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Everything posted by ghoulcinder@hotmail.co.uk

  1. Weathering looks quite good I think, personally I'd prefer it a little dirtier Are you going for a particular trooper at all?
  2. I'm using Hotmail myself, it's Outlook now I believe, it's not great and jolly unstable, but it works and I'm used to it I've been forced to use Gmail for College purposes, but I can't get used to it.
  3. Been using it for a while, you get the occasional double post but that's the only issue really. Gives you a way to stalk, I mean... follow, l your favourite forum on the web
  4. **** Blue, why did you have to put us through watching this?! I don't understand it when people just buy a kit off a site. The first thing you run into when you search "stormtrooper armour" is usually posts on the FISD. You'd think joint the forum would be a common sense thing to do...
  5. My condolences Juan, be strong through these hard times.
  6. So what do we all think about the names that have been revealed so far? ( http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2014/12/11/star-wars-the-force-awakens-new-character-names-revealed-bb-8-poe-dameron-finn-rey-kylo-ren) Personally I hate spoilers as it is, but that's just because I can't stay away from them! I was hoping some more names would've been known when I read the title. Not too fond of the droid though. I'm looking forward to Episode VII, this spoilers are making the year long wait a lot worse
  7. D'aww he's adorable! Congratulations!
  8. Very excited about so VII, it's mean it's still more than a year away however!
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