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Everything posted by longboard8

  1. Alright then. (that is a Slingblade reference. )
  2. It is good to have passion about what you choose. I just need to decide if i'm going to build out my AP armor as a TK or sell it.
  3. I'll be TM soon. apologies to the RS loyalists out there. Troopermaster's armor looks great and he has good customer service in followup. I was kidding about body size. I think all I need to do is widen a few cover strips and stop whining.
  4. If you read that Tantive thread on White armor, it really supports the idea of not being perfectionist.
  5. I'm a greenhorn and I actually started over, but yeah if like to see your pics also. Thus far I have found TrooperBay very useful for vids and I have a garrison mate for backup. But i'm back to square one until my TM arrives.
  6. You guys should label everybody in a photo. I'd like to put faces to monikers.
  7. That would be really neat. TM its fashioning my son's armor this week and maybe we might eventually be up for that. there are so many things I want to show him in Europe.
  8. Is it just me or do the Europeans have more trooping opportunities and more fun?
  9. Nevermind. I see the MG42 vs MG34 now. Though I have to admit, I'd totally troop with the MG42 if given the opportunity.
  10. Isn't this a DLT19 on that webpage you referenced: http://www.zib-militaria.de/epages/61431412.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61431412/Products/10003
  11. Zakkuss has guns also. I believe Mike from Trooperbay mentioned multiple widths for biceps being acceptable.
  12. So Uncle Owen wasn't ever revealed to be ObiWan's brother in the Extended Universe right?
  13. And I'm actually of very average build, with the exception of having a couple of guns.
  14. Warning: they are a little narrow, another reason I haven't worn them yet.
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