eventually find it's way to YouTube. Outside of that your guess is as good as mine in regards to what Disney might release. I wouldn't bet on getting any footage or pics before the actual show though. They're keeping a lot of the specifics of this show under wraps because they don't want to ruin the suprise. The only reason I posted that video is because our producer said it was okay.
  8. Sorry, one time deal. Three shows Sarurday the 14th for the event. If the people at corporate like it enough it could open the door for some kind of star wars live action stunt show in the future (fingers crossed).
  9. We're in final rehearsals for it and I've never been more excited to be part of a show than this one.
  10. If you're going DON'T miss this show.... http://starwars.com/video/view/001061.html Trust me!
  11. I'd trade 5 minutes on stage with Weird Al for a day or two at CV. I'm sure you'll have a better time here (in Orlando).
  12. That would be my CO!
  13. Yes, that was me doing the twist. I also managed to do a little hustle, robot, as well threw the sprinkler in there. Funny how inhibitions seem to melt away when people don't know who you are...
  14. It was a good time. Now I'm spoiled though. Large air conditioned changing room, free pizza, free water, watch a Weird Al concert while we wait to get suited up, they're all like that right?
  15. Ill be there on Thursday. I've got tons of work and rehearsals the rest of that weekend so Thursday is the only day I have free. Looking forward to seeing everything and everyone.
  16. My first troop was last night on stage with Weird Al for "The Saga Begins". I'm the only sandy on the left side of the screen in front of the drums (holdin' it down for the dirties!). It was a really good time! I now realize that with all the shows I've done in my professional career I've never been asked to dance!! Video quality's not too good but you get the idea.
  17. I did my entire armor with fullers earth and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Hit the edges with some sandpaper and like Hawkeye said use some hairspray spray on the part you want to work on. I used a paint brush and drizzled the fullers earth onto the armor (I let it fall off the brush onto the piece). I also took a knife in a couple places and cut into the armor and brushed on the fullers earth into those as well. Right when the hairspray starts to dry, run a dry paper towel to spread things around and make it uneven. The fullers earth should get into the cracks and where you sanded more than anywhere else. I did this whole process two or three times to get the look I wanted. When I was happy with the way it looked I used clear spray paint (non-glossy) to seal everything in (two coats). It really does look like you've been out in the desert when you're done. Hope this helps. Good luck!!
  18. I guess when it's hot wearing a three pound plastic helmet is gonna be hot no matter what the interior color. I really just like how clean that interior looks. Plus, it looks more comfortable and more significant than the halo setup I have in mine now.
  19. John, Did you spray the Plasti Dip directly on the interior of the bucket? Also, doesn't it make it hotter making the inside black? I'd like to redo the inside of mine and I'd like to go this route. Mine works, but I'm not in love with it.
  20. Mine is one piece and I decided to use industrial Velcro to hold it in place. That lets me take the whole thing out if I need to clean it or before I wear it to put some de-fog on it. I put the Velcro on the outside of the eyes and it's not a perfect fit but it stays and works for me.
  21. Sweet so I moved up from the kids table??! Thanks guys!
  22. Introducing TD 9662. Just got approved today! Thank you to everyone in MEPD for your advice and help throughout my build! When Summer is over I will start working on getting deployed (Summer is pretty busy for me at work). Again, thanks!!
  23. I was thinking I should give the pouch another bath in the dye but after looking at yours (Nol) I think it's perfect. Blaster should arrive today!!!!
  24. Helmet is done and second/third coat of weathering is done on the rest of the armor. I dyed that ammo pouch. I used black dye but it came out somewhere between what it was and black, but it looks good (old and used) . I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out. Now just waiting on FedEx for the blaster.
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