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iconoclasta_88 last won the day on December 17 2023

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About iconoclasta_88

  • Birthday 05/12/1977

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    Juan Arvizu
    Mariano Escobedo 193 - Alcala 802
    Col. Anahuac
    Miguel Hidalgo
    Mexico DF

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    SW, costuming, art, fashion, movies, comics, jeeps,
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  1. hehehe. I am really late for the party. But this looks awesome. Congrats and thanks for sharing. Saludos.
  2. Hey! Great to see more that a couple replies in a thread! As stated by everybody, lets hope that the wheels keep turning and we can find a way and a moment for the MEPD, the forums and the members to come back with excitement, participation, ideas, discussions and much more. Take this community back to life and much more! Saludos
  3. Yep! Being a Sandtrooper is something different. It's not simple another costume that you can just collect and use every once in a while. if you commit to building this armor correctly, you will end up wanting to wear it as often as possible. Let's hope that more content, more members and more excitement keep coming to this forum so it stays a community. I'm half way building a new armor up to specs, with all correct parts and gears. Also a new Backpack with 90% found parts... but have been into that for the last 4 or 5 years... maybe more. But as soon as I get back to it and finish it, I promise I will come back and share it. Saludos.
  4. MAN!!! This is what I was talking about in the other thread about a slow forum. THX for sharing Henry. This is just awesome!!! I didnt even know that the Solar radio (or brand) existed. And I actually own a K-8 Radio... mine is green but it is just the same. I had only knowledge of 3 Sonix and 1 North Star in existence within the community, and one in the possession of a Radio Aficionado who just got tired of us geeks reaching out to him so he put down his website. Thanks for sharing. My prop life dream is to own a Sonix, or now a Northstar or Solar radio... So far I have a Replica made by Woodman. Maybe someday, Even today I cant help but check up every single store, house, office, restaurant or any place I can see old things stored or displayed. Someday. Saludos
  5. Hey There brothers! Long time... (Hope this post doesn't kill the thread as it has happened to me several times) I have not been in the forums for several months. Even then, I don't remember having posted any time recently. And yet, when and if I come to take a look, read a bit or simple get some memories and smile, I do notice the lack of activity, posting... life. In the last months of Mike Harrison period as DL, and during the first few months of Noel aka Bluey, we went through something like this. Some of the more veterans will remember it no doubt. To put it simple, the MEPD was dead. At the time, it was a completely different experience being a Sandtrooper. An Underrated character, with no action figure yet. Only a few Sandtrooper lovers had developed a basic kit for all TD gear. Crashmann had the basic pack kit available, there were a few proto-pauldrons made (before Jay revolutionized how it was done), no baptys, no sonix radios... It was a dark time. A few troopers, mainly Rolf and Noel, kept posting nonstop. Always bringing new info, references, ideas, anecdotes or just good vibe. Slowly, people started to join the party and more content was posted. I myself got all excited at the time... Then what I call the era of discovery came. When we all as a community joined forces and time to research, dig up and find new information and most importantly, found parts. From the Shires Syphon, to the correct Tupperware pitcher lid, to the Gyostyle canteen for the pack. Every day was exciting, spending hours on ebay, antique stores, flea markets and just on google. Trying to find the correct parts, and correctly identifying the pouches. *BTW, I just saw a thread and understood how different this moment is to that, when a Spanish pouch can go up to 60 USD. I got mine for 6. Low demand meant low price, I guess. And that is what brought more and more people to the forum at the time. Then... new and more accurate armor. After the so called Armor Wars, back in the day, armor options were rare and "exclusive". Then, it suddenly was possible for anybody to get an accurate kit. And even better, later on, the holy grail of armor. RS Armor appeared. I do remember that day... I was so excited that I did not sleep reading and rereading all and every single post published originally by Simon (I think I remember his forum name at the RPF was Siman or something similar). We researched every single detail, from bronce snaps, to shoe brands, from latex and foam handguards, to color scheme for the backpacks. From Boy scouts backpack frames to WWII Machine guns!! And more! Anyway... years went by as this community discovered pretty much all and every part (almost). Then came the first few Sonix Victory 75 Radios. And also the northstar one. That was magic! Then came the replicas, the kits, the mockups and... the readily availble off the shelf Sandtrooper kit and experience. And... for what the MEPD meant to me, that was it. At least