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Short TRooper

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Everything posted by Short TRooper

  1. GO Chicago Bears!!! they gotta get thier act together and play some decent games after tomorrow...then the real season begins! Cutler is doing ok, it's the 2nd QB Mark Heine that threw a couple of interceptions that lost us our last game!!!! Diana (ShortTrooper )
  2. Hey we prayed that you would be safe and every thing would be ok...not too hard for God to keep the light on for you right? Diana (ShortTrooper )
  3. Thank you Iron Ram....PRAYER CHANGES THINGS when you ask God for help and have faith He will answer! Glad to hear all is well and every one here is ok! I do have it written inside my Sandy armor about putting on the full armor of God when you pray! Good to hear Dirty Boy you didn't get hit bad and no flooding of your workshop! Diana (ShortTRooper)
  4. that is a good idea...... Safe way of having light with out electricity... Cool! Be safe Dirty Boy and your family too...and every one else on here...praying for you all out there... Diana (ShortTrooper )
  5. Nice picture for a cool bumper sticker! Diana (ShortTrooper)
  6. Glad you are safe now...and will pray your stuff will be safe! Diana (ShortTRooper )
  7. That is a monster of a storm..... I pray for all those that are in her path to safely got out of her way and hope she goes out to sea and misses everything!!!! Be safe on your flight over here supa troop and Iron Ram be safe too where every you go and every one else for safety. Diana (ShortTrooper)
  8. I heard that hurricane Irene is supposed to make landfall at 2 am friday morning along the East coast along the North/South Carolina line...rains are to pound the area with wind and rain for 12 to 24 hours as she skirts up the coast line...You may have your flight diverted more inland or delayed... I hope you can make it safely here! Diana (ShortTrooper )
  9. Iron Ram, Will be praying for you and your wife (And any one else that is on the East coast!) for safety this week, and that your stuff will be safe...give your wife a hug from me and God will hold you in His hands during this time.... Gods peace to you, Diana (ShortTrooper)
  10. Been watching then ews all week so far on Hurricane Irene and was wondering if there was any from here that may be in harms way from her coming up the coast/ Have you made any preperations to stay or evacuate? I've been on the tail ends of some hurricanes as they come up into the Midwest but being there in the brunt of it I wouldn't want to be there in it...tornadoes are bad enough but a hurricane? no thanks! Gods blessings and protection be on you all that are on the East coast from Florida to Maine! Diana (ShortTrooper)
  11. LOL!!! I about got a headache looking at this but it was cool seeing all those droids from all the shows..Alice from "Jetsons"., The dog from Jimmy neutron....k=9 and the Dalek from Dr.Who... the list goes on... Diana (ShortTrooper)
  12. Oh dear..... Did some one have a surgery with stitches not to be chewed on or itched???? Diana (ShortTrooper )
  13. Wow, that looks complicated but it's apparently not! I know a few people who are going to be happy to see this! Diana(ShortTrooper)
  14. LOL!!! Well done and thought out..... Diana (SHort Trooper )
  15. Woodchuck...the youtube link in your post isn't working! Diana (ShortTRooper )
  16. Happy Birthday Rolf, even tho it's a day late! Diana (ShortTRooper )
  17. oooo nice coin!!!!! Diana (Short Trooper )
  18. wow , that looked cool how that lit up at night and all you saw was a giant Vader head!!!! Good job for a good cause. Diana (Shorttrooper )
  19. I always wondered how they did that writing! PRetty cool! I am tempted to download this buthave never opened a zip file in my life..... Diana (ShortTRooper )
  20. errrr...ahhh (cough) INTERESTING to be sure...but none there I see I would sell my organs for! Diana (ShortTrooper )
  21. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!! I know I'm a day early but I hope you all on here enjoy your day and all have the respect, love, joy and Honor that Dad deserves on his day! I will be at my Dad's all day tomorrow, hence this is why I am posting this now! Diana (SHortTrooper )
  22. Who says Vader doesen't have a fun side??? this articule from FOXNEWS shows that side! http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2011/06/07/darth-vader-does-disneyland/ I hope this link works...if it doesen't please copy and paste..... Diana (ShortTrooper )
  23. Aww those are cool! I have about two nephews who would love to see those and I wouldn't mind seeing a set myself!! Are these still availible? Diana (ShortTrooper )
  24. Happy Belated Birthday Bluey! Hope your day was great! Diana (ShortTrooper )
  25. I saw that devastation there on the TV here in Illinois and it was shocking......I figure if I can't send supplies down there but at least my donation on the site will get there! Gods blessings be on you all and the efforts of the people to bring some sense of calm and peace there in Joplin....I hope all that are still missing are found safe and sound and no m ore deaths are reported from there... They are reporting that 1500 people are still missing I see last night there were more huge storms in Ark, Okl. Texas, and Kansas.....God be with those people! i see anew warning area has just been set for Tennesee, Ga, Alabama, and kentucky...We are under a tornado watch here in Illinois till 1 pm today...had horrible storms at 6 am this morning! They also just reported here by me in Champainge Illinois that a Tornado has just hit there and massive damage was done... Diana (ShortTrooper )
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