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Everything posted by TD-4935

  1. As a lucky recipient of these i'm happy to have stinky wet sweat paws for a while cos these look the absolute business. We suffer for our art boys
  2. most ANH accurate armours have the "illusion of thickness" lip on the parts you mentioned. FX unfortunately doesnt. If you were feeling brave you could try to add them using a modelling iron, or even a household iron. use a towel to cover the point of the iron and gently move the iron along the edge of the desired piece until it starts to soften. keep running the iron along the edge till its bent over at 90 degrees and then run it under a cold tap. I would practice on a scrap piece of ABS first to see how the iron behaves before commiting it to your beloved armour. I used this method for some of my clone stuff, credit for this idea goes to Pete 'stukatrooper'.
  3. i've added a few strips of foam under the chest/back plate strapping and anywhere that causes the armour to rub flesh (the first troop as a sandy resulted in blood coming out of various sore points so i matched the foam to the scabs ) i can slip the pack on while kitted up no problem. Because i used the straping that came with the frame it all sits where it should. three hours is my limit before i need a break. The weight of the pack increases by the minute thereafter
  4. the decal is a simple aurebesh "brand" simply saying "UKG". When we get one of these it is considered a momentous occasion on a par with getting your legion i.d. It also means that any troopers at an event are easily recognisable as UKGarrison. Its the only non canon addition to any of my kits and i'm extremely proud of it. When i got my first costume branded as being officially a part of the UKGarrison i was chuffed to bits. i think because its very simple and understated it works. If the brand had contained a Union Jack flag or something garish it would be a different story. You wont find any other patches, decals or non canon items on our costumes and i think that becaue we're so nit picky about accuracy, down to the last greeblie on any costume, we've allowed ourselves to be identifiable this way.
  5. find the tutorial here http://www.tk899.com/whitearmor/sniperplate/index.htm its very easy.
  6. it really is your call dude, however mean you want it to look. My only advice would be to not trim anything off the cap but just angle the faceplate to get the desired effect. You may need to trim a little off the bottom (hole you put yer head into) as the more you angle the FP the smaller the head hole. only ever so slightly smaller but as they're a squeeze to start it may need adjusting to get the melon in.
  7. a bit more grime in the crevisses wouldnt go amiss but other than that awesome
  8. the battle spec has the hovis glued on. looks like hot glue to me. i just prized them off.
  9. Ah, Marcus and myself thought Mike had been 'stolen' again the biker scout is the 12" figure and speeder bike combo. Not sure about the Fett.
  10. Great little troop this. These Tees are seriously good quality. The artist and the owner of the company have always been StarWars mad and they've finally managed to get the license to produce some cool garments. They are expensive even here in the U.K. but I'm sure they'll end up on the bay sooner or later at a cheaper price. Jeremy and Maureen Fett were brilliant as usual and really got involved. Jeremy has got to be the nicest StarWars actor ever IMHO. a true gent.
  11. why use a knife when you have a BFG Too be honest if it wasnt featured in the movie i wouldnt add it to my kit but thats just me.
  12. Its the same story over here in the U.K. the only difference being that we, as consumers are not being encouraged to spend but are being told to take it easy. We also have a govt that really cant control immigration and to top it off throw state handouts to immigrants and their families (most of which still reside in their native country). We're in a right state and the govt is allowing tax payers money to haemorrhage left right and center. Economically, banks are less likely to extend loans, interest rates have gone up and the housing market has levelled out for the first time in who knows how long and we're all holding our breath to see if it starts dropping. Interesting to note though that historically whenever there is war, economic decline or at the very least strife is not far behind. although war is the last thing to ever be attributed to a decline. Although the war machine creates jobs and apparently fuels the economy it's the cleaning up of the country(s) at the center of the conflict that causes the most harm. Wasnt it the U.S that loaned post WW1 Germany the money to start rebuilding only to need it back rather desperately after the big crash? i'm sure there are graphs somewhere that show this pattern (dredging up the modern history files in my head so i might have this a little mixed up ) to the average person govt change makes little or no difference in the long run. Unless Arnie makes president one day One thing i read in an interview that made an impression was him saying he isnt driven by money as most politicians are. He doesnt rely on 'donations' and cant be bought as he is has a multi million dollar fortune already. Anyway, it may sound naive and simple advice though it is, whenever i feel the economic pinch i simply live within my means. This means without the luxuries (video games, new technologies, ludicrously lavish spending sprees) and spend only what i earn. If living costs rise or the mortgage repayments start getting tough there are always ways to cut back. A friend of mine moved out of his house and then rented it out to a bunch of students to pay the mortgage. He actually made some money doing that. Not an ideal solution for everybody but hey, needs must. Luckily for me most of my armour is sourced from the U.S. and it's a good exchange rate for me. I like to think i'm helping to boost the American economy every time a buy new kit
  13. welcome Goose. this is where the fun begins mate.
  14. in the interest of thread flow i'll remove the subsequent posts refering to the mis-understanding that has been cleared up (thanks gents) so nobody freak out okay
  15. When is it?, my band are off to Japan at some point this year so it would be great (lucky) if it coincided.
  16. While an FX may fit you okay, some parts you'll be swimming in. An AuthenticProps or TE2 would fit you like a glove. Trust me. You have the perfect weight and height to emulate the original ANH Stormtroopers. but not the perfect pocketbook. it's worth saving a few extra dollars and getting an AP or TE2.
  17. Hello there Justin. you've come to the right place mate.
  18. that looks like you all had an awesome time
  19. unless its chintzy (such an under used word)
  20. to wear this i had to stop looking like this so off came these 10years worth of hair (although thats just over half of what came off). get the scissors out
  21. yup, welcome everyone. make yourselves at home. anything you need to know if it isnt actually on the boards someone who frequents the boards is bound to know.
  22. i have to admit they are fun to have around. very colourfull characters that add spice to any forum they're on. and to be fair we do owe them a debt of gratitude for their unyielding love of the Armour. without them i'm sure we'd all still be in FX gear. Although Matt would say it's all down to him and Gino would call him out as a liar and a cheat and then we'd all sit down and watch it go. and lets be honest, when they get going it's certainly interesting.
  23. yeah, as Seth said. It should have gone like this though... Police get called, police arrive at scene suspected perp is approached when challenged suspected perp explains "i'm a member of the worlds largest costuming group the 501st, we are a non-profitable organisation that raises funds for various charity by dressing up as characters from StarWars, as you can plainly see this is a plastic/toy/replica and i am not a terrorist/bank robber/crazed gunman" Police response "Oh yes, i can plainly see that it is not a real gun and well done on all the charity work, just dont be a goose mate and make sure you carry it in a case or make sure it is not visible to the public next time" the police leave and the suspect continues to drink his coffee after popping the blaster all the way in the ruck sack. the end.
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