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Trooper Peter

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Everything posted by Trooper Peter

  1. This custom made bronze / copper finished Steam-Punk trooper such does capture the essence of this particular genre!
  2. I sure like your look and attitude in this pose, not forgetting to mention the slightly weathered armor.
  3. You got it. She is actually Jennifer Hayes TB 9219 from the Neon City Garrison, also one of my Facebook contacts like many of you here.
  4. Some updates on my end in line with the constructive feedbacks and critique provided by : Most definitely Scot, I'll have to make some time (hopefully tomorrow morning) to drill out the existing rivets on my canvas belt and reposition it under my plastoid belt. As you can see my canvas belt does not around under the plastoid belt, which has already been permanently welded to my abdomen armor, but have to be re-affixed at both the left and right sides. Its a good thing I've communicated with Noel on how he did his and this has given me a clearer picture on how I will be getting mine done, without the all too obvious rivets! Moreover the pictures that Gundanzepellin have posted up in his Canvas belt & Shoulder straps Run thread, specifically these screen captures, provide an excellent source of reference : and also his own picture here : Jimmy (Juliusthegreat)and Anthony (Ciscotiger)thanks for your pointers. I have note of your observations and have since taken action (or in the progress of) on these improvement measures : 1. I've already procured a new pair of the highly rated and screen accurate TK Boots from http://tkboots.com, As a matter of fact I just collected my TK Boots this afternoon. 2. With regards to my Cushman DLT-19, on the interim, I've added the conical disk and ammo box cover on my Cushman DLT-19 as seen in this pic : and the next item is add the metal wires onto the moulded on T-tracks on upper and lower part of my Cushman DLT-19 barrel according to these picture guides in BLASTECH DLT-19 HEAVY BLASTER RIFLE Upper Barrel Fins Lower Barrel Fins However, in the long term I will further improve its overall appearance with the detailing parts that I will have to purchase ASAP from our fellow forum member, the talented weapons maker greedo
  5. Thanks for sharing Gordon, can see more Sandtroopers in your pic than what was posted up by your fellow SG members in Facebook.
  6. I'll be watching this thread of yours with great interest!
  7. Nice. A few games of soccer in the muddy field wearing his armor will do wonders for its weathering!
  8. Probably "kicked to death" by his enslaved dancing girls CAN CAN style like this : (augmented by the Power Of the Force )
  9. That's the uber reference site for BOTH Star Wars Galactic Empire troopers and "good guys"
  10. Congratulations on your MEPD Deployment "TDYoda". I saw your heads up at Facebook, which got me here on the double.
  11. You look spot on. I'm sure when you put on your alternate canon Tool Box lid you're good to go.
  12. Yeah the "basterd" can put in an original soundtrack back onto this clip and upload it again into YouTube. YouTube as we know is very, very particular on the use of non-copyrighted soundtracks and will not hesitate to remove the sound from any video clips uploaded, case in point "The Good Trooper" fan film clip. Tell you what, now that you've an arsenal of BFGs - T-21, DLT-19 and RT-97C in your disposal, the Good Trooper can return and disintegrate that trouble making pimp bum!
  13. Cheers to your transfer back to the Dutch Garrison, bro!
  14. Congratulations on your MEPD Deployment valder a.k.a. TD-8445
  15. Rolf, have seen your YouTube clip more than once. Too bad they removed the background music - whoever that did that ought to be shot! Hoi what happened to the Good Trooper? Why did the script writer allow the "loser", the pimp bum to PWN the Good Trooper?
  16. Trooper Peter

    Mr. Dirt

    Rolf, just one color mixture will do for your current TM Sandtrooper armor? Are you experimenting with another approach to weathering?
  17. Rolf, until I saw these screen caps of Version 4 of the Sandtrooper Backpack, I always thought that HOSE coming out from the top left of the TD Backpack was a figment of the MARMIT 12" Sandtrooper Sergeant sculptor's imagination influenced by the SE Sandtrooper Backpacks! Note : That figure is NOT from my collection, but I would love to own the DLT-19 that came with this MARMIT figure though!
  18. I'm fully with Rolf (TD-252) and Padde here. Not only the Special Edition Sandtrooper backpack LACKS continuity with the Original Trilogy TD Backpacks, to be screen accurate you've got to use RETURN OF THE JEDI and NOT the pure ANH Stormtrooper armor. This is where the controversy about painted ab buttons and drop boxes come into the picture!! <_< <_<
  19. An excellent piece of scratchbuilt job bro!
  20. About time that I post my (overdue) response to this thread that I've started, back in October 29, 2009. :) This is before I start my "Move Along" Sandtrooper Officer Backpack build thread. Firstly, I really do appreciate all the encouraging and positive feedbacks that have been posted by Maurice (dutch sandtrooper), Zac (theGreatSot), Jerome (kenthork), Rolf (TD-252), Rick (Dirty Boy), Gordon (Gordonator), Rob (TD-8821), Erik (pappy1182), nico, Justus (dutchy), Jimmy (Juliusthegreat), Anthony (Ciscotiger), Dave (Sir David), James (dewbackjockey), Ben (bountyone) and Ryan (SandySith). I'm very pleased to know my (continuous) weathering efforts, using the 3 main Woodland Scenics Liquid Pigments, has met your approval.
  21. Actually the good news is that a bit of weathering with Woodland Scenics, or whatever weathering medium, which you're using can be used to touch up that glossy white spot. I'm doing likewise in my case.
  22. Chazz, very nice weathering that is clearly evident in these pictures of your most recent commissioned work : I will definitely refer to your weathering technique when I wish to apply some Fuller's Earth for the extra touch up on my already weathered TD armor.
  23. Congratulations, Rolf THE TD-Man Bro, I'm very impressed to see the end results of you as a screen accurate Sandtrooper armed with your RT-97C Heavy Blaster (MG-15) replica in these pictures : However, it is evident that you've purchased the main processor of your spaceship navigation computer from a Jawa salesman Instead of taking you to Mos Eisley, Tatooine, the processor has set your co-ordinates to the Rebel's Echo Base in 6th Planet in the Hoth System!
  24. Jeffrey, TD-8445 welcome aboard to MEPD forum. Glad to see you have what it takes to request for MEPD Deployment HERE.
  25. CHEERS to that bro. Frankly speaking until I saw that metal wire that is so obvious on the Radio Box of your latest TD Backpack here : I've been totally oblivious of its existence! It really takes Sandtrooper vets, like you, to bring this "hidden detail" to the attention of Sandtrooper costuming enthusiasts, such as I! Otherwise this little detail that have been there since 1976 : would forever remain in obscurity! Having said that I will see to it that a miniature wire be added to my MARMIT "Move Along" Sandtrooper Officer Backpack here : to complete its screen accurate look!
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