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ANOTHER origional screen-used mold??


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Why would you support someone that lies to you to get your money and then change their story about the item after 500 helmets were sold? I have owned 2 ANH originals and the SDS helmets are NOT from the same molds. Not even close.

The armor he copied from an old unrestored set I made about 4 years ago.. Nothing to like about a low life recaster and an outright liar.


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Nothing happened to me.. I would NEVER buy one that was so blatantly faked or lied about. I laughed my *** off when I saw what they claimed was 'a blood brother'.. yeah right.. maybe a long lost forgotten about retarded cousin, but not even close to being the same thing...

I tried to educate, but people are like monekys: put something shiny in front of them and they only see the object, not that it is inaccurate. So, their loss for believing the hype. SDS's time is coming to a grinding halt VERY SOON...

He wont be around to scam anyone else for much longer...


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UPDATE This helmet is a Movie FX helmet. cool. At least this gentleman is an honest dealer, very cool.


I have been trying to get my helmet kit from that guy for about a year and a half now. I bought it from him in the dark days of my ignorance concerning armor. I am enlightened now, but am out of the cash I sent him. Stay away from him. I am not the only one having problems.

Charlie C TK709

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i´m also right behind you, TE! i understand your point absolutly after reading a lot about sds and you over the last few years!

covering your back like we learned on the TK-academy...

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Not to get too off track...

I think part of the issue is that for us noobs there is a lot of conflicting information so it's hard to know what to believe at times. Also, there's the whole "we don't talk about x issue in case LFL is listening" bits where everyone seems to know but on one talks about it online, so it takes awhile to get information.

What *is* helpful is - maybe it's just my perception - people being more open about makers, lineage, etc. than they were in the past. It certainly clears a lot of air, though it does seem that perhaps new information should be posted where everyone can enjoy the history lessons, rather than only having outdated and inaccurate information available.

Just trying to think about what it was like when I first started and knew no one/nothing and Google was my only guide...

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pfew! Amen to that Daetrin! It was like pulling teeth to find out who was doing EP3 clone stuff! It literally took me a month of asking the SAME questions over and over and over again and then finally breaking down and asking why eveyone uses abbreviations and slang. Thats when I found out about Big Brother Lucasfilms' ear and thought "Thats rediculous, they ask for us specifically to come and do events for them, Celebrations, etc, but are the first to jump down someones throat and slap lawyers papers around!"

Do you know why they do that? Its those prop builders that CHALLANGE Lucasfilm in order ot get publicity to boost sales! They ruin it for the little guys in the Legion. Its all just a bunch of crap-hole politics! I HATE politics.

Im mean honestly, no one is going to get rich off of making this stuff! Not unless they charge rediculous amounts of money, and then, who's gonna buy? Whos their customer base? US, thats who. We cant give them government contracts, we cant give them hollywood contracts, we buy ONE suit and dress up a couple weekends a month, if that! HOWVER< Lucasfilm makes all kinds of money off of us doing it!!!!!!!! So why are they getting all uppity on our prop-makers???? Its harassment!

You will find that many prop makers here preffer to trade, rather than money as its "more" legal. But technically, US currency is BARTERING TENDER. Notes for TRADING. So I dont get why its OK to sue someone for making money off of an item. aaaargh.

OK, Im done ranting VIVA LA PROP BUILDERS!

Anyway, if youre looking for the who's who of prop builders in an area, visit that specific area. Sandtroopers: here. Clonetroopers: clonetroopers.net. Biker scouts: bikerscout.net etc. If youre a 501st member, send in your info and proof and you get allowed into the members only section where people speak a little easier. Send Private Messages to people posting about stuff youre intereted in checking out. They can direct you to appropriate buiders.


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So I dont get why its OK to sue someone for making money off of an item. aaaargh.

It has to do with copyright. GL and LFL has the rights to anything Star Wars, so they have the right to sue anyone infringing on their right. What bothers me though is that they themselves only offer crap, instead of top quality helmets and armor (MR excluded - to a degree) so that we will have to rely on people like TE to offer top quality helmets and armor at the risk of getting sued.

Though, I would much rather buy a top quality helmet and armor from someone like TE, who seems more honest than other "so-called" prop-makers out there, than buy LFL licenced crap.

Just wish I had the money right now... ,)

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I see your points guys, but one of the main reasons SDS is in the doghouse is that they are advertising all over the place and slapping LFL in the mug daring them to do something about it. PLain and simple. That is why GF was sued. He advertised and shoved it in their face. I know a few more people doing that and they will regret it.

LFL enjoys the fans and loves the fact they are loyal and also willing to assist when needed. It is NOT about thanks and then wham! Gotcha...

If you advertise, you get what is coming to you. Plain and simple..

When the hammer comes down, make sure you are not under it. I do know that the rules may be changing time to time depending on who(m) gets a new license and all, but the end result is usually the same.


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TE, I'm glad you were able to set me straight on what's out there. Not only will I steer clear of guys trying to fob off purported original mold recasts, but would most definitely upgrade with TE. The only guys it seems making a buck (LFL excepted) out of this for creating nothing and contributing '0' to the GNP are the lawyers with all the litigation involved.

I agree that people like SDS aren't above the law however just because they're outside the US...wherever he advertises subjects him to that country's copyright laws. Nothing at all against propmakers but one shouldn't hang a sheep's head to sell dogmeat as the Chinese would say!

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and a lot of cheaters, liars and thieves apparently!! thats why I aks around before sending ANYONE money!

Yes, definitely now after so many more are now selling "accurate or from originals" on eBay these days. How can so many sell "from original" casts? Would writing them and asking about the history of their helmets actually be of any use - can one really trust their answers?

From the pictures the helmets look good, but we all know that pictures can lie and that uneducated in Stormtrooper lore will not be as critical about the product as someone who knows stuff.

I can list at least two new sellers on eBay - in a sense to get them verified as genuine or recasters... if anyone can know that at all - or I can pm them to those interested and they can see what they think about the helmets they're offering. Both sell ANH, ESB, and RotJ helmets and what I noticed about them is that the back section of the helmets are different than the authenticprops I have, which doesn't swoop down as much as these new ones offered (which iirc is more "authentic"!?).

I'm interested in knowing more about these helmets and their origins and may just write both sellers asking them about the historiy of their helmets... (you can easily find them on eBay, searching for "stormtrooper helmet"!)

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Here is the history in oneor two sentances:

ALL the helmets originate from me. NO ONE else has owned a screen used ANH helmet and molded it. Bottom line. Everyone has copied me either with an understanding or not and done it anyway...

Metasock: recaster POS

MovieF/X: recaster POS

GF: permission, changed our deal sold molds to AP

AP: did not have permission

9thony on ebay: did not have permisison to sell on ebay

RTmod: recast but paid me a lump sum out of guilt and all is well

All the ebay fiberglass helmets are GF recasts and crap.

Thanks it in a nutshell...


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TE that was a great abridged version of the whole mess. It should truly be posted somewhere for all noobs and non-noobs to see to avoid any further confusion and people getting ripped off, unless they're willing to fork over $$ for falsely advertised cr*p. I think you got potential to be a good tech writer imo.

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