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Airborne Trooper

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Everything posted by Airborne Trooper

  1. Check Strider's pack break down thread and also look at my pack build thread to get an idea about the size. Seems like RS is still making their packs based on the ways guys did several years ago. It's not a bad thing, it's just there's more accurate things that have been discovered lately.
  2. Just to clarify, the like button is the heart icon with a number next to it.
  3. There's nothing worse than running out of batteries half way through a long troop and your helmet lenses start to fog up. Because of this, I elected to use a USB power bank. I followed ukswrath's Gen 4 tutorial over at FISD to create my setup. It's nice having 12v and 5v power that will last all day and then some. My power supply is an older model though so I've looking at cheaper/higher capacity MaH replacements on amazon. Right now I have my eye on this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXQCZAP/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2U47PYX41741F&coliid=I889MM0YOCJWY What are you guys using?
  4. I have 4 5v fans, 2 by my hovi tips pointed up and 2 in the rear pointed down as an exhaust. They are wired into switches on my bracket so I can turn on/off left and right side. I have always used both though.
  5. I just ordered the last things I need to upgrade to v3. It'll be very nice to do everything live from my iPhone and not have to hook up to the Adreno app on my computer anymore.
  6. Still awesome and so glad you are in this detachment haha.
  7. ^ That's from the book, there's another shot from one of the trailers. EDIT: It's from the sizzle reel. Right as the video starts.
  8. Look what was teased this past weekend. Looking forward to getting mine upgraded to v3!
  9. Put some velcro on the front top of your boot and on the inside of your shin, it'll keep it in place. Look into changing out your bottles on your pack. Those appear too skinny and long. Computer monitor wipes are what I used.
  10. I think the one picture of sandtroopers wearing that pack is from the last trailer before the movie came out. It wasn't in the movie though. The blu-ray is set to release next month so hope to watch any bonus material with a eye for detail.
  11. Tighten the belt up a little more and that gap will disappear Looks good, should be easy to approve. Only thing that kind of jumped out on me and I don't think will matter for PO is the stinger is a bit long. Maybe insert a wooden dowel in so it stays straight too.
  12. Thanks. We have an awesome artists in the Intelligence Office who out of the kindness of his heart made it for me.
  13. Yeah, where were you last Fall when I was building my new pack?! Hopefully you do some runs or offer the file so people can get them printed locally.
  14. To get back on topic, check out this project. It's fun to do and really isn't that hard to assemble. Basic soldering and following the tutorial.
  15. It is great to see FISD and MEPD working together again!
  16. This will be a joint operation with FISD as the armor is the same. We just have a few details and sandtrooper pack, NOT THE KYBER CRYSTAL PACK. If anyone knows of a vendor that is making the R1 armor, please let us know.
  17. Cruise whitearmor and the 501st forums and look if someone is unloading an AM2 chest & bells. You can also email them at trooper gear at gmail dot com
  18. What's the possibility of printing an entire Shires siphon? Probably in multiple pieces but would it be possible, durable, and cost effective?
  19. I want a 3D printer so bad. Does that slip over the siphon or have you cut the old portion out?
  20. You can check out my pack build thread too.
  21. Just hit up the local craft store and pick up some extra elastic. You'll just need to cut and sew it in
  22. The best way to determine your needs is to find out which character, even scene, you're trying to emulate. Study as many screen shots as you can and go from there. There isn't a exact measurement because we don't 100% know for fact every piece that was used. We can only speculate and do our best to replicate some of the unknowns. Big changes happened with the discovery of the Karrimor frame and now the original radio. You just have to eyeball it and make it look like it did in the movie the best way you can. The lab pipe is seen on some troopers in different scenes differently. For example, the Look sir, droids trooper doesn't actually show it in his scene but the same back is used for other characters in the movie. Another good suggestion is to look at recent SWAT approval threads and see how they did it.
  23. The big issue with iComms is the internal battery dies at the worst time. They also aren't able to be customized. My setup is a bit unique but really you just need a simple 5v power supply to power it. A small USB battery pack would be sufficient.
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