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Everything posted by Marcel

  1. Yep 2 enfield slings is what you need, google around the surplus stores or ebay. Think I paid about £12 each for mine
  2. Congrats on your new baby Long sleep less nights ahead but its all worth it
  3. Im now building an all Ali scratch build blaster with blaster core, his E11 is my inspiration. Heres what i have so far
  4. Looking good there Nath . Looks like an easy pass to me mate, one thing I had to do as it niggled me was to pin down the Pauldron to the shoulder strap, as mine was high like yours and wound me up rubbing on my bucket. I used a 25mm bit of black webbing about 6" long, with poppers on it so it made a circle. And in between the poppers on the pauldron, I looped the webbing round the lower portion of the pauldron and around the shoulder strap to keep it tight down and then clipped the top part of the pauldron shut to hide the webbing. THis kept it away from my lid, does that make sense? You also have the shoulder pouch more towards the shoulder bell like I do as that used to foul up my lid looking down. Looking forward to trooping with you at some point Marcel
  5. If your talking about the harness strap, then I used 25mm black webbing. Looped this round the pack frame and then rivited it twice with large washers to stop it pulling through
  6. I had the plesure of meeting the little lad and man that armour is 100% spot on, nothing could be faulted with it, dude we have to talk at some point as me thinks I want one for my boy Im the Biker scout on your lads right hand side next to him, in your pictures. It was my first Mem, and everyone said it was alot quiter than the one in November last year. But Il defo be going to the net one this November. Ive also spoken to a couple of newbies wanting to join the UKG at Mem, so Ive pointed them in your direction for kit hope thats ok Marcel
  7. Looking good Ian welcome to the sand pit, not too big a deal to get you deployed Recognise this bad boy Marcel
  8. Looking good there my UKG brother, see you in the sand pit
  9. HI mate, I did as you said above. I pulled off the rippled part of the inner tupper wear lid then cut off the neck of the outer lid. Painted this part black oside silver inside, then using a disk of abs rivited through the disk and lid into down pipe and put a washer on the back before snapping off the rivit. Then just clipped the rippled inner lid back on. I did like Leigh Lewis did and have the down pipe splotted on big headed bolts so it can be taken off if needed easily Marcel
  10. Nice to meet you Dan, pull up a chair and make yourself at home
  11. Welcome aboard matey Stormtrooper armour is meant to be dirty not all clean and shinney
  12. Theres plenty of Enfield slings about in surplas stores worldwide and also Ebay, like said above you will want 2 to be accurate. Think I paid £12 each for mine
  13. Bummer you have the same problem I did, I got the ok for deployment and then took a while to get my details on the 501st site. Still you will get it as I did, congratulations mate
  14. Looking good trooper, now get deployed and help us control these pesky moisture farmers
  15. I had a go at attaching my back pack to the back plate, when I first did mine but found it pulled the chest plate into my neck.And in turn pushed te pauldron up and made it hard for my helmet to move. do you get this? If not how do you stop the chest pulling back? Cheers
  16. HI Josh welcome to the home of the battle hardened the MEPD This forum I would say has the most helpfull lot out of all the forums I go on, you will be made most welcome here TK's were made to get dirty, not stay all clean
  17. Yup Sandies would take it, Tk's are too comfy up on the Death Star and Strormies evolved from the Clones so there would still be some good scrapers on the ranks
  18. Or one good bounty I went the normal hand plate route, didnt really like the look of the cheese graters
  19. Welcome to the MEPD Nathan, good to see anouther UK brother going dirty Your Sandy journey begins as does my ROTJ Fett. Ive done 3 costumes in 4 months, and so am abit burnt out and decided to let the pros build my Fett as my paint skills are pants Estimated Fett completion time 4 months Marcel
  20. Cool may have to get some extra accesories for my sandy
  21. TD-4505 wishing you all a VERY merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year
  22. Yeah they have been mentioned but aparently dont ship to the UK
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