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Everything posted by nick.black

  1. Definitely wear thin cotton gloves under your rubber gloves
  2. I'd say cost isn't an obstacle here. A good t-21 can cost just as much as a kit form E-11, so don't be daunted by the cost implication, certainly not if you're going to build it yourself. A T-21 looks mighty impressive when trooping and kids and adults alike love to see the big gun. Drawback being that it gets hard to wield a bfg all through your troop. I usually take my e-11 to switch to later in the day. I guess for each of the bugs the pros cons are. T-21 ... Pros/ you can make a good one fairly easily and cheaply. Cons/ heavy to handle all day. Dlt19 ... Pros/ fairly light and still looks cool Cons/ expensive to buy and really hard to make Mg-15 ... Pros/ looks really individual and fairly light Cons/ hard to find a good one, and difficult to build yourself.
  3. Well if that's the case, I'm already SWAT too so do I need to reapply for that badge too?
  4. Totally understandable Brad, you did a sterling job and the place will not be the same without you. Nick
  5. There is no hard and fast rule with pauldron so here bud, however, being state side your choices for a good one are Trooper1 (available through this site) or Trooperbay.
  6. My thoughts on this is that to make the Community more involved in the process. There could be an agreement that if 5 people vote "Green Light" on someone's costume then it has the blessing of the Community and therefore a cursory glance of the submission by the Deployment Officer would then verify the deployment. This would allow others to constructively critique submissions and feel included in the detachment, and it would also relieve the pressure on one officer scrutinising all the submissions. Maybe this would work for SWAT only, but I feel it would be the right way to go. Nick
  7. Don, can we see some shots of you in the kit as it stands now? I really think you are close buddy. Nick
  8. Awesome, awesome work Lee, really well done with this. Look forward to seeing it. Nick
  9. Good spot. There was a lot of belt slippage in those scenes. Lots of troopers with clean patches on the ab armour
  10. Haha yeh don't blame you. Any reduction in weight is going to be good though.
  11. Lee, Weighed my pack and it comes in at 9.2 lbs (4.2kgs). This is a Karimoor frame with Boydy's trays. My radio made from PVC foam and bits of Perspex with resin dials weighs 550g. Hope this helps. Nick
  12. Lee, I'll be very interested to see what you can achieve here buddy. This could have implications for all of us if you find some significant weight savings. Me, I'm a stickler for punishment and I actually think it makes part of the character that the kit is a bit heavy. It makes it a kind of trial to wear it and due to that I feel more bad *** than Tks. Sore shoulders are not fun though. Keep going buddy Nick
  13. Although it has always been accepted that once you are cleared you are always cleared, I think that due to the fact that I am using a brand new set of armour I really should re-submit for clearance as a MEPD Police Officer to be fair. Therefore please see below my submission for clearance ID: TD-5884 Name: Nick Black Forum: nick.black Unit: Britannia Patrol of the UK Garrison 501st Profile: http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=14053 ​Full front Right Left Back Action Lid Off Green lenses and no frown mesh Original Strapping Left side Rivets Right side popper Poppers under Cod Elastic Shoulder Straps Canvas Belt Latex Handguards
  14. You can either attach the bell straps to the white shoulder straps or run s separate length of elastic across your shoulders
  15. "TD-5884 to control......" "TD-5884 to control do you copy?" "Control this is TD-5884 of the U.K. Garrison, Britannia Patrol, requesting immediate reallocation to the ranks of the MEPD after my recent respite break on Coruscant. It's good to be back in the Dewback Saddle" http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=14053 Nick
  16. Ruthar, You are correct matey, that is the guy with no pack and cheese grater hand plates and a DLT-19 Nick
  17. Starbuck, If you want some feedback here goes. Your chest seems to be sitting a little low. This can be fixed by shortening your shoulder straps between chest and upper back. This will make it look loads better. Your shoulders are also a little too far out, try shortening the strap or distance between the shoulder bell and the white shoulder strap this will bring them up higher and closer in to your chest. Are your biceps large on your body, coz your armour biceps seem huge. Maybe they could be reduced in circumference which would help the shoulders also sit better. Looks great though mate, and these points won't affect you're wearing or clearance, they are just pointers for more accuracy.
  18. Wow, amazing, amazing build bud. Really outstanding attention to detail. This needs to be lauded as an example of how to do this pack thing properly. Well done sir. Nick
  19. Really great work Lee you've captured the essence of the MEPD perfectly. Can't wait for you to be out there with us at Britannia Patrol.
  20. Ok so I managed to get everything sorted now and I'm ready to upload my clearance pics for my Garrison.
  21. Lee, Most of us use Bergen Covers. Sorry cant post a link for some reason. Desert Camo is best. Althugh not very inconspicuous it will do the job. Nick
  22. Lee, This is an absolutely outstanding piece of work my friend, really taking things to a whole new level on this. Bravo to you. Nick
  23. Would help us if we knew where you were Chris, that way we can point you in the right direction. Nick
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