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Everything posted by 6170

  1. Love this video, its on Youtube too .
  2. Oh man I forgot all about drugy track marks.
  3. So over on C.NET there is a thread about how hot, Hot Glue is. So far this week , I have been cut by my dremel, burnt by my hot glue guns numerous times, had a small peace of abs fly into my eye when I was too lazy to put on my eye protector while using my drill(don't try this at home kids) and nicked the back of my hand with a belt sander. I also smacked my finger with a hammer while fixing a snap. I am guessing that I was never blessed the grace of a ballerina but I do have a pretty high pain threshold since none of this seems to slow me down even for a min. Man thank goodness I don't own a vacuum form machine or I might need to update my will. Don't you just love our hobby?
  4. Yea it was super cool to see the TDs pushing through the crowd for sure. I know Ben, Eddie and I will be in full effect, hopefully there will be a few more Sandys representing. I will be wearing my TD, TI and soon to be Ct/TC/AT-TE Gunner One of my friends wants to wear my TD which will be fun since he never has worn armor before and picking CC for his first 'troop' is going to be interesting to say the least..
  5. Bump since Con is just a few weeks away
  6. Love how that larger dude is looking back at you. I had just used the newspaper to mask my helmet for painting when you text me. Figured right? Great way to represent. Yea remember how Fox news was saying that CC didn't generate enough money to make it worth fighting for just a few months ago and we all cried B.S? Funny how now it comes out that it so happens to generate $163 million. Fox= Wankers
  7. 6160 was one of the last Kaminoans clones. He entered the Clone Wars late as a young clone trained in piloting fighters and walkers but what he lacked in experience initially he made up for in his willing to pick up a any blaster and fight along side the grunts. Towards the end of the Clone Wars he was assigned to his own AT-TE where he served as a Gunner. He served on walkers for years until the Empire for lack of trust in Clones began to assign the remaining aging clones to the least desirable outposts. He would eventually end up on Tatooine where he helped transport Sandtroopers from Star Destroyers to Tatooine. Serving on an AT-TE for years gave him a fondness for large guns which is no surprise why his Sandtrooper weapon of choice is the T-21 canon. Being a clone (with unquestioned loyalty) it was no wonder that he was personally chosen by Darth to help interrogate the Lars in a way that human Sandtroopers night have found down right cruel. After the rebels blew up the original Death Star and along with it countless experience TIE fighter pilots, the Empire found themselves with a huge shortage of TIE fighter pilots. .6160 now one of the last living clones found himself reassigned on board the Executor . As a TIE pilot his now aging body would serve in one last battle above the forest moon of Endor. He along with numerous squadrons fought the rebels until the damaged Executor crashed into the Death Star. With no ship to return to 6160’s TIE fighter was last seen fighting up until the exploding Death Stars shock wave incinerated his ship. That’s 6160’s story what’s yours?
  8. Some of the most fun threads are the 'getting to know you' threads We have done helmet off pictures threads, what we do in real life even the origins of our nick names. but to my knowledge we have yet to do one on that alter ego that lives inside of us that only comes out when the helmet goes on.... Your Sandtrooper's story.. Where did your Sandtrooper come from? What is he doing in the Star Wars Universe? Clearly this isn't a very serious thread and I am sure some of you may not have even known you had an alter ego but have fun with this thread anyway...-lol-
  9. lol its okay, still a great commercial, Daft Punk looks right at home in the SW universe
  10. Wow! Set the time machine for 1977 Mr Peabody! Thats brings back the memories!
  11. Looks pretty sweet bro. You still need a bucket off picture ;o) Only thing that I can see is that for deployment you have to lose the shoulder TK ID decal. I know the UK Garrison requires these but for deployment you may have to take it off. I would also weather the shoes a bit more but thats pretty much all I can spot Good luck tho you look great!
  12. http://www.break.com/pictures/the-force-is-strong-with-this-one-1852402.html Can we say honorary members?? lol
  13. Stay strong brother! You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and you are right the only person you can change if yourself. Your wife seems to be having a sort of crisis but your child should come 1st think of the environment that you want him to grow up in first and foremost. I am blessed with two wonderful little children and would gladly lay my life down for them. I hope that time will give your wife clarity but you can not depend on her to do the right thing, life is weird that way sometimes things just don't ever get fixed despite how much we want them to. You are a stong man and you have your brothers here who care about you. Like I said I am a father and you are always welcomed to PM me any questions about rasing kids anytime. I will more then gladly give you my phone number that you can call when ever on skype if you want it PM me. If you do decide to travel.. I live in San Diego, Ca home to Comic Con and just 90 miles from Disneyland.... you are welcomed at my house. MEPD = band of brother PS do not worry about us and posting on here. You go take care of you and we will always be here when you get back.
  14. While I do not personally know Natan, I am aware of the hard times his family has endured in the recent past. I would agree with those above that if he were to decide to go TD again then he should be a strong candidate for this pac.
  15. I was going to change my avatar and signature to all Star Trek themes and say that the system was going hey wire but that would have been childish. Wait why is my Spock picture upside down? Ahhh the system is going hey wire!!
  16. As long as it has senseless use of blasters and Jawa deaths I am there! The less plot the better.
  17. Do you mean pictures of us in armor with our dogs or just show off pictures of out dogs? My dog Winston (Churchill) isn't keen on me wearing that weird plastic thing that covers up my face as he would put it. When ever I put on my armor he gives me that 'hey man I am going to go in the back yard and chase the birds you go do your own thing look' But anyway this is Winston he is a Giant Schnauzer This gives you an idea how big he is (my brother is not a midget I assure you
  18. Wow that is a sweet ride bro!! Good to see you back, and don't worry MEPD will always be here when life stops getting in the way.... This what my Clone armor will look like, when I finish it next month An AT-TE tank gunner... I love the look and the fact that I have yet to see a fully built AT-TE TG makes it even more fun.
  19. Good to see you here AJ! I applaud all the COs efforts in keeping the 501st a finely tuned machine with a heart of gold. MEPD's has some of the most talented, welcoming, fun and down right most giving members in the 501st and its awesome to have you here. Hope to see you often here at the sandpit.
  20. Yea funny how life can get in the way of play time right? Love those pictures bro! Hope to troop with you again soon
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