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Everything posted by TK-9135

  1. Ahh... I see you guys are among the thinking! I get so depressed when I visit the states. We need a turn around, better top brass and better education on what is going on. Sadly most Americans know more about friggin "American Idol" than world events. ****, most of the kids I met here in the Navy under 23 can't tell you 4 state capitols, much less politics.
  2. My son is the reason for the sticker. Ill be tidying it up a little than...
  3. Here are some better pics... I am thinking it is indeed a Marco, looking at this pic from Jez's site... The side tube and the dish look the same. The radio box shapes make to be the same as well. Mine is in diffrent layout, but the parts look to be a match.
  4. And Thats Why I still Serve. God Bless the USA.
  5. Great lookig pack! Also great to see you in armor bro.
  6. When you drive by the Base, Snap a salute for my buds stationed there. Hawaii is awesome isnt it!
  7. Ill get some more up of the event. Truly a work of art and Goro is one talented guy. Man what a weekend. I was Vader, so no TK for me that weekend, but the crowd had a blast on the dewback. 27000 people in three days saw her. Ill get up some links... G4TV did a spot as well as local TV. Tons of celebs as well as our own 501st got a chance to take a rid on the dewback. CJ was a total blast. Trooping in Japan will always rock you all, gotta get here!
  8. Hot glue will fail if temps get hot, of moist. IE lots of sweat... I use the small square, drill a hole then attach the snap like it comes in the kit... Back and front of the Male. The female goes on the strap, the male on the armor. Straps I use are rubber as well, black car tiedown rubber, about 1 inch wide. Its smooth and flexable. Love it. Then glue the square with e-6000 or like that. I use a system like shown above in 252's post, and Stuka's build thread is awesome! I am using that for my TM build...
  9. Full Snap. I wont go any other direction. SO much more user freindly. I can break armor down to parade rest, pack in a smaller box and still have awesome hold power...
  10. Love the new look, and the user format. Great job V! Oi! Oi! Oi!
  11. You enjoy your time with that little one. I know how short time is. Every day is a blessing, and one that holds so many positives. Troop on my freind. Spend time with that little trooper. Your goodie bag contents... TK9135 lenses, Stomper unfinished mic tips, TD stickers and tube stripes TK9135 TB lens, Don Jar snout, tbits and Screen accurate elavator bolts MRCE Plaque, speicial Plaque Helmet padding square for the wee one... Enjoy, looking forward to progress pics!
  12. Holy moly Rolf! Those are awesome! If you ever start commision work... I am sure there would be a good line! Awesome of you to do that for the little one... Cool!
  13. I reconize those pics your working off of... Awesome man. That is the Scifire blaster. The best in the biz... Looking like a winner to me. Does that kit have a boot holster?
  14. Scan that paper template, email it to me and I can make the lens. Ill do some digging, I might have some extra small parts knocking about from my Lancer build.
  15. My end is going to take way to long. So, Eddie, look for a UPS truck. It is carrying a brand new MRCE from Radford films to you. Ill be sending some lenses, and other goodies in the mail seperate to you. You will have to do the mods, but hey, there easy. The one I have here I have to do to much to, and my time is limited. Enjoy. Looks like all you need is a set of boots gloves and underarmor. Hug you daughter man.
  16. Ill snap some better pics. The stinger is a 2 peice, and the sistern is molded into the pack shell. ( I hope I have my terms right...lol)
  17. I have looked through 7 pages of posts... LOL Is this the Marco pack? At the time of sale I was told this is a Marco entertainment pack. This bad boy is old. I have no idea the original owner, but I came across it early in my "Gotta buy everything" days. I have had it for about 3 years, and it is a little worse for wear after our last move. It needs some love... If this can be tweeked, It is a light pack. Mostly vac formed, at least the shell anyway. I would like to reuse it. But if it is not to standard, then a rethink is in order. I read over and over building a pack is the way to go. Is this a cool collectable, or shod vac job toss and rebuild?
  18. Yep, Those are the mods that are done, plus a few more. Nice link Boss! The UK guys nailed it huh.
  19. You all ready have one. It will come finished and ready for you to weather up your way. It will pass 501st muster my freind. Hang in, and God bless.
  20. I cant imagine loosing everything. We are in this for the troopers as well as the ones we troop for. I have to attach the new ears, finish puttying and sanding, then I will be repainting this week. It will have correct color traps and vents as well as Stompers hovies. Blue stripes and my green lenses in replacement of the MR ones. Correct brow and neck trim as well. Ill get this out ASAP. Ill post up a pic prior to sending it. Hug your little one, you still get to be Daddy. I am sure we can help with the plastic.
  21. I will donate an MRCE helmet. I have to finish the mods to be 501st acceptable, but once done, (that should be in about two weeks) Its on its way to him. I was going to auction it for charity once done, but this is a better cause. I have all the trim for TD, Ill let him weather it. Stomper hovies to go on it as well. LMK where to send it. *Edit*... Totaly botched the ears I have for this. I can fix it, but it will take to long. I will be sending new lenses, and other goodies. The MRCE is a brand new one, direct from Radford. It is inroute via UPS. Sorry I cant get you a premodded one, but I figure a new one is cool as well...
  22. I would like to switch to TK-9135 please. I am moving away from runnriottt... Thanks in advance.
  23. I dont remember if if asked before. 9135 Japanese Garrison. Thanks guys.
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