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Everything posted by ex507

  1. strip by strip works great! but then i got impatient and put the backside of the forearm to the front side at once. almost screwed it and again glue all over the place. so i will do strip by strip. takes forever but its so much cleaner and easier. pictures soon...
  2. Thats what i did. I think the problem was that i did the whole thing at one time. Right now i go strip for strip. Half of my magnets are broken now because when they get together they destroy themselves.. O.o
  3. First glueing session. Boy thats a PITB. Used E6000. I expected this to be much easier. Ended up with a lot of glue all over the place. Also i have a pretty big gap but it sticks together pretty good! See by yourself: What do you think? better just rip it off and try again? i could also just fill the space between the parts with e6000...
  4. Thanks! I will give my best not to need any replacement parts What do you think about the shoulder bells? Is the "bumpy strip" supposed to be cut off?
  5. Yes i did! As soon as it comes to glueing it's gonna be so so so helpful! Pandatrooper did a really nice job. I went though so much threads, builds, information etc. the last months, i thought i was prepared but i am still so afraid to screw anything up or cut wrong or something. I know you guys are helpful! I am a pretty new member but i already figured out you all are the greatest community i've ever been part of. Looking forward to build a nice armor with your help..
  6. So finally, the first cut! the desk: The parts after the few first rough cuts: Maybe you can see the difference in color here: i don't know if i screwed up here, the inner side has no return edge and the outside got some meat, let me know: biceps: test-fitting! i tried to leave as much plastic as possible to the shoulder bells because ATA seem to have slightly smaller bells than some other armor out there. I left the bumpy stuff on the shoulder but should i just cut it off? Is the brake from bumpy to clean a "cut line?" Check this out: please don't be to harsh, as i mentioned i am not really good in handcrafting. I try to take tiny little steps to make everything okay! Thanks for watching!!!
  7. Hello folks! Finally! My ATA kit arrived yesterday. It wasnt a easy start because of some issues with customs but... The big brown box arrived safe at my home! I already have a rs props bucket that came fully finished and i am pretty excited how bad i am going to build the ATA because my DIY/workmanship skills actually do not exist. Still, i love Star Wars, having a trooper armor has been a dream since i was a kid and even if i get frustated sometimes for sure, i hope it'll still be a fun thing to do! I don't know if i can post pics via my phone but i will try so here we go: -alright, it does not work. I post pics later when i'm home... First i laid out all the parts to see if anything broke during transportation and if i got all the parts i ordered. Everything was fine, just as i expected it because during the whole process i experienced very good service and a nice communication. I am glad i chose ATA! Highly recommend it. The only thing that does not make me too happy is the difference in color of the armor compared to the bucket. RS props is more off white. ATA much brighter, shiny as ****! But thats not anyones fault. Its two slighty different materials. I hope the weathering will do the trick Alright, getting started: i turned on trooperbays (mark?!) video of building a armor on youtube. Started with the arms just as he did. But..... What..!?€&&@ The ATA seems to be much thicker and more "flexible" than the parts shown in the Video. Inner right forearms took me about 25 minutes. Even after working with a strong sharp knife the abs wasnt easy to break. Looks and sounds totally different in the video. I dont know what armor it was but he said it was abs. Just as my ATA. After a while i got used to it and with great help from one of my buddies we finished cutting the arms, biceps, shoulder bells and legs. Still pretty rough, did not sand anything and no strips cut yet but as soon as i got some time i will keep on working on it! I was a little confused about return edges. I read it like 1000 times in the last year but while building i wasnt 100% anymore. Tried to google but opinions seem to spread widely.... I will show you how i decided as soon as i can post pictures. I hope i didnt screw it up! Thanks for checking out the build!
  8. Doesn't it slighty change the color of the bucket when you look at it from the outside? My rs is minimal transparent so i wonder if its giving a minimal "grey" to the helmet..?!
  9. Looks great. And real..! I dont have any tools yet besides a dremel but i just looked up nice scissors at amazon. I need protective gloves as well.
  10. I love your weathering! Looks pretty unique. And "ein Hallo an die Schweiz!" And of course a nice troop as well!
  11. Nice work. I am so nervous about my very first build (armor on it's way) because after seeing this and especially because you said that your "DIY skills have been compared to that of a Drunken Baboon." It's really make me thinking about how to describe my skills. I am both sides left-handed and so impatient when it comes to building things. You are doing a great job, this armor looks beautiful! Does not look like a first build at all! thumbs up for you
  12. My ATA armor will be shipped soon (already got my sweet rs bucket). First build ever but i am looking forward to join the 501st with this armor and then build my way up to Police Officer!
  13. Nice work. I started on mind a while ago and just stoppes working on it for now because its just such a not fun work for me. Pretty hard too. I am not working great with tools and stuff. Cant wait to see how yours turns out!!!
  14. Hey guys! I am wondering how much difference is in the weight of armors or helmets. Actually i would really like to know how much a rs helmet weights in comparison to some other thicker buckets. Also we could post the different weights of the armors so everyone can look it up if needed.
  15. Why not change it back? And also i am only watching the despecialized Edition so morrisons voice is not bothering me..
  16. Looks really good! I like the weathering! What armor is that? The mp40 pouche seems to hang a little low.and i would dirty up these shoes so that it matches the weathering of the suit. In my opinion the boots are logically the dirtiest part.. Great build so far!!
  17. I always saw e.t. as part of star wars, even before he was put in the prequel... The "home, home" when he saw yoda was always the proof that he is from that galaxy! EDIT: and i LOVE E.T! He is great
  18. So cause i am german i dont know if i got that right... It means that Boba Fett in ESB is NOT the same guy as shown as Boba Fett in AOTC because the esb Boba killed the AOTC Boba and just used his Name? That means esb Boba Fett is not the lil curly hair kid from AOTC? He does not look like Jango Fett under his suit? THATS GREAT! OMG! If thats what it said it is totally a chance to give back the Boba Fett myth!!!! Applause!!!
  19. Thats a good point... In the first pictures you can see that there are different colors seen. Maybe they used both, The original lewis sling and the enfield sling cause they lost one or something like that... Also, a lot of movie prop making was in England and thats why they used enfield stuff... Still, very good find!!!!
  20. Okay so i dont really have to worry. I think if there is any to big color difference it can be fixed during the process of weathering... Thanks!
  21. Thank you so much! I honestly have to say you guys in this forum are the most friendly, helpful and unselfish people ive ever chatted with! Great Forum! Thanks! Back to topic: Police Officer? Sounds good for right now, its gonna be my very first set!
  22. Maybe its the flags... Seem a little fat.. I could slim them a lil bit...
  23. Wow! Thank you... Here you go...: Oh and thats inch! I was planning on round it up a little bit. But right now i am not even sure if the size is right and if its worth to work on..! What do you think?
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