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Everything posted by Fraulein

  1. My mistake - a few reasons * Because the DLT is the gun of the trooper I emulate. Roadblock captain version 2. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4149/4981156038_fc7c6160b5_z.jpg * I think that the proportions look right for a BFG to Trooper ratio. Whereas the E11 looks small. Which is what I meant by the "delicate princess" remark. I prefer the DLT because the T21 looks awkward in proportions for a firearm. * Visually - I think that the BFGs look right for what the TDs do. Little gun, E11, looks small and petite. The TKs that are all shiny and crisp look better walking with an E11, because it doesn't look like they are doing much, because they are clean. TD's are dirty, which to me means they are out patrolling and getting dirty. Kind of like the difference between those who patrol the FOB vs those who are actually on patrol somewhere miles away from the FOB. And I love the MG 34. So I think I am not the only person who sings Sir Mix A Lot's Big Butts song with Big Guns.
  2. Pro - you look all cool Con - carrying it around and transporting it Because I look like a delicate little princesses with the E11.
  3. BUH BAM! Go there to check out the pics. I am in a good amount of them because others had prior commitments. Wolfman showed up. I think he is in a few. One with me. But the total adoptions came out to over 90! That is more than they do in two or three months. The lovely little Sheba got adopted out before the event even started. She had been in the shelter since last june. When he family decided she was too old. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.790744774405304.1073741863.314042208742232&type=3
  4. Fraulein

