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The notion of a MEPD


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So I am new here, and I have a pretty silly question, but I have to get it off my chest. Why does this group call itself a police department? Bear with me, I am getting ready to geek out here. :rolleyes:

The reason I ask is because if you consider the plotline of ANH, the sandtroopers originally arrive on Tattooine as a detachment from the star destroyer Devastator that captured the Tantive IV. Right? Their presence in the story is as a team that has been dispatched by Vader specifically to hunt down the stolen data tapes, which then turns out to be a hunt for droids. Sticking strictly to the plotline, they are never shown as a garrison force, or a police force, but a special force with a specialized mission.

So where did the original notion of a Police Dept come from exactly? Is it simply because of the roadblock scene or is it something that comes from sources outside of the movies? I am a diehard star wars geek, but forgive me, I do not read or watch any of the peripheral expanded universe stuff. I am assuming something somewhere paints a picture of a garrison force in Mos Eisley that does its part to help with the special detachment sent to recover the data tapes? :blink: Is it the influence of the short "Troops", the "Cops" spoof? Or is it possible it just sounded like a cool idea for a forum name? Perhaps it is that simple? Edumacate me. Thanks.

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If you read the background stories, as well as the SW RPG, you'll notice that there already is a small detatchment of stormtroopers on Tatooine. Basically, they've nicked it, MEPD out of that.

Also, check out the fanfilm Troops! It is great!

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As stated....there is a small garrison of desert equipt Stormtroopers assigned to Tantooine (MEPD). They along with a local unarmored police/militia keep the peace. Vader sends a large number of orbiting Stormtroopers (fleet Marines) down to dramatically assist in the search for those pesky droids. Including one...Davin Felth. These troopers are dressed for desert service.

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As stated....there is a small garrison of desert equipt Stormtroopers assigned to Tantooine (MEPD).

I guess, I am asking where that idea comes from, because there is nothing about it in the movie. Is it from an RPG? A Video Game? A novel? The fanfilm Troops? Because I think this idea of a militia/police comes from something other than the movie.

They along with a local unarmored police/militia keep the peace. Vader sends a large number of orbiting Stormtroopers (fleet Marines) down

Why do you send a detachment down from space when you already have troops on the ground? Just wondering aloud here.

Including one...Davin Felth.

Wait. Stormtroopers have names? Or is that an actor's name? I thought the original idea for the stormtroopers was a carry-over idea from Lucas' first film, THX-1138, where you don't have a name, just a number. Because they are all clones anyway. No wait. I don't want to know the answer to that. I dislike most of the expanded universe stuff, and I am pretty sure that is where this name must come from. That stuff ruins the film for me. My bad. :( Sorry about that. I appreciate the insights though, thanks.

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If you read "Tales From Mos Eisley Cantina", you'll find Davin's story there. Not all stormtroopers are clones. I have a feeling that the Emperor phased out the clones (du to speedy aging, perhaps?), and gradually inducted humans. They use designation numbers, but soldiers tend to bond, and use names.

The 501st is mentioned in some of Timothy Zahn''s books, and they have nick-names!

As for the policing/helping the militia out, that has AFAIK been covered in the roleplaying game. Maybe some other places as well.

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It's all up to us really. George had none of this in mind when he wrote the movies, and contradicts himself all the time or re-writes history (Luke & Leia were never siblings in the beginning, Vader wasn't Luke's dad either).

So who is to say that there wasn't troopers already stationed on Tatoinne? Maybe Vader sent a detachment (which are very small remember) down there as the pod landed in a very remote area. You don't send NYPD to the desert of Nevada, do you? And who is to say that the people we see in the "Look sir, droids" seen are the same ones in Mos Eisley? They probably weren't at all.

It's all make believe and it's fun to think of the troops we see in the Cantina, etc. as being a police force, no? It's a fantasy story, after all.

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It's all left up to us, the fans, or the writers of the EU.

If you want to check out the "Sandtrooper's Story" mentioned previously in this thread:

Go here for Part I:


And Here for Part II:


It's an original story being written by me about the Sandtroopers of Tatooine, and the Original Trilogy from their perspective, and the the perspective of other minor characters.

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Just like you, Ive never been a fan of the Expanded Universe... But I do like to think about the TDs we see in ANH as part of a bigger experience for me. I mean, when in armor I am a TD from the MEPD thats could or could not be one of the TDs that appear in the movie.

If, there was a group of TDs stationed in Tatooine before the Attack to the Tantive IV, I guess Vader had no real authority over them. This because as we can see, he was just some guy with special capabilities in enforcing the emperors will, not in anyway an Imperial Officer. But, the detachment sent to Tatooine was assigned by the emperor to vader to do the dirty stuff he needed to and being under no ones command other than the emperor's himself (and probably Tarkin). Kind of like the director of the CIA having no real power over the NYPD or some other PD.

Anyway, this detachment was said later that was part or was the evolution of the 501st Legion as seen in Ep III. But that is what I think anyway... but as you said, nothing in the movies, specially in the OT tells us any of this stuff... so...

I guess its all, as has been said before, make believe.

Anyway, are you also asking who came with the name for the detachment and why?

That would be interesting to know for those of us who don't know.


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There are bits and pieces of the hows and whys of Stormtroopers scattered throught all the "Expanded Universe" novels, role-playing games...some crumbs from Lucas. I've been tempted to gather up all the bits....seems fairly coherent. To cover abit of ground already mentioned...

The majority of Stormtroopers by the time of ANH are not clones.

Tantooine: "Policing" is done under the auspices of a Imperial appointed Governor (prefect?). Militiamen provide much of the Law Enforcement...supplemented by a small Stormtrooper Garrison based at Mos Eisley.

The Stormtroopers sometimes hunt down Sandpeople. They also use the Jawa Forts to do live-fire assault training! Jawas apparently don't put up much of a fight.

As the Stormtrooper garrison was acting somewhat in a Constabulary role..."Mos Eisley PD"

PS: I've gleaned the most from 'Tales From Mos Eisley Cantina", the Jabba's Palace book and some Bounty-hunter stuff.

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The majority of Stormtroopers by the time of ANH are not clones.

Tantooine: "Policing" is done under the auspices of a Imperial appointed Governor (prefect?). Militiamen provide much of the Law Enforcement...supplemented by a small Stormtrooper Garrison based at Mos Eisley.

The Stormtroopers sometimes hunt down Sandpeople. They also use the Jawa Forts to do live-fire assault training! Jawas apparently don't put up much of a fight.

As the Stormtrooper garrison was acting somewhat in a Constabulary role..."Mos Eisley PD"

They're also cool with those gear,and know how to have fun without humiliating profesionalism :lol:

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