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Airborne Trooper

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Everything posted by Airborne Trooper

  1. I'm trying to figure out what the cape is. It's either just a tarp or a black army rain poncho.
  2. Here's an old pic of mine to show how thick it is on the sides.
  3. Yeah, mine is much thinner, especially at the bottom point.
  4. Placement looks fine. Remember to glue the center in right below the bottom of that front cover strip.
  5. It's pack 3 pre-tape on the seed trays. So the bottom seed trays are not separated and held together with tape.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the brotherhood! Next round of blue milk is on you!
  7. First troop of the year and 20th overall! The fine folks of Rhode Island Comic Con decided to branch out to Albany and held the first annual Empire State Comic Con April 6-8th. I was able to meet Mike Quinn aka Nien Nunb. Bill Diamond and Mark Dodson where both at the con with a bunch of their famous puppets but most importantly, Audrey and Salacious Crumb! Who knew Jabba let Salacious Crumb take vacation? Audrey got a little hungry so we tossed in one of those pesky Jawas! Still hungry? Had to toss in my bucket So awesome! I made the front of the Sunday paper!
  8. I'm big into Funko Pops so here's pictures of all the ones that have leaked so far. I personally, only collect trooper variants and a few that I really like just because there are so many.
  9. Put a snap in a scrap piece of ABS and glue it in on the inside of the top forearm and one at the bottom of the bicep. Add Male snap on the elastic on both ends. Snap in place.
  10. Wet sponge and washed out burnt umber acrylic paint. A little goes a long way
  11. Unless you used a really rough grit, you can wet sand it back to smooth if you put gouges in the plastic.
  12. You put a hole in the tube so you can access it with a screw driver and another hole on the other side of the pipe. The screw that holds the karrimor horizontal bar is what I used. put the screw inside the pipe and it goes into the frame. Mine is only held in place there and hasn't budged. if you look at the picture you see the little hole. This is screen accurate.
  13. Wow, that shim job came out great! Weathering is coming along nicely too! You've done your research!
  14. No Tapatalk support until the plugin can be fixed.
  15. Great work, Michael. As far as removing weathering, you can use denatured alcohol and a rag so you're not putting scratches in the plastic. It's safe on plastic and stronger than rubbing alcohol. Just use it in a well ventilated area.
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