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Back in the day...


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This is a great moment for he MEPD and for being a Sandtrooper.

We have many or most of the elements in our armor and gear identified. Lots of options to get all the stuff needed to build a, lets say, backpack. We know what is what and most of the times, where to get it, but... It has not been like that since ever.

There has been a LOT of people involved in the searching and founding of the pieces we now take for granted. Lots of time and thinking and analizing was needed to have all the info we now have available.

Tons of work making molds, searching on hardware store, junk yards and the net was needed to develop kits we know have. From armor to backpacks to small details like the rivets and screws...

So this is a thread for us to share our stories in costuming and TD building.

Tell us how it was for you and how it is now.

What piece was specially difficult or easy to find.

How you sorted the hassles of securing pieces, kits or props.

It doesnt matter if it was 15 years ago, or yesterday.

If it was an original prop you were trying to find or just trying to buy a kit or found stuff.

Who or what inspired you?

And what was that little thing in TD costuming you witnessed...

So, let me start with one piece:

The tupperware pitcher lid.

I went to all my aunts places looking for an vintage tupperware pitcher. When I found it, it was still being used by my grandmother. I asked her to give it to me, but she said it had been with her for years and still like it very much. So she would not give it to me that easily. I had to get her a new pitcher and trade it for hers, and she would have to like it before closing the deal... That was the condition.

My aunt then, just slip it to me on the side and told my grandmother she lost it.

I felt guilty, and told my grandmother that I had it. She was not mad, just though I was crazy to go that far to get it. She gave it to me, and I still owe her a new pitcher.

That was 4 years ago.



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I, like a lot of people, was looking for a good cistern from the UK of a certain vintage to use for our packs... Although I am originally from the UK, I now live in the US, and back in the UK a good friend of mine was completely re-working his bathroom, and the house was made about 35 years ago... My mind went into overtime and I asked him for a photograph of the cistern he removed from the tank... There was silence :blink: ... I explained what I was after and why... He sent me the pic and he sent it on 2 weeks later all nice and clean, this was about 4 years ago...

This piece is important to me as he is now sadly deceased due to brain cancer :( ... A close friend with a heart of gold will always be with me...

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I remember when I was first looking to join the MEPD and become a "Deployed Police Officer" I thought...."how the %!@$ am i going to be able to build one of those backpacks"!! I searched for tutorials and found some really helpful ones but for someone who had never even picked up a pop rivet before, I knew it was going to be a challenge.

About 2 years later and a complete obsession to find all the parts, I think Im in a pretty good spot with them now. It always cracks up the cashiers at the hardware store when I checkout with a cartload of pvc elbows and pipes....the question is usually the same "doing some major plumbing work?"....my response...."no, I build Sandtrooper backpacks"....then they usually laugh and ask if Im serious....

One of my favorite finds though, was being able to replicate the classic boyscout frame using cpvc and pvc together to match the look. I was very excited with the result.

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I'm origenly from the UK and moved to New Zealand in december 2009 wen I live in th UK I always wanted some stormtrooper armor so me and my mate sed we would get some but I moved :( and in 2010 he won some TX armor from the stormtrooper shop so I puld my finger out and bort some started bilding it then came acros MEPD and thort Dirty is best and am on my way to being a sandtrooper it has been really easy to get every thing I need and I can't than y'all enuf for all the help

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