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Everything posted by TD2802

  1. Who says being dirty you can't have any class? Good job guys!
  2. A great day for the MEPD - kudos to all my sandy (and not-so-sandy too) bretheren for making this happen
  3. Man Cave armor lookin good Rob! Makes me want to go back (eh Tony?)
  4. Those were great! No droids are safe from a mando a sandy joint-op!
  5. The MG34 and 42 are also popular in some anime - most notably the 'Lone Wolf Jin Roh' series about an alternate history where the Axis win the war. In a totalitarian police state, Japan's security forces use such weapons as a result of heavy influence from their former ally who went on to defeat them in another war.
  6. That's a great exhibit and really enjoyed it when it was in Portland. Always loved that McQuarrie display picture.
  7. Good work Rocko! Looking forward to the final result
  8. The dirt could use more pack
  9. TD2802

    This Board

    I love this forum better than my own garrison's! You can't pick your garrisons but you can pick your dets and this (along with FISD) rule the pack.
  10. I still have my Heavy Metal Soundtrack too . . . right next to Led Zeppelin IV LZ's immortal - still have LZ II on LP myself. *curmudgeon hat on* Back in the day (early 80s), my buddies and I stomped at the local VFW halls to Hüsker Dü, Meat Puppets and DK with J. Biafra. Ushers were mostly WWII or Korea War vets and got a kick out of their salty commentary about what young people called 'music'.
  11. Update with my (non-SW fan) daughter:
  12. I also like the dial interpretation. Good work!
  13. Hey I recognize that place - that's Akihabara, the electronics district of Tokyo (read as geek central). One of my favorite places to hang out when visiting the in-laws. Wonder if I should bring my armor when I visit next spring.
  14. Whoa! Mike, you sculpt like a master
  15. Now that would be cool - gorillas as sandies, chimps as TKs and orangutans as officers.
  16. If you use acrylics then there's a greater chance of the stuff actually curing between applications. IIRC the resin polymers in acrylic paints is what makes them great for more permanent jobs and adhesion plus they dry faster. That's why its better to use tempera (same properties as kids fingerpaints) paints which are water based, wipes off easily and for sandies, wears off naturally. Some guys however prefer acrylic if they want a permanent weather job. Don't know about removing acrylic from ABS if that's what you're painting, but you could try acrylic paint thinner. I heard common window cleaner works too. Test first of course.
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