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Everything posted by avatar_man

  1. Now let's see some kid sized Stormtrooper armor (you know - the kind that doesn't cost 500 bucks!)
  2. All I can say is ****! WOW! Holy Beru-Blasters Batman! That looks great! That's it - I have to lose 50 lbs.... I have to get some AP Armor....
  3. Take Care - shoot first, and take no prisoners.....
  4. Or, Make your own (post reference) http://www.mepd.net/forum/viewtopic.php ... ight=#8353
  5. Now that looks GREAT! ....the big question is... are they for sale?
  6. Hey Hippie, Since I attach mine to my pack - yeah, I would have to agree with your assesment. P.S. How are you and the wife after SWW? Survivie OK?
  7. I use one of these: http://www.allelectronics.com/cgi-bin/i ... TION_.html has it's own battrery pack and the foam seems to cut down on the feedback problem..
  8. ...I don't pad at all (at 225lbs, who needs to)... BUT - I found that in order to take thr load off the armpit area, run the straps towards the inside of the chest and run them out the bottom of the chest peice towards the back - you can't tell any difference in how it looks, but it shifts the weight distibution more center mass instead of all on the shoulder joints..
  9. Hey Rob, What days are you going to Disney? - We will be there from Bloodfin Garrison over June9-11th..
  10. GUNS, Thanks man. It's always good to have some feedback when one's opinion is involved, and I appreciate it. I will definitely reflect on this more before stating anything on the 501st board....... As the PFLP/PLFP say - "Solidarity!" - The Life of Brian
  11. Ok fellow troops - please pre-read this and let me know if you think it's OK to post on 501st... I don't want to sound too sarcastiuc, but I need some feedback, so I don't get sanctioned or anything nasty.... Please PM me with some thumbs up or down... ----------------------------suggested posting--------------------- I know this may seem to be argumentative, but don't take it personally - this is MO, and hey - I have been known to be wrong a time or two (hundred?) in my life. But I just have to speak out... Well, well, well How quickly we just absolve ourselves of years of committed standards, just so we can satisfy some need to bend the rules for a few non-canon TK's who want their clean armor, but also want to distinguish themselves without really committing to going Sandy all the way. If you are going use the Dark Horse example as what is accepted Legion Standard, so be it. But be forewarned - If this is the case, the argument should be followed through to it's logical even-handed application to all designations (SL's, TB's et al) - be prepared to allow helmets with cheek tubes that are completely wrong, hand guards that are wrong, etc.. You don't want to accept this rational because it isn't convenient for the argument that TK's should be allowed to wear pauldrons and now maybe backpacks? (according to some references also).. What the heck, since it must be accepted since the EU is Lucas approved - does that also mean the the SL designees that have put blood sweat and tears into their wonderful armor should have their designation diluted by RUBIES or DV Voice changer helmets (After all, to use the same rationalization - These types of Helmets are Lucas approved, and therefore it must be OK'd to Legion Standards)....???? I know what we can do - while we are at it, let's dig out all of the old poorly printed 70's SW comics and a copy of Splinter of the Mind's eye - It was all approved and can be considered EU - so I say let's just have a standards free-for all for every designation and not just make an exception for a few people who are unable to take their non screen-accurate pauldrons off...
  12. I was thinking. Since the argument is that the Comic Books and other EU sources are Lucasfilm approved, couldn't the same argument be made in other areas/designateions. Example: SL designations and the Legion do not officially recognize nor accept the standard Rubies DV helmets (voice changer model included). BUT, since each of these is Lucasfilm approved costume material, the same standard and logic MUST be applied towards the SL designation as is being seen towards the pauldron/ non-pauldron issue. I was thinking of floating this one on the 501st board, just to hear the howls of indignation from the hard-core SL's that also happen to be making the argument for Pauldron TK's... What's good for the goose.....
  13. OFFICIAL PROTEST! Well fellow Sandies, IMHO It looks as if the Dark Horse comics are going to kill the TD only pauldron wearing in the legion - I can't wait for the SL's and all the other designations to get overly technical and ruin the unique and elite qualities of their own designations (funny how the TK's using Dark Horse comics for reference are ignoring the blatent inaccuracies of the rendered armor - I.E. Malformed cheek tubes, incorrect hand guards, etc..). this situation is irritating at best, and at least - it is subversive and undermining to the rest of the TD's that have put their blood and sweat into making their armor as film accurate as possible. Clean TK's who insist in wearing pauldrons simply lack the dedication to go all the way, sort of like the polictician class of the legion... Now that we have stood by as long as we have and tolerated the clean troopers wearing pauldrons, they are now forcing a change in Legion Policy to fully accomodate their flagrant disregard of accepted standards in order to have it both ways. I am very quickly becoming disillusioned by the latest inner-workings of the Legion.... Seems very High-School clicky... Thank the maker for MEPD! This is as diverse a bunch of troopers as there are from all sorts of backgrounds and I am PROUD to be a member with all of you... ..."Now, just how to actually get the Legion to STOP this madness!.."
  14. I got mine from CopQuest and couldn't be happier (23 bucks). I had a gray/grey pair in the Air Force and these are on par with professional military quality
  15. WOW Jim, Nice! Very Nice! You make masterpieces and I can't even manage to find a box big enough to ship an MG-15... (P.S. - you know it's coming soon)...
  16. Thanks - count me in for 01 for sure...
  17. I.E. How much they will cost? will we be able to order more than 01?
  18. Just let me know how much they are, and how many we can order...
  19. ...Or: MEPD: The Dark Side of Dirty!
  20. WOW - I am 5' 10" - 225 lbs... looks like there is no TE in my future. As my friend Tony said - "Built like a lowland gorilla"...
  21. ...really, I just don't want to talk about "my stain"..... My wife calls me "gorby" now
  22. ..or maybe an "MEPD Heavy Weapons Training" patch?
  23. Resin? Have you looked at Flex-IT foam 5?
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