the end of an era. At the same time, under Bluey's command, the CRL was upgraded (and then the rest of the Detachments followed). Years later, with all the discoveries, under DirtyBoy's command, the SWAT program was developed and then came the Level 3 for us and all detachments, again. New movies, new characters, new times... For me and a few others, it was time to step down, step back and get a few quiet years. I was personally tired of being here 24/7 first posting exciting new news, then moderating the super busy threads, and finally replying the same answers for the same questions day after day. I loved this place. I still love it. It is the center of my SW and 501st experience... even more (from a certain point of view) than the movies themselves. I was just tired. So... after all this years watching from the sidelines, Im happy to see this still going on. Sad that it is so slow... but hey, we are still here. So for the unsolicited advice. Keep the news, ideas, references and anecdotes coming. Not just replying to the same questions. We do need moderators, but most of all, a forum needs content creators. That will attract people. And the right content, will no doubt attract the right people. Then, you will call that people not only friends, but brothers! We are Sandtroopers. And we are brothers. Happy to be here. Hope to come back soon. And to all of you still here, veteran or newbie, thank you. Saludos Juan PS. Man! Typing this brought some good memories and a smile to my face!
  6. Hi all! How are you my dirty brothers. Have not been here in ages, again... LOL Looking at this list, and going through the names, specially the first 20 or 25, brought a lot of memories back. I have to say that specially approval proceses for Rolf and Jay... #1 and #2 definitely set the standard for all submissions, evaluations and approvals coming after. I have to say that for me, the most difficult one to evaluate correctly was Jay's armor. @trooper1I am sure you can remember that bro, don't you? That weathering texture and pattern... if it was difficult to evaluate, I for sure was 10times more difficult to create. Anyway... Good to be here if only for a post or two. Saludos
  7. Sorry for the delayed reply Caleb, I hope it is still useful. I used E6000 on the under part of the tube. Just a bit along the cannon. And made the thread rounds very tight... It was a bit slow and made me tired too often. The most important part is getting all the loops together. I used some other tool to do it all around the tube. Hitting the loops towards the end. Don't remember just what. Sorry if this is no help at all. Hope it helps a bit. Saludos.
  8. Man! That medium Spanish Pouch is Beautiful! This is the only pouch I still need to get. Some time ago I was offered one by... don't remember... Maybe PandaTrooper, or was it Woodman? Can't remember... Or, was it you??? At that precise moment didn't had cash to spend, and passed on it. That same night I give it a second thought and decided to get one and it was already sold. I do have two original small ones, and the large one. But that... Oh man! I still don't. Some day. Anyway... no thread derailing from here. Saludos
  9. WOW! Big congrats Tim! All the best.. you are now leading the best detachment in the 501st, and one that has always set the standard not only in accuracy and attention to detail, but to commitment to its character(s) and to living the real sandtrooper life (might feel outdated now but i am old MEPD school). Congrats to all te Command Staff as well. You really are a dirty bunch. Saludos. Juan
  10. Hey there brother!! How are you RoCKo, my old friend. Yeah, its good to see new faces here, but man I love seeing old timers... It's been a while. Time flies indeed. I am old now, demanding job and an 8yo daughter! I remember when I announced here she was coming. I am no longer able to log in for several hours everyday as I used to, and I feel that what was once a TD encyclopedia inside my head is now outdated. Feels like Encarta in the times of Wiki. LOL! Anyway, I am a Sandtrooper... in and out of the forum or armor! thats for sure. Glad you stopped by and said Hi! Was wondering why from almost a couple hundred visits to this thread, I only had one reply! (Thx as well Steve!!) Anyway, happy to be here every once in a while! Saludos
  11. I think I have a few. Not that good. Most of what I have comes from an old file of the VHI Special Edition Special Program. And some other stuff I collected. I sill have to upload it! Work has been crazy. Hope manage to do it this week. Saludos
  12. THX Steve! Feels like coming back home, even if just for a quick visit! Saludos
  13. Don't worry bro. I'll try to get a file set up for you with all my files. Give me a day or two and I will post the link probably here. Saludos
  14. Hey Brother, how are you? So the time of the SE TD has finally come? I did some deep research on the SE TD a few years ago when we tried to build the first CRL. I don't remember if the pictures I gathered ended up somewhere over the board, but I think I might still got them in my backup drive. Just send me a PM or even better, a mail, if you would like me to send you those files. Some are the classic references, but some are (or were) very oscure materials... let me know. Saludos.
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