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September 11, 2001

Short TRooper

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At 9:02 am 10 years ago tomorrow, I saw a tower on fire in NYC on the TV, and Good Morning America was coming back on right after it had signed off....half an hour later, another plane flew into Tower #2 and I knew it wasent an accident then....then the Pentagon was hit and then the plane went down in Shanksville PA.... :( :(

I will never forget the look on my kids faces as they were 7 and 11 at the time...they didn't know why Mom, Grandma and the neighbors were so upset at the time..scared & crying....now they see the scope of it all happening back then......they still can't believe we are still fighting an enemy that is still so evil and angry at us just for the way we live..... :angry:

we now have my nephew, my kids cousin, David is now in the service and may be going to Afghanistan or Iraq...please pray for him for safety as he has a wife and 3 very small children at home.

Where were you and what were you doing back then???

Your thoughts please.....

Diana (ShortTrooper)

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Will do short trooper

Well ten years ago I was siting on the back of the boat I worked on respooling fishing reels for the next days trip

My mom called and told me

We all went in to the cabin to watch it unfold on tv

We were all AWE STRUCK



and I try to buck the system when ever I can !!!! :)

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Thank you Iron Ram and Dirty Trooper ... IT still seems surreal that this happened 10 years ago...I have the news papers from the Chicago Tribune and the Ottawa ILlinois Times on those days...President Bush spoke today in Shawshank PA as they dedicated the Memorial to the 40 brave passengers and crew who were killed when the plane went down there.

A service was also held at the NYC Cathedral in NYC for the 312 Firemen, police and First responders in NYC...312 American Flags were put up in front of the Altar and the families were remembered with a special prayer ceremony....Mayor Bloomburg attended... :rolleyes:

And the Force will be with my nephew with all the prayers and thoughts going for him! He will possibly know in a few weeks where he is going to be deployed to...will let you guys know where...

They are now saying that NYC and WAshington DC is under high alert and they are now saying that those reports are now credible and police and security have been beefed up even more...but police are now carrying automatic weapons and random checks on people in thier cars, tailers and trucks...and the overpasses, bridges and tunnels.

Diana (ShortTrooper )

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Hope the family is safe......

The morning of September 11th is as clear as yesterday....i woke up early and was downloading some music off the internet...."clueless" was on tv in the background...when I realized it was actually "clueless" that was on I decided to change the channel. the first channel I switched to was showing the first plane after it had hit the tower. I remember yelling to my girlfriend...."hey, you gotta see this....some idiot lost control of their plane and it hit a building"...as I stood there watching...the second plane hits. At that point I thought.....someone filming the crash hit the second tower....Of course the media quickly changed my thoughts on that.

The rest of that day and the days following, I was glued to the TV. I felt so sad for all those that lost their lives and the lives of the ones they love.

There are of course many other memories surrounding that morning that I have but this is a snapshot to it. Very sad

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That morning I will never forget. I was on vacation because I usually take vacation when my kids go back to school (today is my last day of a two week run.) The day started off strange as I was returning home from a 2nd night job I had at the time when a man in a van lost control and almost hit me head on-he missed me and hit a telephone pole on the other side of the road.He was OK and I continued home to get my Daughter off to Kindergarten and my son off to preschool.After my Daughter went to school I got back home and my wife called to tell me a plane crashed into the WTC. I watched in shock. I called work and told my Boss I was ready to come in and help in case we got survivors because I work in a Trauma Center Operating Room. They sadly never called. I still watch the coverage,the stories of the families, children left behind and still wonder Why? In all the senseless tragedy heroes do emerge..Our Courageous Troops, The Rescue Workers, The Leaders in NYC, President Bush , so many to name. I will never forget that day.

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A blessing for this day.....

The terror threat that has been hanging over this country for the last 4 days has now been lessened.....they think now the terrorist act was done in Afghanistan as 77 of our brave troops were injured in an IED explosion outside the base this morning about 1 am EST......all 5 Afghanis were killed that did the bombing but none of our guys were killed...Thank you God for small favors!!!!

Watching the Memorial service on FOX News...reading the names off and showing the names on the waterfall fountain.....they are on Charles Mendez name right now.....they won't be done till 1 pm Eastern time. :blink:


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I was at work, when i hear people group up in front of our television there.

So i came as well, and when i saw the first tower got hit...

i remember i was thinking, it must be another bad action movie or something.

But then i quick found out, it was sadly not.

I remember thinking, here comes world war 3 or something and got a bit scared...

I was in the building just about 10 month before, so it was even more unreal for me to see this on television.

I feel for all the beautiful people loosing there life that day, and for all the broken family´s.

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I am glad you weren't in the towers that day...we would be missing a great person on here if you had been!

I know a few people who thought it was a movie they were watching too until it was on all the channels after about 10 minutes. They were shocked that it was actually real....maybe we as a country had become numb and complacent to violence back then..... :blink: I know I don't watch war movies or games any more since then....

Glad that all are safe, and we in the USA will heal from the wounds of that day but we won't forget it.

Diana (ShortTrooper )

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Thanks Diana, me too.

I love NYC, and many of the open lovely people i have meet there.

The attacks was a coward attack on the whole world, made by evil and insane persons.

And there attack will never be forgotten.

I had a good friend, i have know since i was a teenager working in New Jersey city.

Lucky he was not in the buildings that day, but saw it from he´s work roof top in chock.

So i was happy to hear, he was still in one piece.

Denmark where i live, join the US forces in iraq, trying to fight/find the terror roots.

There have been a few terror attacks in Copenhagen/the capital in Denmark where i live.

But lucky our special forces here have stop them each time, before they have there luck to kill innocent people around.

A few of my garrison buddy´s have been down there, lucky the all came back.

Only one drive over a road bomb, and can´t stand up for too long, and are on daily medicine.

To me its very unreal people can kill innocent people just like that, i do not understand how it can be we are not using our brains yet and work it out.

After all the wars/horror and killing, we have seen for so many years going on.

But i guess its all about the MMmmmooneey and powerrRR, its sick <_<

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