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The Dirty Trooper

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Everything posted by The Dirty Trooper

  1. How about a donation link. When Seth and Mike ran the detachment it must have cost an arm and a leg, and I'm sure it's not cheap now. a small donation and a bit of recognition wouldn't be hard.
  2. Troopers helping Trooper. I love it.
  3. Why the feck will a brummy be going to US? What does the US have that the Bull Ring doesn't?
  4. If anyone will look after it, it will be me, me I tell you, me... . No seriously, I'll put it under my bed.
  5. Hi Jon, we're all family here. if I can be any help just ask my fellow trooper.
  6. Outstanding. Another TK putting his transfer in to the desert. The Death Star not doing it for you any more Rob?
  7. Mate, as you know I'm a short @r$e and really skinny, ok, ok you can stop laughing now... , my armour is completely SDS and it fits ok and as i'm 6'1 you "might" get into it, you could try mine if you want to see the difference.
  8. Hi Ghost, Can I ask where did you get it from mate?
  9. My radio arrived from Woody the other day. I thought I would make a few adjustments. ---- I reamed out a speaker slot and the two switch slots on the back and drilled the speaker holes. ---- I then then added a bit of hot glue to hold them in. ---- Decals done. ---- Strap brace done. ---- SWAT here I came.
  10. When I first asked for deployment, I had an FX suite and sink tubs for a field pack which looked like it was built on a children's make it TV programme with toilet roll tubes and tissue boxes. I'm so glad a upgraded. I hope none of you put up a real crappy photo of your deployment before you also upgraded when I was Deployment Officer. "I cleared that!" :o
  11. It will not let me in. You will require a password and username.
  12. As I'm going for SWAT I thought I would rebuild my pack. --- --- I have recycled some of my MH pack but as I have a new radio and other bits coming I thought I might as well do all of it.
  13. Mt mum got mw a borrle of scotch, i love myu mum.
  14. Its my 41st today (9th) and you know your getting old when your wife gets you a cook book.
  15. Have we got an update on these Rob?
  16. I've had a look at his. Is it the correct one for the desert sgt for SWAT?
  17. Which supply of the E-11 will get SWAT cleared? I'm going for the Desert Sergeant, what blaster did he use? At the moment I have this one a itchy nuts desigh:
  18. Don't I look like bantha poodoo. Sorry my friend, your attention to detail us bob on.
  19. I would say that the bend in you field pack is a little sharp! could you take some of the curve out? Your radio plate is upside down my friend... But other than that, I love the Dewback Prod. was it self made?
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