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The Dirty Trooper

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Everything posted by The Dirty Trooper

  1. As you can see I was stopped by the states. She wanted to know who I was and what I was doing. She said "Do I have an escort?" I then pointed out the 2 JEP press guys and the Channel TV guy...
  2. I was interviewed for the local news paper for Star Wars day for the Friday 4th May addition which made the front page. I had a few Star Wars followers as well as the press. The day went well, I made a few people happy and I got the 501st and UK Garrison on the Jersey map. -- --- --- However; a few days later, this came up. --- --- Can you believe that I was questioned about my Blaster!!! It's beggars belief.
  3. Mike, if you want a Dirty Trooper to attend or even a Dirty Snowy all you have to do is ask...
  4. Great job Nick. i look forward to seeing you in the SWAT sand pit very soon.
  5. That is really good. A photoshop guru. I tried it but I'm bantha phoodoo when it comes to photoshop.
  6. I concur. It's fantastic. And I bet it wasn't cheap. This is why I think we should have a PayPal donation link on the website. Noel shouldn't fork out from his own pocket for this.
  7. I don't know why you can't put a PayPal link for donations anyway. I'm sure I can speek for everyone when I say that your doing a Sterling job and that your hard work hasn't gone un-noticed.
  8. It's freekin ace. I love it. Anytime you want donations for your hard work on the upkeep mate, you only need to post and I'm 100% in.
  9. What a tube. I get it now it's a turkey. and you eat turkey to celebrate us Brits kicking you out.
  10. I have my mac and my android wallpapered too.
  11. Christmas seems to get earlier and relier every year. I was shopping last month for Guy Fawkes and I saw advent calendars and boxes of sweets...
  12. Steady tiger. Lets not get ahead of our selves.
  13. This is a fantastic book. :vader1: :vader1: I thought I knew a lot about Vader until I read this. It's a fantastic read, full of facts and information. A must for Christmas.
  14. I agree. And not only that you will have to pay loads on P&P with every shipment.
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