    Under suit

    I know that soaking lycra spandex shiny things in fabric softener make them dull. But it also makes them deteriorate super quick.
  5. Someone here found that the rubber backing for an polishing/sanding wheel worked. One of these > http://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/80489826?src=pla&cid=PLA-Google-PLA+-+Test&CS_003=7867724&CS_010=80489826
  6. OK so maybe fifth time attempt at posting this, is the charm. I have been waiting to share this since late December, when one of our garrison was contacted by the city's animal welfare department to promote their upcoming Star Wars Pet Adoption Event. I can now share some of the images, because up until they were posted publicly - they were owned by the city. They still are - which is why they are linked to the FB page. To view more images from the campaign that are not of a Sandy go here https://www.facebook.com/AlbuquerqueAnimalWelfare/ While we were standing and waiting for the next animal to be brought in - I asked if they had any reptiles. Sure enough, they did. And what a popular guy he became. After my shoot with him, everyone wanted their pic with him. During the shoot I gave him the voice of Pepe the King Prawn from the Muppets. It just seemed to fit him. He came from an abusive situation (starved by meth heads), and someone was kind enough to remove him from that home and give him to the shelter. He still has a way to go. He is still under weight and has a messed up eye (he wont lose it, but he may end up blind in it)and there is a tumor on the other side of his face (he had his good side photographed ) These first two of him and me - still belong to the city. So please don't share them publicly until after the 16th. After the event - I think it would be OK. This next one - Little Sheba. She is 14. I'll be honest. Her story made me cry. I was crying when they took the pic. This one - CATS DONT LIKE SANDTROOPERS! Had I not been wearing armor - my arm would have been shredded.
  7. Wait - Are there two people named Bluey? I was suggesting Noel/Bluey http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showuser=2020
  8. At a recent troop "It's the year of the pauldron." Now. Let's get to cookin dat krayt dragon. (Try to imagine I said that in Chef Justin Wilson's voice) We start with a skinned and cleaned 40m standard krayt dragon. Dont bother hunting you a greater krayt dragon - it is too much effort and it tastes da same anyway. You are gonna need to dig a large hole in the sand. Big enough to fit deh dragon. You need about 50m of dem Jawa or Tuskan raider robes. Washed and dried. 25 heads of revwien lettuce. Mebbe 300 large banana leafs. Around 75 rain ponchos like the kind the rebels wear. make them into one large sheet with no holes. As many round rocks you can fit on a repulsion lift hand truck. Wood. Lots of it. Like the kind you would find on a homestead out on the Great Chott salt flat. Screen wire. Like the kind you use to keep lothcats out. Fill da hole with the wood. Dump the rocks onto the wood. Light that fire like you were burning down a homestead. Meanwhile - soak the cleaned robes in water. While the fire burns you gonna put the metal screen down. Then put the banana leaves down on top. Place de dragon on top of the leaves. This is when you can get creative with how you want your dragon to taste. Rub it down with spices, stuff it with the leaves. Drag the dragon close to de fire pit. Let the wood burn down to hot white coals. Remove a lift load of hot coals from the fire pit. Drop them into the belly and chest cavity of de dragon. Wrap de dragon. Tie the screen with metal wire. Spread all the lettuce leaves over the hot coals. Spread some banana leaves over the lettuce leaves. Place dragon on top of the coals. Place remaining banana leaves on top. Wring out the robes. Place them on top of the leaves. Place the ponchos sheet on top. Cover edges of the sheet so that no steam escapes while cooking. A little steam is ok. Cook ... Maybe a day?
  9. I know he is super busy, but I would like to nominate Bluey. Can we nominate or suggest people?
  10. We had it happen at another forum a year ago. Some research showed that is was in some installation on a users computer, but several had reported it was on their mobile, and they had not installed anything and their devices were not jail broken. Ill go poke around to see how it was solved. Edit - this may not be any help, but this is what happened. An admin account was hacked - but it did not appear hacked to the admin. The account was left alone and password was not changed. However, something was done to the background or banner that some of the coding was edited so when the page for the forum showed up, it would redirect to nsfw sites - and surprise that "file store 321" site. Edit of the second -I have been informed that it wasn't the banner. It was the skin.
  11. just to try and maybe give you more to work with - I checked it out on iPad. Nothing happened. Came straight here. I don't have my laptop which is a Windows machine, so can't see if it is limited to apple.
  12. Hay, got something wonky just now. I'm on mobile using my iPhone Took a screen grab of the different things. I don't have the forum bookmarked, so just typed in MEPD Forum. Clicked on link. This popped up first Then this popped up I closed out the window and started over and things are the way they should be.
  13. You might have better luck if you try to PM the original poster or see if that link in his profile is still active. It does not appear that they have been active since late 2014
  14. Don't know of availability - But Karin has them http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26683-authentic-line-anh-hand-guards/?hl=+authentic%20+line I believe you can use the standard plastic ones that usually come in a kit, for basic approval. (Don't quote me on that) But you can order from whomever in the meantime.
  15. Adding the info for the Tupperware pudding cups. This is a bit easier that the pitcher lid. Pudding cups are listed as : Cups - 755 Base - 754 Lids - 733
  16. Just tell 'em you're goin' SWAT
  17. Your local garrison is the Dune Sea Garrison. > http://duneseagarrison.com/ Join their forum > http://duneseagarrison.com/commlink/ They can help you out with the build as well. It is great to have someone who you can call up or text when you need help on little details. Instead of coming and posting here all the time. (I'm speaking from experience) It will also be one of them that will be the one to approve your armor. Works out if the one that helps you get approved is the one that you had help from.
  18. That is real ace. Making things look like other things. Just like the originals. I thought the container looked familiar. We have one like that at work that we store the sugar in. I like the use of the torch bits. That was how I made my Splinter Cell goggle lenses.
  19. I don't know if there is a best way, because everyone does it to their personal preference. I used local muds/clay of different colors. The stuff is like pudding, a little "greasy" and sticks without the hairspray after it is dry. I put it on with a natural sponge to get the different shapes. I used some toothpicks for finer details and lines. And a small stencil sponge for making "blobs" I think DirtyBoy uses baseball mud, which is good if you don't have that kind of clay all around you. If I were to do it all over again, I would attempt to do it in one pass. For me, it was difficult to match after I left it for a couple of days and went back to work on it. In spots where I wanted layers of colors, I would put it down in different patterns. I would do one color, let it dry. Then layer another color. Dry. Final color. Then lightly mist and "blob" it out with the rough side of an old sock. If I wanted a spot where there was a void, I would mist it lightly. Let it dry partway then lightly brush off the stuff that was wet. This is a pic of my sampling of colors on a scrap piece of plastic. There are the natural sponges sitting on the lids. This image shows better color variations, and layers.
  20. When I saw the trailer - I thought it looked like some sort of oil or fluid. Like when you change the oil or the transmission fluid and it gets on you and then you don't realize it's on you until you see that you had wiped your forehead. Or like when a gasket has blown and the fluid shoots out. Or there is a seal that has cracked and it just goes everywhere. Or like the time my coworker was in a c130 over Vietnam and they took some fire, and something pressurized was hit, he just slapped some duct tape on it and wrapped it with whatever was available. But he ended up covered in "aircraft blood". I'm going to lean to something more like my coworkers story. A craft of some sort has been damaged and the crafts "guts" spewed onto the passengers.
  21. BUH BAM! https://www.facebook.com/The501stLegion/photos/a.164650034751.117031.17637574751/10153757832124752/?type=3&fref=nf Mission accomplished.
  22. Can you go back a page and give an opinion on my post? > http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=4987&view=findpost&p=178002 Thanks.
  23. TBH - I didn't mention Etsy because some sellers think that just because they can tag it as "vintage" they should be getting vintage prices for worn out old Tupperware.
  24. So I wouldn't continue the threadjack from this thread here http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=14033&hl= The Rocket Scientist - as I refer to my husband - designed and helped me construct the way to attach the sniper plate. It was originally attached it the way I think most people do - with something glued to something else. However - the plate would pop off when it made contact against the thigh. So we needed something flexible that could move when it made contact. It would also have to be able to take any abuse - like bending forward or crouching down to take pics with kids or the low altitude high-fives with little kids. The Rocket Scientist came up with a two spring design. The two springs were picked up at the Tractor Supply Store. They came in a kit http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/mixed-small-springs-1-assorted-kit?cm_vc=-10005 Two matching size springs were used. They were epoxied onto the plate with some fiberglass mesh. The kind that you get from the hobby shop. It is a finer weave. The white square in the image is where I spray painted the springs, and masked off the rest. You can see the washers sitting on top of the springs in the first image. Those were a little larger than the size of the spring. We measured to where the plate should look right. And adjusted where the washer sat. The spring was then attached with a machine screw and nut. In the image below, I am holding the nut with a pair of needle nose pliers, then there is the washer, the greave and the machine screw being screwed in with a screwdriver. The next image - I used a "hard" hot glue to set the plate into the right position. I filled the void in the center of the springs. The top one, not so much. The top one was going to need to move around more. The end result - the plate is at an angle and still has flexibility and can take some abuse and get bumped around. If for any reason it needs to be removed or readjusted - I can just undo the machine screw and melt the hot glue and redo.
  25. Pretty sure I posted the pics. Because it took forever to upload to photobucket. I'll post a new thread to keep from threadjacking this one.
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