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Everything posted by Skodatrooper

  1. Looking good Kreen, its amazing how well straps B work to shape the shoulder bells too. Has anyone said your belt pouch is too far round and should be on the side buddy? Nick
  2. Luckily, there are pauldrons, pouches, etc to cover it all up!
  3. Mine used to show at the top of the thighs, I solved this by adjusting the straps on the thigh armour, so it rotated inwards and shows less undersuit. It may involve buying bigger armour piecemeal as and when you c an afford it. Nick
  4. I used to have so much undersuit showing at first that I was told I was trying to be the first stealth sandtrooper! Getting dressed is one of the areas that spotters are so very useful and priceless
  5. After several troops, I have tried an addition to the backpack... At the longer troops, I was getting sore shoulders from 'popping' my shoulders forward to prevent the backpack sliding down my arms or taking the armour bells off.. I therefore decided to add a black webbing chest strap to the backpack straps. Mine came from a premade backpack straps spares kit which I bought from a camping store (UK Millets), so there was not even any cutting or messing around! The left one attaches behind the pouches and the right one, behind the pauldron, so neither end is visible. The strap fits easily into the void behind the chest armour and cannot be seen at all. I cant believe how comfortable and simple it is, and no more aching shoulders, and no slipping at all, the backpack is very secure and doesnt move now, a recommended upgrade chaps. Nick
  6. Yep, thats the way I do it too ;-)
  7. Just as an observation, i'd go for more earth colours, ie the flat earth, green ochre, yellow ochre system, to compliment your dark colours. Nick
  8. Welcome to the sandpit Rob, pull up a deckchair and enjoy your stay Nick
  9. Us blokes get it easy on this one I guess.
  10. Congratulations on your new arrival. For the record, mrs Dutchy had an easy time... my first (daughter) was 55 cm long at 3.4 kilos, Henry was longer and 4.3 kgs... fun!!!
  11. so happy youre singing reverend? Nick
  12. Hi Dave, pull up a sofa and ready the jaffa cakes... Nick
  13. Ahaaa!! Thanks, oder vielen dank Mario Nick
  14. sorry skutch, whats HWT? please. Thanks Nick
  15. Hi buddy, I have the leather ones, with what may be a slightly lesser angle on the rear straps. The belt I have fits straight through the loops and sits at a slight angle, but its fine for trooping. Will your belt fit through the straps? I used cable ties for the shoulder pouch. Check my clearance pics (9445) Nick
  16. Looking good Dave, that pack looks similar to mine.. good luck
  17. I can now see the first photos, but not the second set!!! nice lid... Nick
  18. Hi Cliff, nah I dont have any of that instant messenger stuff either. gotta fly, moisture farms to patrol... Nick
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