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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. I'm not a paint dude, but the sanding method sounds the safest. This is as you say a way to learn as much as re-create a prop.
  2. In sandy configuration yeah, using a pouch is the way to go!
  3. Oh - and FYI we're making some changes on FISD as well: http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=10616
  4. Grandfathering is when you allow me to do whatever I've been doing. Time to bring back Altman's!
  5. Yup. SpecOps is being dissolved too. I'm taking on the TK armor costumes, BSN is taking the rest.
  6. No need. I recasted my suits and am giving away copies for free. Just won the lottery yesterday so figure I can have them bulk made in China for far less cost than in the US - so cheap that shipping is pretty much all I need.
  7. I say allow both unless there is a good reason not to, given the photo evidence of both being seen.
  8. Whoa - Parjai is in the house! Can't wait to see pix
  9. The second scene also shows the trooper on the right with the top of his forearm almost touching his shoulder bell too. Looks like in both cases the bells are really drooping low.
  10. I'm saying that the CRL does not consider FX helmets as being acceptable. Detachments have no say over Legion standards, though we are charted to create recommendations, and this recommendation is made after much fact checking of the membership over the years. For existing members, my understanding from the CoG is that they are grandfathered forever. For new members, it is up to each GML to decide what is acceptable or not - the detachments have no control over Legion policy in this regard. For EIB, FX helmets were disallowed two years ago but since we only had one FX applicant (Joey in Bolivia) grandfathering was never an issue as he upgraded. EDIT : sorry, updated first line :j-p
  11. Just to let everyone know... As you all are aware, the FX has been slowly making it's way out of the Legion for some time, most especially on the coasts of the US, Asia, and other parts of Europe. When it comes to the CRL there is confusion as to it's intent and purpose. This has been clarified by the LMO that the CRL's are references that should describe a recommendation. The GML is free to interpret these and deviate on their own judgment. As such we held a poll on FISD to see if it's time to remove the FX helmet (HELMET - not the armor) from the CRL. A 70% majority indicated that it should be so. http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=10265 So as of today, I've updated the CRL for all TK costumes covered by FISD to state that the FX is no longer acceptable for based on the CRL. As always, this does not affect current members or their status at all. The opinion overwhelming of people polled is to grandfather indefinitely current members, and this is also born out by a post regarding policy of the Legion CoG three years ago. There are ever increasing options for helmets these days that are more accurate and comparable cost to the FX helmet, so it only seems a natural progression, as once we used to allow Marko helmets but no longer. Questions? Please feel free to chime in. EDIT: current CRL is at http://www.whitearmor.net/home/crl-overview/crl-anh-stunt.html All TK's derive from this base suit.
  12. On long troops I prefer to swap out with my fellow sandies, e.g. swap out weapons and pauldrons and desire dictates. This way not everyone need to own all three pauldrons, all weapons, etc.
  13. I'd modify this to say "if you choose to be 100% screen accurate configuration". How you troop is of course always up to you.
  14. That's pretty cool - a very nice interpretation.
  15. Very well done. Every trooper should be so lucky. You did some really good work and should be proud
  16. I chuck it up to Lucas got lazy on the 3rd movie.
  17. I've used two different pack strap solutions and alas the more padded the straps the bulkier and visible they seem to be. Ideally I'd think you'd use a regular strap and just sew some padding underneath. Either way it seems regardless of strapping/padding, after a few hours you just become sore anyway :-p
  18. All TE derived armor is the same, alas. I've gone from FX to RT to TE2 and they are pretty much equivalent though I give favor to RT by a small margin. Not seen AM in person, but it would be interesting to compare AM to RT.
  19. Wow Rob! Sorry to see the EIB suit coverted over - it must have taken some abuse over the past year
  20. Regardless, I'd still buy a few packs. Smoke makes for excellent insect repellent.
  21. It's a feature. Guests don't get to see avatars. And yes, having a place holder is on FISD's list of things to do this month.
  22. Holy smokes - that's the best yet! Awesome Noel
  23. The beauty of not being on staff is I can express my true feelings! I'm a PC! I'm a Ford Guy. And I just love Asian girls with long black hair. And...I love wearing a black body suit and putting on white plastic. Crazy? Nah, that's what Star Trek is for ;-) And before we judge each others hobbies, I used to think Super Hero costuming was silly until I saw this thread: http://theleagueofheroes.yuku.com/topic/8318/t/Margie-s-Star-Sapphire-Picture-Heavy.html
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