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Everything posted by Raintrooper

  1. Old one? If Dizzy doesn't want it.. I'd be interested PM me!
  2. Yep. I’m the same way. The right bicep and forearm on the ATA kit (especially the forearm!) are both bigger on the right. I don’t think thats consistent with all armor makers, but if you trim it down right, you can make it work.
  3. You definitely want your front cover strips to be 5/8" on the biceps. That way they are uniform with your forearm cover strips. Then adjust to fit on the back of the biceps, but they shouldn't be too wide. I had a helluva time with my ATA biceps! At first, I ended up trimming them way too small, and had to add wide shims on the inside in the back before laying the cover strips. Here's a link to that page of my build thread on FISD. Check out my EIB pics as well to see the backs of my biceps. Let me know if you have any other questions!
  4. The eyes look good! The teeth, like you said, could use a little more filing down. Just remember to keep the holes rectangle shaped.
  5. I'm not sure if anyone sells pre-cut cover strips as an on-going thing. I could be wrong. If you use an 18" metal ruler, they are not that hard to cut at all. Measure twice, then hold the ruler down tight and score along the edge with an x-acto blade. Use light pressure on the first score, then score again with a bit more pressure. Then, snap.. Boom! The metal ruler is the key to perfectly straight cover strips!
  6. I was really excited to see 'Ming the Merciless' too! I'm also really curious to see what Andy Serkis' role will be. As far as the 'No Lando?' issue, and there being only one additional female role next to Leia... I don't think they're 100% done with cast announcements. I'm anxious to see if any more news drops on May 4th!
  7. Jason Rall TK-76216 requesting 501st member access. Thank you! http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=16953
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