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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. Wow - very impressive and good looking too. Which method did you use for weathering?
  2. Dude - that is awesome! Who cares about canon - it's pretty fab and I'll troop with you any day. Speaking of which - you coming up for either Norwescon or ECCC?
  3. Most of the blasters seen in ANH have them, though they are absent in ESB. I guess it's really personal preference in the end.
  4. Extremely cool - what a great piece of art
  5. Dude, we're still two weeks away from nominations - RELAX! It will all be fine - some people just want to wait until the official nomination period. Then there is discussion etc.
  6. It's set by group. Go to Group Management, Edit Group, and down in posting permissions there is a toggle to allow editing of topic title. If you dont' want general membership to have it, at least allowing 501st & detachment members to do so would be nice.
  7. Is it possible to at least allow this in the for sale area, or if board wide for 501st members? I ask in that this way I can update an item that is sold in the topic title.
  8. Nice! I just got a woody
  9. I think FISD & MEPD should do what CTN does when a new armor maker comes online - that is to have the discussion and pix of the molds done in a 501st only area so that these things can be vetted off the open board. The reason I shut down the thread on FISD is that it started getting personal. People have a right to know the origins of the kit we troop in. It's really to the creators advantage - if it's original they benefit from having a vetted pedigree that is unassailable (think TrooperMaster, RT, etc.). Else they'll be dogged forever by accusations from one board to the next. And if someone has recasted as a start and then moved on, again it's better to just state this up front esp. where TE derived armor is concerned. The truth comes out sooner or later anyway. That said, if people do have *objective* points they'd like to raise then they should detail the merits of their point of view and present the evidence accordingly, rather than resorting to "burn the witch" rhetoric which doesn't help anyone.
  10. Sorry Juan - some of those guys can get a bit touchy. Please accept my apologies - I policed the offending threads.
  11. Always great to see another fan sculpt - care to cross post on FISD pleeze?
  12. Yup - it's been here for a few months And from FISD: AM Build thread http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=9475 Another AM build thread http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=9467
  13. Wow - a great illustration of reproducing a prop vs. trying to capture what we saw on screen. It reminds me of when my sister did runway work - she said how she looked on stage under bright lights was totally different than in a chair in the mirror under normal light. Or how in Star Trek they said they had to make the badges extra bright/reflective in real life to look normal on screen.
  14. I've noticed the fewer number of people there the more work that gets done. So people in our are seem to choose to have a party with a little bit of armor work or a lot of armor work but little party. It's best to set the expectation of which you want in advance.
  15. SithArmor aka nutsaboutpins - the guys who do TKBoots - does some great 3mag pouches that look good on the hip. You can email VaderDave or Deckard as they have contacts to him.
  16. FWIW, I know at least two people who may run but who are not posting as they want to think about it. I'd suggest we relax for a bit and perhaps just brainstorm on suggestions for the new team. As for officers : the charter only says there needs to be a DL. What comes after that it really dependent on workload and the needs of the det. I think it would be putting a solution ahead of a problem to focus on that first, and again feel we'd all be best served talking about what we'd like to see for this det in 2010, e.g. what would January 2011 look like? I put a few suggestions up wrt to an analog to "kills" in JRS to get more TD's trooping & visible again, and back here on MEPD. I'd love to hear other suggestions.
  17. Actually you don't need to be deployed to run for office. Everyone with a valid Legion sandtrooper who is a member of this forum counts as an active, eligible member of this detachment, per the charter. Deployed status has no bearing on Legion status.
  18. Oh fear not Rolf - jeez I'd do it if no one else will so we'd have *someone*. And you know I'd do Ok, but honestly like you I'd prefer a new person step up. Also, I'm not worried - nominations are weeks away and there are probably a few folks thinking it over before coming out. It's a serious commitment after all.
  19. To answer your question Rolf directly: How will the new staff looks like, if it was up to you. I'd like to see next year's staff reach out to some of the old TD's who aren't on MEPD and try to get them back. I did a check on sandtrooper cotumes in the Legion and there are a lot of older profile pix still with drop boxes, incorrect ab plates, and most important NO DIRT. How to get old members back and interested? MEPD pioneered the deployed concept to get costume standards higher and several folks provided great pack kits to get us away from sterlite boxes. Perhaps something like the JRS that has an award system for troops. Personally I don't like this as it rewards the wrong thing IMHO, but it does get those older troopers to log in and show their costumes off at least. I'm wondering if there is a need for 6 officers next year. When I was XO there wasn't much for me to do aside from chime in on the 501st DL boards or function as a moderator. Yes, I did migrate the forums but that was a one time deal. I'd suggest the DO can be rolled in to the XO job or else the XO's role needs to take on other functions for them to earn their pay As for S@A, Rolf has really set a high bar for keeping morale up, etc. so hopefully he'll stay on as he requests. Do you see your self as a candidate No. I've been asked if I'll run but to be honest I'm having a lot of fun as FISD DL and there are still parts of that detachment I'd like to mature before I move on. Doing the DL for any detachment takes time if you're going to do a proper job of it, and MEPD deserves to have someone as DL that has no other challenges for their time.
  20. Crazy awesome! Man, these past two MG-15 submissions have really added respect to this weapon. Will be great to see more alongside all the MG-34 and T-21's.
  21. I think you guys deserve a well deserved break! Mike has been synonymous with sandtroopers for a long time now and Rolf has breathed life in to this forum numerous times. You should hold your heads high for what you've accomplished. MEPD was my first real exposure to the larger world of the 501st and had a pronounced influence on me of what a community should be. gentlemen
  22. Dude, you have some mad paint skills, and the faded logo is dope. I'd say the small size is a plus for trooping actually - easier to carry around
  23. Happy New Year all - here's to a rockin' 2010 for MEPD
  24. Beyond upgrade - this is simply fantastic Mike. Just a wee bit of weathering and your golden. Now - about the rest of the armor...still got that FX with the ab plate buttons still attached? ;-) Isn't about time you get deployed?
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